Thursday, July 20, 2017

Growing In Grace

* Resisting and striving against my sins
* Doing right, loving mercy, walking humbly with God
* Forgiving and forbearing
* Resigning to the providence and chastening of the Lord
* Being good to God
* Not wasting time at work
* Humble adoring gratitude and joyful thanksgiving
* Childlike confidence in God
* Helpless dependence on Christ
* Delighting in whatever God's will
* Denying self daily
* Seeking God's smile all the day long
* Wanting to know Christ more, and be more like Him
* Using time wisely, spending money wisely
* Quietly yielding, calmly obeying, sweetly resigning
* Departing from iniquity
* Being a cheerful giver
* Wanting to learn the Bible
* Maintaining a good conscience and good conversation
* Winning souls to Christ alway
* Thinking much of Christ's Greatness, and my nothingness
* Raising my children right
* Arguing less with my spouse
* Determined to read the Bible more, pray more
* Repenting of all known sins
* Give more and more
* Supporting missions
* Longing for the Rapture