Monday, February 25, 2013

My Anchor Holds

Jesus is the Anchor of my soul.  Every anchor must be tested before it is put into service on a ship.  The great Anchor of my soul was tried and tested for 33 years here on Earth, and then He died in my place.  We are anchored up in Jesus, not anchored down.  We are taking in chain every day, growing nearer to the day when we will see our great Anchor face to face. My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Jesus is the sure and stedfast Anchor who can be trusted.  He was made in the right manner; He has been through the fire and tested in all manner.

Who is this Anchor?  Jesus Himself, God manifest in the flesh who suffered, bled and died for sinners.  Jesus is the scriptural definition of Hope. This Anchor was formed perfectly - virgin birth, sinless life, He was in all points like as we are, yet without sin; He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. There is no defect in this Anchor at all.  Jesus is able to keep my soul which I have committed unto Him against that day.  All my trust on Jesus is stayed; my life and soul is in Jesus' hands.  Be very sure your Anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.  This Rock is Christ Jesus, yes, He's the one.

How do I obtain this Anchor?  Lay hold on Him by faith in His atoning blood.  Jesus is the Gift of God, that is, free Eternal Life for the guilty.  Flee for refuge in the safe harbor of God's Grace.  The awful currents of sin and the coming storm of divine wrath can only be escaped through this Anchor.  It will be too late at death, when your ship has hit the rocks without Jesus.

How to get help from the Anchor?  Daily prayer, the unseen Anchor keeps us safe. He holds us in the day of adversity, in the winds of doubt, the billows of grief, the waves of affliction, and the raging seas of temptation.  When all around gives way, He then is all my help and stay.  He will hold you firmly in the day of sickness, death, judgment and Eternity.

When the clouds are gathering, the sky is growing dark, and the winds are increasing, Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you.  I have an Anchor which keeps my soul, stedfast and sure, while the billows roll, fastened to the Rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Savior's bleeding love.  Jesus Himself is my sure and stedfast Hope.  Christ in me, the hope of glory.  Hope in Scripture means confidence, trust, an expected end. Stop drifting, anchor your helpless soul in Christ.

Read on to find out more about my Great Anchor:  The Cross does not give a sinner part of his Salvation; the Cross gives a needy sinner all of his Salvation.  The five bleeding wounds, the cruel scorn, the wounded shoulders plowed with a scourge, the soldier's spit, vicious mocking and shame, death pangs, His gory face, the crown of thorns, bloody sweat - His great passion was for the guilty.  Great salvation is needed for great sinners.  Think much of the Cross of Calvary.  He who only hath immortality died for you.  Pleading for sinners, making intercession for transgressors.  Yielded up Himself to die for sinners.  The innocent Savior is only for guilty sinners, the dying Savior is only for those who deserved to die.

Up Calvary's mountain, one dreadful morn, walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn; Facing for sinners death on the Cross, that He might save me from endless loss.  Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer, seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree, wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading, blind and unheeding - dying for me!

Through this man Christ Jesus is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.  I sought the Lord Jesus Christ, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.  O taste and see that the Lord Jesus is good:  blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.  I went to the Cross, and left all my sins with Jesus.  Believe in Him now, and obtain the free pardon of all your sins.  All hail to Jesus, my only Hope. Salvation is all in Christ; salvation is not what you are, or what you will be; all your soul's Hope lies in Jesus Christ's Blood and Righteousness.  Come now guilty soul and trust yourself with Jesus.  Free, full, immediate, irreversible pardon to all who trust to Jesus' atoning blood.  Submit to Him, look to His dear wounds.  Trust only in what Christ Jesus has done for sinners.  Jesus is my Portion, a constant Friend is He.

God gave His Son to die for you.  The innocent Lamb of God bled to death for your sins.  I have no other Savior but Jesus.  He is able to freely pardon you this moment.  Christ died for sinners; I am a sinner; I take Christ to be my Savior.  Christ taking the sinner's sins, and the sinner taking Christ's Righteousness.  Christ died for the ungodly - cast yourself upon that eternal truth.  Self-righteous people go to Hell, because they think they are too good to trust Jesus Christ to save them completely and freely.  Pardon of sin, justifying Righteousness, regeneration, a new heart, sanctification, adoption, acceptance, preservation - these are the gifts of Calvary.  Christ is risen indeed, hang your whole weight upon Him; come unto Him now, and He will give your heavy laden soul rest.

The most precious truth is that Christ died for someone like me.  The blessed fact is that Christ Himself bore my sins in His own body on the tree.  God in His infinite Justice determined that my sins must be punished, so He gave His Son to be punished in my place.  Divine wisdom devised the perfect plan of Salvation for sinners - Substitution.  Nothing in this world deserves to be despised, abhorred, and condemned more than my sin.  The Holy Ghost first put the yearning in my heart for the Savior, and then Jesus came and saved my soul.  Believe this glorious fact, Christ the Lord of glory gave Himself for your sins.  Jesus really died for sinful man.

My meditation of Jesus is sweet:  I will be glad in Him.  Christ hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.  Trust your soul wholly to what Christ has done for sinners.  All your transgressions can be forgiven by Jesus today.  Tell who Jesus is, tell what He is to you, tell what He has done for you, that is all.  Proclaim everywhere you can that God's free Salvation is available to every sinner through faith in Jesus' Precious Blood.  Whosoever believeth in Jesus shall not perish in their sins, but have Everlasting Life.  This is the substance of the whole matter - God Incarnate bled and died for sinners. God can now be just and yet the Justifier of the ungodly.  Trust in Jesus and your sins shall be eternally removed from your soul.

The true way of Salvation is trusting to the living person of Jesus Christ.  Come to Him by faith who died upon the accursed tree and made full Atonement for all sinners.  Jesus came to Earth unasked, undesired, and unsought to lay down His life for His enemies.  Complete cleansing from your guilt by Precious Blood.  Every sinner must be saved simply by Precious Blood.  A simple act of trust in Jesus' Precious Blood saves the soul.  Jesus' life for my life - Substitution. By God's Precious Blood you must be saved, or you will never be saved at all.  Real, red, agonizing, sacrificial, divine, innocent, redemptive Blood is needful for your forgiveness.

If you are exhausted with the failure of trying to save yourself, come now and throw the whole weight of your guilty soul on the merciful and precious Savior, for His precious promises and atoning blood can save you.  Your free pardon is waiting at Calvary, come and receive it as a gift. You are an immortal soul, you must give account to God your Maker, the throne of Judgment will soon be set, time is flying by, life is fleeting, now is the time, do not put Christ off any longer.  Jesus is the Anchor of my soul.