Monday, September 22, 2014

Wisdom from Above

You may have a lot of knowledge in your head, and still have no real wisdom in your heart. Knowing mathematics or chemistry or geology will never make you an honest and pure man. You may know all the philosophies of this world, and still never know in your heart what is right and wrong. The Bible says, "man by wisdom knew not God". Human wisdom is vain and limited. Never lean on your own understanding. Look up to God and seek Him for wisdom. Evolution is just a cunningly devised fable that atheists believe to help them deaden their guilty conscience, so they can get some sleep at night.

All the religions of the world will tell you to "do and live" but the Gospel from the Scriptures tells you to "Believe on Christ Jesus and live, and then do". God's word reverses the whole order of man's thinking. The Holy Bible is God's Book. Every man has the idea that he can save himself. The natural man will say, "I'm not so bad, there's plenty of folks worst than I am, I think I'm all right, if I do the best I can, I'll be alright." The wisdom from above is so different, the Bible comes along and says, "You can't save yourself, you're a lost sinner and you're no good at all, you can't earn salvation, and you can't help pay for it after you get it. You can only be saved freely by grace through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ." Now that's Gospel Wisdom, not man's wisdom.

Some men are illiterate, but all men by nature are ignorant of God's righteousness (Romans 10:3-4). An illiterate person is a person that doesn't know how to tell you what he knows. An ignorant person is someone that knows a lot of stuff and can tell you all about it, but he doesn't know anything worth telling you. An atheist can tell you what he has learned from his professors and darwin, but he still doesn't know anything worth telling you. An illiterate man that lives in a shack in the woods that truly knows Jesus Christ can give you more true wisdom than a lost atheist that lives in a mansion with five PhD's. Man's wisdom can make a nuclear weapon, but that same man doesn't know how to get his sins forgiven. Knowledge has outran wisdom in America. The atheist knows plenty of meaningless stuff, but what he really needs is Wisdom from God.

People know and say so much better than they DO. Don't call on Washington, you better call on God in Heaven in Jesus' name. You're not a wise man, if you don't know Jesus Christ. You can be a brilliant scientist in man's eyes, and still be a poor ignoramus in God's sight. You're not a wise man, until you know and love Jesus Christ. You could be a brilliant scientist in man's eyes, and still be a poor ignoramus in God's sight. According to the Scriptures, you're not wise unless you're trying to win some soul to Jesus Christ. Many a man is sitting in a jail cell or laying in a graveyard with an education, that never got any true wisdom from above. There's no substitute for God's wisdom. By the help of the Holy Ghost, you must first realize your inward insufficiency, and then look up and ask God to give you His wisdom (John 3:31; James 3:17; I Cor 1:24).