Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Best Kept Secret (2)

The Lord Jesus Christ never turns down any sinner who comes to HIM and heartily and contritely calls on His name (Romans 10:13). Come to Him, and say, "Lord Jesus, I am coming to YOU right now. I believe you died for my sins, I am coming the best way I know how. Here is my heart, dirty or dark. Please save my poor soul, pardon me, and take me home to Heaven when I die." Be wise – Bet your immortal soul that the words in the HOLY BIBLE are TRUE about Jesus Christ (John 6:37; Romans 10:13,17; II Peter 3:9; Matt 11:28). Wanna to go Heaven when you die? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Wanna go to Hell when you die? Trust something else: anything else, or anyone else, but Christ Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another.

No sinner on the face of the earth can be saved by a THING or an IT, you must be saved from your sin and Hell by a living PERSON, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. But nobody wants to go to a Sinless Person for salvation, so they settle for second-hand religion and go to Hell. Lost men say, “Let’s be broad-minded, that is just one man’s opinion, after all, shouldn’t you respect everyone’s opinion about religious things? We need to try to make the world a better place to live in.” No skeptic or infidel is sincerely looking for the real answer. He is always looking for an alibi for favorite sins. The only real reason that people object to the Holy Bible is a CROOKED PRIVATE LIFE. A ‘modern man’ instinctively rejects the presence and work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-13).

Modern man is naturally set on REJECTING a sinless Savior to come inside him, this would be the very last thing on earth he would accept for any amount of money. Modern man does not want Christ’s words or doctrines to be true, and that is why he objects to them wholeheartedly. If Christ’s words are true, he is doomed. That is why he will not test them or try them out (John 5:36; Jer 9:6; Prov 14:6). The only things that a self-righteous man can get along with are those things which help protect his self-righteousness. Your good works are absolutely worthless in the sight of Jehovah God. God is not everyone’s Father according to Jesus Christ, so it is YOUR word against HIS. In the BIBLE, a sinner either dies with his sins on Jesus Christ (I Pet 1,3; Rom 5; II Cor 5:21), or he either dies in his sins with his sins on himself. Where will your sins be when you die? This is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the message of the Gospel of Christ. Positive thinking, self-esteem, and ‘religions’ have always been the quickest roads home to HELL for every lost sinner who rejected God’s Son (I John 5:8-13). You either believe God’s words, or you don’t. You heart must ‘turn to the Lord’ before your sinful blindness and deafness will be taken away.

If you will admit you are a lost hell-bound sinner, and receive Jesus Christ into your body and soul, He will take you in, but you must trust His death on the Cross to take away your sins. You need to personally ask HIM for His salvation, and He will save you freely and instantly, right now you can have eternal life as a free gift from HIM. But men love to believe in superstition, materialism, and remain ignorant about their true sinful condition in the sight of God. Willful rejecting of Light will damn your soul. This is the world’s way of thinking, “Man first, animals second, the environment third, unborn babies fourth, and God dead last. The reason why people don’t believe the Gospel is due to their own basic, innate crookedness. Jesus Christ is the only Person who can get dying sinners out of a graveyard after they are buried. Absolute assurance of eternal life only comes by trusting in absolute truth from the HOLY SCRIPTURES that says you can be saved freely, immediately, permanently, completely, and KNOW IT (I John 5:10-13; Rom 8:29-39; Eph 4:30; Phil 1:6; I Cor 1:6-7).

God’s reward for every self-willed sinner who presumes upon His love and mercy is to allow that sinner to have his own way and go to Hell. Your problem is heart trouble (Jer 6:19; 17:9; Romans 1:32). Humanists, atheists, sacramentalists, evolutionists, Muslims, educational leaders, one-worlders, do-gooders are too yellow and crooked to try out Jesus Christ and see if He works (Psa 34:8; I Peter 2:3). They don’t have any guts, they are afraid to face their sins and the realities of Eternity. All worldly religions are still pretending that all of mankind has one father, and men are still made in the image of God. No man was made in God’s image since Adam fell in Genesis 3. Pagan do-gooders always try to earn Heaven by their WORKS. All LIFE, physical or spiritual, comes from ‘THE LIFE’ – Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Col 1:13-17; John 1:1-3; Rev 1:8). Worldly men and women refuse to receive Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, because their fleshly, sinful bodies abhor and reject anything that is truly pure and holy. They all have an immunity against anything that is really HOLY. All smart aleck sinners pretend that the MERCY of a longsuffering God shows an unsaved sinner is proof that GOD LOVES the man and just hates his “sins.” At death, God will cut off His longsuffering and MERCY from the sinner. The rich man in hell in Luke 16 couldn’t get any mercy from God (Luke 16:24).

Anytime religious sinners don’t like what the BIBLE says about them or their church or their pet sins, they create an alibi, or find a ‘tradition’ that overrules and contradicts what the BIBLE says. Now understand – Jesus Christ is the only Person who ever loved you enough to die for your rotten sins. Christ Jesus died for His ungodly, sinful enemies (Romans 5:6-10). The world hates Christ, because He takes away their fig leaf ‘cloke’ where they were hiding their sins (Job 31:33). The world hates Jesus Christ, because they know nothing about God at all, even though they profess to know the god they have made up in their mind every day. They hate JESUS because if He had not showed up on earth and died for them, they could still go on alibiing their sins. You will need to know the God that created you before you die, not just the god you have created in your own mind.

The ‘damning sin’ of all mankind is not lying, pride, cannibalism, rape, child molestation, murder, idolatry, divorce, suicide, war, fraud, kidnapping, embezzlement, sadism, extortion, pedastry, fornication, or adultery. The sin that lands more than 100,000 sinners into Hell every day is a sin of omission. The King Sin of every unsaved sinner’s life is a sin of omission – something you don’t do – the Holy Spirit convicts sinners of SOMETHING THEY FAIL TO DO. No man goes to Hell for sinning; he goes to Hell for rejecting the only CURE for SIN – Jesus Christ (II Cor 5:21). The Cure is always available for any sinner that wants HIM (John 3:16; Romans 5:1-10). The Cure for sin is priceless (II Cor 5:21; 9:15), so it is a “Free Gift” (Rom 5:15). You can’t earn a Free Gift. When you refuse to trust and receive Jesus Christ Himself, you commit spiritual suicide; you damn your own soul to Hell forever. Wanna to go Heaven when you die? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Wanna go to Hell when you die? Trust something else: anything else, anyone else, but Christ Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another.

Lost sinners would rather die and go into Hell forever and ever, and take their ‘religion’ or their ‘faith’ with them, than to accept THE CURE for their sin. No genuine, sincere fornicator (queer) wants to stop his sinning; he wants good health and a good income that will allow him to live on and keep enjoying his sinful death-style. The Cure for Sin is John 1:12 and John 3:36. You either want the CURE, or you don’t want HIM. You will either take HIM, or you will not take HIM. It is the Holy Spirit’s job in this day and age (John 12:32) to show you your desperate NEED for TAKING HIM (The Lord Jesus Christ Himself). All sins combine into one King Sin – the rejection of Christ your Creator and Redeemer. Jesus Christ is the sinless standard, no one else qualifies. When it comes to Perfect Righteousness, there are no others that qualify but HIM. All have sinned and come way short of the glory of God. You sin, your children will sin, your wife sins, so did your mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather on both sides. They are all “in the same boat” and it is sinking very fast. The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to prove to you that you are NOT righteous at all, and only one human being ever met the standards of “God’s Righteousness;” and His name is Jesus Christ. God chose the MAN Christ Jesus to mediate between Himself and ALL sinners (I Tim 2:5). Christ alone met the Father’s requirements and YOURS. Jesus Christ was the Eternal Word with God before Genesis 1:1, and He was begotten as a Sinless Man (Matt 1; Luke 1), and lived a sinless life, and died a sinless death, and proved it to everyone by resurrecting from the dead. Thus, Christ earned the right to be “the Judge of all the earth” (Psa 82:8; Gen 18:25). The Judge of all the earth whipped the devil at Calvary, since you couldn’t do it yourself. What will you do with Jesus who is called Christ? Take Him or leave Him. One omission (neglecting Christ) will guarantee your permanent and eternal damnation in Hell Fire. All religions teach salvation by WORKS with no absolute assurance of eternal salvation after death. But Biblical salvation is a “transaction” that takes place when a real sinner abandons his self-righteousness and “religion” (Phil 3) and receives SOMEONE (not ‘something’) as a Substitute for any and all “religions” (II Cor 5:20-21).

Every lost human being is a self-centered, self-scheming, self-preserving creature who will lie, cheat, steal, amd even kill to justify what he wants to do: fulfill his animal instincts. How will you ever get your soul saved and arrive in Heaven to live forever with a Holy God if you will not come to the Cross as a guilty THIEF and take your place among convicted criminals? You can never reach God’s Savior without going to HIM and appropriating HIS DEATH for you as your payment for your sins. If you fancy that you are better than thieves, you will have to go into the Lake of Fire. When the Savior died for you on Calvary, He bled there with thieves on both sides of Him. If you are not willing to admit that you are as rotten as any thief who ever lived, you will never find the real living Jesus Christ, by faith or otherwise. (Romans 3:22-25). The reason why man has no use for the Bible is because the Bible knows all about man and tells it. Man is against the Bible, because the Bible is against man.

This is the total of all knowledge that any sinner needs to face a holy Creator God. Will you trust in God’s Savior, or will you trust in YOURSELF? It is that simple. Man throughout the centuries of history has continually invented (and justified) dozens of different ways to work his way around trusting in a SINLESS MAN for ETERNAL LIFE (Isa 53; Romans 5,10; Eph 2; Titus 2; Romans 3). Man calls these self-righteous works systems, “religions.” Wanna to go Heaven when you die? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Wanna go to Hell when you die? Trust something else: anything else, anyone else, but Christ Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another.

If you are trying to gain favor with some god in order to get to some paradise, the “Gospel of the Grace of God” is not good news for you at all; it is BAD NEWS – and is it a threat to your religion, whatever your religion may be. Any finishing touches you try to add to Christ’s finished work simply keep you from obtaining eternal life freely. The main problem of mankind has always been death, and death comes from SIN. The root cause of all deaths is SIN. A SINLESS MAN proved His sinlessness by doing what no man has ever done before – The Sinless Savior of sinful men defied DEATH and rose from the dead after three days (Heb 2:14; Rom 5:14-20; I Cor 15:1-30; Rev 20:14). If all wars stopped tomorrow, you still haven’t solved mankind’s real problem, the dying would go right on till the Victor over sin, death, the grave, and Hell (Jesus Christ) shows up.

Religious men can get along with you as long as you don’t go against their religious ‘system.’ As long as you trust in a religion, you free yourself permanently from any guidance, rebuke, control, or orders from the Holy Bible and deliver your conscience over to a RELIGIOUS SYSTEM. In plenty words, if you satisfy the ‘system,’ you will satisfy your conscience. Since the religious system they cannot check everything you do in private like the Bible does (Heb 4:12-13; Prov 15:3), you are given an alibi for every sin you want to commit in private. In religion, you can turn your lusts loose. You have no fear of payment for your sins: Hell will not last forever and it isn’t REAL FIRE anyway, so – no sweat! Do as you please and then profess to have ‘high standards of morality’ in your ‘religious system.’ You are trusting an IT (the religious system) to save your soul. Only faith in the Blood of God can save your soul from dying eternally. The first death doesn’t end things. If you are lost and die in your sins, you will pay God for the WAGES your EARNED (Rom 6:23), your payments don’t ever END; you die eternally; this is what the Bible calls the Second Death (Rev 21:8). You better get that! You’ve already almost hung yourself, you have walked up on the gallows, you’ve put the noose of Unbelief around your own neck, and one day pretty soon the trap door will open, and down you’ll go, INTO HELL forever. You better hadn’t miss the NEW BIRTH! Run to Jesus Christ and trust HIM now. Wanna to go Heaven when you die? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Wanna go to Hell when you die? Trust something else: anything else, anyone else, but Christ Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another.