Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Nitty Gritty 1

When it comes to religion today, many people tend to want to dilly-dally around and attempt to blend in and just play church and go through the motions. But please remember this:  religion is reliance. Your religion is whatever or whoever you are relying on to get you past the grave and death and that will allow you to see God Almighty’s face with favor. So let’s just skip the chitchat and let’s get down to the Nitty-Gritty of life and death and Eternity.

All men are lost and on their way to judgment, because all men are sinners in the sight of God. The human race is rushing down a slippery precipice toward destruction. God says: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” (Isaiah 53:6) It is because men are lost that Jesus Christ came to save them. The Bible says: “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Jesus still saves lost sinners who have need of His forgiveness.

Now the reason men are lost is because they have sinned against God and His law. I have sinned, you have sinned, and all mankind has sinned. Your own conscience accuses and condemns you every day about your sins. The fact of the matter is, you are without excuse. You have transgressed the laws of God (by cursing, lies, thefts, laziness, gossip, lustful thoughts, wandering eyes, unclean imaginations). You have broken God’s commandments, and you must give account. You know perfectly well that you are unfit to face a holy God. There is no one who has lived a sinless life from start to finish except for Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10) “Christ died for the ungodly.” (Romans 5:6) “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (I Timothy 1:15)

You’re not a sinner because you sin; you sin against God, because you’re a sinner. Your very nature is sinful to the bone marrow. Your whole life is just one long SIN until you are born again by the Spirit of God.  You were born in sin, and you were shapen in iniquity. You started going astray as soon as you understood good and evil, and you have been going astray ever since. You may say, “I am not a great sinner. I am better than so and so.” What difference does that make? If you have sinned, you have sinned. One cancer will kill you. One sin will bar you from Heaven’s gates. “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23) “Ye must be born again.” *John 3:7*

Suppose you could do some great thing, which I am sure you cannot, and it were possible that you could from now on be perfect, and never sin again in thought, word, or deed; how would you be able to atone for your past sins? Future obedience cannot make up for your past transgressions. If you go back through your life, I am sure your memory will condemn you. Oh yes, the sins of your youth may well frighten you, those sins in the dark; those sins against your friends and parents; those sins against light and knowledge; those sins of body; those sinful words and thoughts. You may have forgotten many of them, but God has not. Look at the entire list! They are all there, all logged into God’s eternal books concerning your secret and open life, not one of them is forgotten – all your sins will be read against you in the Day of Judgment. You need Someone to take your place.

There is no hope for those who die outside of Christ. All whose names are not in the book of life will be lost, and lost forever. My friend, will you be there? If you have not trusted Christ, the wrath of God abides on you now. You may not believe it now, but you will experience reality sooner or later. Death is sure – you cannot escape. Therefore, trifle not. Your doom is sure, if you reject Christ’s free salvation and shed blood. If you go on as you are at enmity with God, there is no hope for your soul, and the lake of fire will be your eternal destiny. Eternity is long, hell is real.

If you have not received the Lord Jesus Christ as you own personal Savior, then you are guilty of the greatest sin a man can possibly commit; for you have spurned the love and mercy of God; you have refused His pardon; you have ignored His dear Son; you have turned your back on Jesus Christ Himself. My friend, please stop rejecting Christ. Receive Christ Jesus while you have life and breath and health to do so. Turn from sin.

Here’s the Good News:  The only wise Creator God was manifested in the flesh as a Jewish man, He lived a sinless life, and then He died to satisfy God’s wrath for the sins of every man.  The invisible Creator God became a visible Jewish human being in the manger of Bethlehem-Judah.  He bore your sins in His body on the tree, He became Sin for your soul's sake, He paid the consequences and full penalty due to your sins while He suffered on the Cross of Calvary.  After that, He was buried in a borrowed tomb, and then He rose again the third day from the dead, and now He lives forevermore at the right of God. 

You are in awful debt to God because of your sins against Him, but a precious Friend paid your sin debt with His own life's blood. If you will only receive His payment freely, you can be freed from your sins' curse today. Trust to Jesus’ atoning blood; don’t plead for your own goodness. Your self-righteousness only stirs up God’s wrath toward you more. Your own works can never help save you. If your Salvation is connected with your works, clergy, water, a building, ordinances, sacraments, and other religious nonsense, you are lost and still in your sins with no hope.  Put aside your futile efforts to be your own savior. Stop struggling, only trust Jesus' finished work now. You cannot be your own doctor; turn your sin-sick soul over to Jesus and let Him heal it with His bloody stripes.  

There are no religions that can help save you from the danger of your sins. Only a Person can save you, the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  Read the Book of John and Romans in the Holy Bible until you run into the Lord Jesus Christ.  Go directly to the Cross with childlike Faith, look completely to the bleeding Lamb of God dying in your place and suffering your punishment. Salvation is found by looking to His sinless life, His wounds, His blood, His suffering, His burial, His resurrection, His ascension, His eternal life, His mercy and grace. Jesus satisfied God’s holy demands (divine justice) and paid it all for you, and you must receive Him freely“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”

God’s Salvation is a free Gift; mercy divine cannot be earned by human nature.  The only way to avert the divine justice that your sins justly deserve is by Faith in the Blood of the Son of God.  There is no way to merit the forgiveness of sins, for Christ Jesus is Priceless.  Salvation cost God His own Son, and God’s own blood was shed for your Salvation through the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Trust your guilty soul with Jesus Christ at once. Only His Precious Blood can bring peace to your troubled conscience and end the strife within your soul.  Lean your entire soul on Him and you are safe. It is either salvation or damnation; the choice is yours. You will either receive or reject Christ, neutral you cannot be. You alone must answer for your own soul. Listen, Jesus is tenderly calling to you now. He longs to save you. Jesus shed His life’s blood for you and bore the penalty for your sin. Dear friend, this is the Nitty-Gritty of life. Jesus made a full and complete Blood Atonement for all human sin, which satisfied God’s divine justice and met the needs of sinful man. How about it friend, are you going to trust Jesus, or yourself.  Jesus paid it all, and He wants to save you now. Simply trust to God Incarnate's Precious Blood, trust His grace, look to the bloody Cross of Christ alone. We beseech you to trust Christ Now.