Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Right Way to Plead 2

We must receive the Giver, accept the Gift of God, Eternal Life, and then bless the Giver, Jesus Christ Himself. Salvation is of free mercy, go directly to the Cross and cast yourself on Christ's free mercy. Confess your need of God's mercy. Plead your misery and sinfulness low at Jesus' feet. Plead your inability, your danger, your lost state, and undone condition. You are utterly lost without Christ. Jesus, please rescue me by your Power and Love.

Your soul is teeming with sins; you are beset with sin. Let Jesus be the Captain of your salvation; only He can win the battle with your sins. God's mercy is free. Trust in Jesus' Precious Blood, and you shall have free instantaneous, perfect, everlasting Pardon, safety on earth, glory in Heaven, all for nothing, all for nothing, the free gift of a gracious God to undeserving rebels. Your need is your only right. Plead your need, your sin and wretchedness. Plead with Jesus the compassion of His heart. Plead His unspeakable love and precious blood. Not what you hope to do, but acknowledge your helplessness. Plead God's promises in Jesus.

This is how to plead, not your merits, but your guiltiness before God. These are your only arguments. I can do nothing, I have nothing to bring. The right way to plead is Guilty! It is foolish for a beggar to plead that he is not in want. To say, "I am not guilty," is to say, "I don't need mercy," to say, " I have not transgressed," is to say, "I don't need to be forgiven," is to commit spiritual suicide, and shut the door of grace in your own face. Plead Jesus' Atonement. Plead guilty to the charges against you, and ask for God's free mercy only available at the bloody Cross of Calvary.

Be doubly earnest in pleading with the Holy Ghost to come and aid your labors. Ye must be converted, ask God for repentance, ye must be born again, and be purchased with the Savior's Blood and regenerated by the Holy Ghost. You have to the Blood of Jesus to plead and trust, you have His Righteousness to cover you, and His Blood Atonement to satisfy God and your conscience. Lord, I am a guilty soul, I have no merit to plead, I appeal only to your rich and free Mercy in Jesus, I trust in your love and blood alone. Through Jesus Christ God forgives sinners freely. I trust in your dear Son. Save me for His sake. Lord Jesus, save my soul now, do as Thou hast said.