Friday, October 25, 2013

Simple Gospel Truth 2

Without faith in Christ, you have a growing tendency toward evil.  Sinful thoughts should shock you.  You have a natural tendency towards evil, and you have wickedly and willfully rebelled against God by rejecting Christ and loving your sins.  The tendency of human nature is always downward into darkness.  If you die in your natural state, you will lose your soul.  The tendencies of your animal passions are towards evil.  The tendency of the human heart is to crave sin.

The ladder of self-righteousness and religiousness is way too short to reach Heaven.  Depend simply upon the merit of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.  Religious quacks have their man-made remedies for sin, but they will never work.  Why do you spend all your thoughts on this present life and give none to the world to come?  Sin leads to never-ending misery in the world to come.  There is a world to come:  an eternity of terror for the ungodly, and an eternity of infinite bliss for the righteous.  What will the world to come be to you?  Think seriously of the world to come for you must enter into it sooner or later.

In the Blood and Righteousness of Christ Jesus my salvation is complete.  I trust wholly in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  I have no other hope but Christ Himself.  I owe my new birth entirely to Jesus' bleeding love.  I am pardoned freely by the love and blood of Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh.  Saving faith is an entire reliance upon the Propitiation which God Incarnate accomplished for sinners.  Take the mercy of Jesus freely. Accept the way of Mercy through faith in His Blood.  Genuine faith lays hold on Jesus seeking the benefit of His atoning bloody death on the tree.

You need to ask God for free pardon of sin through the Precious Blood.  Divine Justice and wrath is only appeased by Jesus' infinitely precious Atonement.  Rest in His Precious Blood - there lies eternal safety for your soul from divine justice.  Whosoever cometh to Jesus, He will in no wise cast out.  Ye must be born again by the work of the Spirit, and by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  At the bottom of your rejection of Jesus Christ is a love for sin and an enmity to your Maker.

The Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ is the only antidote for the deadly spiritual sickness you have within called human sin.  No golden rule, no church, no baptism, no priest, no Pope are required, just a bloody Savior.  The only means of divine grace from Almighty God is the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, not from a church, or some religious sacrament or ordinance.  Religionists will tell you that you must come to their church and water to obtain the forgiveness of sins.  Men always want to try Christ and something else. The wrong cure for your sin problem is Jesus Christ and something else.

Religionists try to treat the symptoms of sin, because they don't know the cure.  The cause of your miserable condition is sin.  You must deal with your sins through the Lord Jesus Christ.  When you know you're a sinner, there's only one thing to do - look to Jesus and live.  Look to Jesus with the eyes of a sinner, and you will find Him instantly.  There has to be a personal, individual trusting to Jesus Himself.  Stop putting off the only remedy for your sins.  The best time to trust to Jesus' Blood is right this minute.  The only way to escape the damnation of Hell is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, trust with all your heart to God Incarnate's Precious Blood.  The only way you can come to Jesus Christ is through simple faith in His Precious Blood.

You prefer yourself to God, and sin to Christ - that is your root problem.  By nature you are full of everything that is evil, you are condemned, guilty of eternal death.  Uncleanness is your tendency to continue to sin.  The more you love Jesus, the more you will hate your sins.  Trust Jesus, and you will no longer trust in yourself.  Look to the Lamb of God; Behold His Precious Blood.  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  I am resting only on His finished work; His Precious Blood is my only confidence.

On Calvary's Cross, the Lord Jesus Christ endured the wrath that was due on account of your transgressions against your Maker.  Look now to Jesus' atoning blood for the life of God.  Christ died for the ungodly.  It is your badness, not your goodness, that makes you eligible for the Savior's free mercy.  God manifest in the flesh came into the world to save sinners.  Have no more confidence in your goodness than in your badness.  If you rely on what you do that you think is good, you will be as surely lost as if you were depending on your sins.

Come now to the Savior guilty and heavy laden, trusting only to Jesus' atoning sacrifice.  The only way to end your self-righteous fretting and doing is to sit down content with Jesus' doing and dying for sinners.  You can only be fully satisfied by His Righteousness and Blood.  It is so simple and sweet for the poor in spirit to sit down and rest at Jesus' feet.  You have nothing to hide from God, for He already knows your guilt, but He wants you to know it.  Acknowledge the evil of your sins to God; be very frank, sincere, and explicit in your confession of sins.  Strip yourself of all excuses, make no alibis. Acknowledge the evil of your sins.  God be merciful to me for the sake of the Precious Blood alone

You must be spiritually quickened by the Holy Spirit's operation and forgiven freely by the power of His Precious Blood.  The great Gospel medicine for human sin is the Precious Blood.  Nothing you can do can add to the sinless merit of God Incarnate's Atoning Blood. You're no good at all; Rest now entirely on the merit of Christ Jesus.

The sprinkling of Christ's Blood Atonement kills the love of sin and sinful habits.  Mercy of God, receive me; Precious Blood cleanse me; Holy Spirit purify me, create me anew by your power.  Jesus, lover of my soul, teach my soul to sincerely love you.  My soul is saved eternally by the blood and merits of Another.  Self-righteous men hate the very idea of being saved freely by the merits of Another, because they feel indignant at being insulted by being disregarded when it comes to real merit and righteousness.

Your enmity and rebellion to God is waxing worse, and it will worsen into everlasting rebellion if you wind up in Hell Fire.  If you think there is something in outward religion that produces salvation, and you resolve to be your own savior, you will eventually die in your sins.  By nature, you are alienated from the life of God.  There is no goodness whatsoever in man by nature, there must be a divine work of the Holy Spirit within us in order for us to regenerated and reconciled to God.