Friday, December 6, 2013

Out On a Limb

Many a man may see his portrait here!  The compulsive gambler or spendthrift hacks away his income and falls into destitution and disgrace.  The drunkard, drug addict, and glutton cuts at his health and strength, his family’s comfort, and household peace, and when he has finished his foolish work, he drops into ruin, through his own carelessness.  The man of lustful thoughts, and licentious habits, is chopping with fervor, at his own body and soul, and defiles his will and conscience, while his lusts hurl him into addictions, misery, and death. The Bible will disturb your sinning.  God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Self-righteous reader, you may not be committing the sins I’ve just hinted at; but let me ask you, whether you are not photographed in this picture?  If you are trusting in your own goodness, you are like a man sitting on the limb of a tree hacking away at it with your axe.  You are resting upon the limb of your good works or your religion, yet every day, your faults, your thoughts, your idle words, your imperfections, your secret sins, are rendering your branch less and less able to bear your weight.

Every time you sin in the dark you take a hack at the limb of your life.  Your love for your favorite sin will soon lop off what your soul is resting on.  Soon the limb of your self-righteousness will give way and you will plunge into eternity.  Your own goodness is never a firm support for your immortal soul, and if you know yourself very well at all, and are honest enough to confess your shortcomings (sinful thoughts, words, and deeds), you will at once perceive that your goodness is a very frail support, and quite unworthy of your confidence.  Had you never sinned, and consequently, never made one gash in the limb of your integrity, I might tolerate you trusting in it.  But since you have cut at it again and again by your willful sinning (secret and open sins), the limb is ready even now to snap beneath you.  I beg you to leave your limb for a surer resting-place – the true Branch, the Lord Jesus Christ – cling to Him alone.  Your self-righteousness will make you think you’re just fine without Christ, but you’re not.  Flee from your own goodness – it will soon damn you.  You need changing on the inside - God looks on the heart.  Christ died only for ungodly sinners.  The ‘very best’ you can do will land you in hell.  Sinners are saved from hell by grace alone.

All reliance on self in any form or shape is gross foolishness.  Feelings, works, prayers, baptisms, almsgivings, religious observances, are all too frail to support a sinful, heavy-laden soul like yours.  Jesus is able to save sinners to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.  Trust Jesus (His blood and righteousness), and He will never fail you.  Cry to the King of Heaven for His gracious aid.  Oh, sinner friend, are you ready for death, the grave, and the judgment, for in just a few days you must know more of them than now.  Your youthful days make you silly in your sin and cause you to dream that your earthly life will last forever, but it will not.  Think of your latter end, and seek the Friend of sinners, who will be with you in life and in death, even Jesus, the sinner’s Saviour.  Only Jesus’ blood can protect you from the wrath of God that is to come upon all sin.  You will need the ‘blood mark’ from Jesus on your soul when your die.  God will look for the ‘blood mark’.

The Lord Jesus Christ was God manifested in the flesh.  God became a Man and lived a sinless life.  Your sins against God deserved justice and death, so JESUS went to the cross and died in your place, the JUST for the unjust.  JESUS now lives and bids you trust Him.  Trust your soul with Him, simply rest in His finished work.  Sin not against Christ by continuing to trust in something you can do to save yourself.  Your good works are no good.

Do you have any apprehensions about facing death?  Be honest.  The arrows of death fly ‘right by you’ from God’s throne into the earth every day.  One day soon one of these death arrows will hit you.  If you have not believed on Christ, God is angry with you right now.  Every moment that you do not believe on Christ, you are sinning against God by your unbelief.  It is nothing but God’s mercy that is keeping you alive from day to day.  God only has to will your death, and before the next time the clock shall tick, you could be in hell forever.  Oh that you were wise and would consider your latter end.  Is your favorite sin really worth perishing in eternal fire and being shut out from God’s mercy forever?  Why will you continue to swallow the devil’s sin bait when you know that the hook of damnation is in it?

What will you do with Christ?  Don’t miss being saved by Him; your chance is now.  Whatever you do with Jesus now; that is what Jesus will do with you when you die.  Christ Himself said, “He that is not with Me, is against Me.”  Choose sides now - Christ or Sin.  Now if you are for Him, trust Him.  If you are for Him, show it.  Prove you are WITH HIM, and against SIN.

Let this one word ring in your ears: “Eternity.”  Let “Eternity” drive out the love of sin and your rejection of Christ that will damn you in the end.  The wages of sin is still death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Here is the secret:  The terrors of death and judgment will only leave you after the Precious Blood of Jesus is applied to your conscience and soul by placing your absolute trust in what Jesus did for you.  Jesus Christ died for empty sinners.  Christ receives sinners only.  Flee to the cross, He will in no wise cast you out.  Fall flat on your face and rest beneath the precious blood of Christ.  Jesus Christ CAN save you - Now is the time.  “Plead the Blood!” Cry out to God as a sinner for mercy for Jesus’ sake.