Friday, December 8, 2023


Saving Faith begins with Knowledge - Yield, receive, be taught divine Truth. The main thing is for you to get a personal trust hold of the Savior Himself. Hearken and Humble yourself to sure, eternal, Biblical facts. To know Christ Jesus Himself is Life Eternal. The human mind and heart must hear, understand, believe, and trust that certain things are true:
(1) God IS
(2) God hears the prayers and cries of sincere, contrite hearts 
(3) The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is from JEHOVAH
(4) Christ Jesus is what He says He is (JEHOVAH manifested and incarnated in human flesh), and that He will do what He promised to do (save sinners), and you should expect this of Him now; Depend wholly and entirely upon what JESUS is, what He has done, what He has suffered. Ask the Holy Spirit for His divine assistance in understanding the simplicity of the Gospel. All of your Salvation must come from Jesus Christ Himself, and not from you at all.
(5) Free Justification by Faith in the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God is the only way the Soul can be saved from sins; only the five bleeding wounds of the Lamb of God can purge and calm your guilty conscience 
(6) Jesus is verily and in truth JEHOVAH manifested in the flesh, the Savior of the entire world, the only Redeemer of Sinners; Faith which is focused and fixed on the Precious Blood is Saving Faith from above. Your sins cost God's dear Son His very life and blood.
(7) The Blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you from all your sins. But first, only the Holy Spirit can truly awaken you to your imminent danger and sinful condition, win your heart's full attention, and lead you to the Savior and His Precious Blood.
(8) Christ's Atoning Sacrifice is complete and fully accepted by God; you better believe HIM.
(9) Trust is still needed - Commit your guilty soul to the merciful Crucified and Risen Creator
(10) Rest your soul's eternal Hope on the gracious Gospel, Whosoever believeth on Jesus is not condemned
(11) Trust your Soul simply, entirely, solely on the dying and living Savior who will wash away your sins; Highly value and esteem Him; You cannot improve yourself, make yourself fit, prepare yourself, or make yourself worthy of Salvation and Eternal Life. Salvation and the Forgiveness of sin is All of divine Mercy, not human merit at all. Rest in JESUS.
(12) Forsake your self-righteousness once and for all, and it will be well with your Soul: Stop trying to improve yourself, for your old sinful nature can never be improved; you must be made a new creature in Christ by the mighty power of Holy Spirit. Your impure finite efforts of self-salvation can never satisfy the Infinite, Holy Divine Justice of God. Turn and fix the focus of your Faith entirely towards the Bleeding Mediator and Suffering Substitute on Calvary's Cross.
(13) Lean hard with all your soul's weight upon Christ alone; Stretch out your heavy laden Soul in full length; Rest your whole being upon the Rock; Lie down flat upon Him, Fall flat on the Savior, Cast yourself upon Him; Have done with your love for sinning and Rest in Jesus Himself; Commit your defenseless Soul entirely into His hands. The bleeding Savior I have viewed, and now I hate my sins that nailed Him to the tree. Amazing Love, how can it be? That Thou, my Incarnate God, should die for sinful me.
(14) Saving Faith, that is Trust, stakes the eternal safety and destiny of the Soul upon Christ's Gospel and His completed and accepted Blood Atonement. Commit your sinful Soul to Jesus alone, let no other trust intrude. Be wise, utterly distrust yourself, and place your implicit Confidence in the person, blood, and finished Righteousness of Christ Jesus Himself.
(15) Christ Jesus is JEHOVAH manifest in the flesh; He knew no sin; He did no sin, in Him was no sin. He is the Lamb of God without blemish and without spot; He was tempted like as we are, yet without sin. He was Holy, harmless and undefiled. Yet He was made to be Sin for us. He was the Greatest and Humblest person who ever lived on Earth. He was made to be a Sin Offering on our behalf; Bearing our sins in His own body on the tree of Calvary. He made an end of sin, and provided an everlasting Righteousness. He rose again from the dead, and now He ever liveth to make intercession for them that trust Him
(16) Faith believes that Christ will do what He has promised. He will never cast out any Soul that comes to Him for Mercy. Look to Him now for Mercy, Pardon, Justification, Preservation, and Eternal Glory as He has promised.
(17) Jesus didn't just sit in heaven and say He loved you, He actually showed up down here on Earth and proved the sincerity of His Love, and displayed how much He loved you by becoming a Jewish peasant, by becoming Sin itself, by bleeding and dying for your transgressions on purpose. He came into the world to save sinners, especially You. Throw all your doubts overboard and cling to JESUS for dear life.
(18) Jesus will be to you what He says He is, He will do for you what He has promised to do; Simply leave your helpless Soul in His hands who has been appointed by the Holy Father to save sinners, and He will save your Soul on the spot.

Truly Believe Him, Really Seek Him, Truly Trust Him, Simply Receive Him into your inmost heart, Sincerely Love Him, Closely Follow Him, Heartily Serve Him