Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Bottom Line

You will only live a few years on earth, and then you must die. You must enter Eternity and give account to God for all your sins (open and secret). There is no turning back. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment. You have sinned. Sin is a disease of the heart and soul of man. Sinful thoughts, words, and deeds are only the outward eruption from a terrible inward disease. On a daily basis, you transgress and break God's commandments through your thoughts, words and deeds. One breach of God's law, no matter how small it is, brings death to your soul. It only takes one sin against God to send you to Hell.

Sinner friend, your secret sins such as sinful desires, idle words, self-will, licentiousness, gluttony, gossip, lies, foolishness, carnal indulgence, laziness, pride, sexual lust, self-love, showing off, high looks, fornication, wasting of time, concupiscence, self-glory, self-admiration, self-importance, conceit, vainglory, unclean thoughts, and imaginations stir up and incite the wrath and justice of Almighty God toward you. You are dead in trespasses in sins and currently under the wrath of God (John 3:36). *Flee from the wrath to come* God is angry with the wicked every day. Stop rejecting Christ and resisting the truth today. The sins of the tongue also condemn all of us (lies, boasting, exaggeration, slander, misrepresentation, insinuation, gossip, distorting facts, covering up truth, deception, backstabbing, degradation, and perversion of meaning).

Remember – it only takes one sin to damn your soul to a devil's hell. And all of your goodness, sincerity, and religion can never wash away the deep stain of sin from your ungodly soul. If you die in your sins, you will suffer the wrath of God as long as God lives. Your religion is not 'worth' going to hell over; you cannot escape God's Judgment by your own good works. You can never be good enough to atone for even one of your sins. You can’t earn God’s mercy. Don’t try to wash yourself so you can come into heaven respectably. The hardest thing for a man to do is to give himself over to God just as he is – a filthy undone sinner. You cannot do yourself any good. If you are waiting to get ‘all right,’ so you can go to God "all right,” you will be waiting for a million years. God alone can make the sinner right. No sinner has ever made himself right with God. You haven’t any time to lose. How many more days are you going to spend in 'blatant' rebellion against God and His Gospel? Throw your sins and your 'love for sin' overboard, or your sins will sink your soul into Hell. You must turn away from your sin – Repent. You are on the very edge of eternal despair. Your real root problem is your love for your sin, and man’s education and science have no answer for your sin problem.

You cannot help save yourself, no matter how hard you try. Every man at his *best state* is altogether vanity. Human nature is evil to the core. You need to be regenerated (born again), not just religion-ated. The flimsy shack of your religious "self-righteousness" you are 'hiding out' in will be blown away one day by the storm of God's judgment and wrath. Your good works are no good, period. Your self-righteousness and your own goodness will damn your soul forever. The best you can do will land you in hell. No religion on the face of the earth can set you free from sin - it takes a Person. Hell is still real and hell is still hot. Fear God and depart from evil. The greatest evil you can commit is trying to *improve on* what the Lord Jesus Christ has finished. He cried from the cross right before He gave up the ghost, "It is finished." No man is ever satisfied with himself until he is saved from his sins. Christ receives only sinners into heaven. Are you a sinner?

Man's own view of his nature is positive and good, but God says you are evil and love darkness rather than light (John 3:19). What a sinner calls "living a good life," God calls "a refuge of lies." If you reject or neglect Jesus' finished work, you will damn you own soul. If you try to add or improve on Jesus' finished work, you will cut your own soul's throat. Trusting in your church or their baptism or their teachings is like sticking a shotgun in your soul's mouth spiritually, and pulling the trigger.

The Good News: Out of pure love for sinners, God became a Jewish man and His name was Jesus of Nazareth. God was manifest in the flesh, so He could bleed and die to save sinners from the love of sin and the wrath of God. Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh, He was virgin born, lived a sinless life, magnified the Law perfectly, He became Sin, He bore 'your' sins in His own body on the tree, and then He laid down His life, He suffered the full wrath and justice of God on Calvary's cross for your sins. He died in your place and went to and through Hell for you. He then conquered death and rose from the dead the third day. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Christ died for the ungodly.

Right now, *turn* from your sins - the love of sin and self. Look unto Jesus, repent and trust in Him. Turn or Burn. Throw your entire sin burden onto the Lord Jesus Christ – He bore your load of sin on the Cross. Exchange your entire sin debt (filthy rags) with Jesus, and He will give you His Righteousness, the best heavenly robe. Simply let Jesus’ Finished Work ‘cover’ your soul and He will Rescue your soul from God's wrath. Only JESUS can pardon your sin debt with His Precious Blood. Only God's Precious Son can make you *100% RIGHTEOUS* in the sight of God. Flee from the wrath to come.

You must trust in the literal and actual Precious Blood of Jesus 'plus nothing.’ Never 'ever' trust in the Precious Blood of Jesus 'plus your good works or water baptism.' Trusting in the Blood plus 'anything else' will inevitably result in the damnation of your soul in the Lake of Fire forever. This is the bottom line, the final word, the rest of the story - The Gospel of the Grace of God. Flee from the wrath of God to come on sin. Hide your soul in Jesus' blood. Drop all your sins, flee for your life, escape to the bloody Cross and be saved right this moment. Don’t wait any longer; turn from your sin to Jesus, give your soul over to Christ right now. Ye must be born again.