Wednesday, March 8, 2017

As Clear As Day

Here's the Gospel as clear as day. How can a Holy God be just, and yet freely forgive my human sin? Only the Gospel can answer this question. Here's the only answer - God is just, so sin must be punished, that is clear. Therefore God Almighty humbled Himself and was manifest in the flesh (I Timothy 3:16). He became a virgin born, sinless, Jewish human being in the person of Jesus of Nazareth (I John 3:5; Matthew 1:23), so that He could bear the punishment due to your sins and satisfy God’s divine justice and wrath in your place (II Corinthians 5:21; I Timothy 1:15; I Timothy 2:5-6; John 3:36). Christ Jesus lived a sinless life for you (Hebrews 4:15), and then voluntarily offered Himself up (Hebrews 9:14; Philippians 2:4-8) as a substitutionary bloody Sacrifice (I Peter 3:18; I Corinthians 15:3-4) to fully atone for your human sin (Romans 5:11).

Jesus bore the guilt and penalty of your sin in your stead. Up on Calvary’s Cross the Lamb of God (John 1:29; John 3:14) vindicated God's justice (I John 4:10), and yet made a way so that all your sins could be Freely (Romans 3:24-25; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-7) pardoned and justified (Romans 5:9) for Christ's sake alone (I John 2:12). The Substitution of Christ for the sinner is the Gospel. God Incarnate in Christ Jesus bleeding and dying for human sin - that's the only answer to man's sin problem.

Now is Christ Jesus risen from the dead, He is alive forever more, and He is able to save to the uttermost all sinners that come unto God by Him. How can God forgive sin and yet punish it? Look to the Bleeding Substitute on the Cross. Simple faith in Jesus' Precious Blood is the only key to Heaven's Gate. If a man owes a debt, and his friend comes in, and pays the bill for him, that man is clear of that debt, and can go free. Jesus is the Friend of sinners, the sinner has an awful sin debt, Jesus comes in and freely pays the sinner's debt in full, and the sinner is clear and goes free (Proverbs 11:15).

The Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ on Calvary solved man's greatest problem - his sins. The moment you believe on Jesus Christ's blood, you are completely saved forever, all your sins are gone, you are a child of God, and you can never perish. That's the only Gospel found in the Bible, and if you remain impenitent, and reject what God's Son did to save your guilty soul, you neglect it at your peril. Save this for someone to read to you on your deathbed; you just might need some Good News in that dark hour. The Gospel is so simple, that the smart-alecks miss it. The natural man loves complicated religion, because they want to get their own works involved, so they can include their self-righteousness as part of their salvation. And you can take that to the bank.