Saturday, November 10, 2012

Think This Over 3

The Gospel of free grace and dying love, full forgiveness for the greatest sinners; immediate, irreversible pardon given in a moment to every sinner who believes in Christ Jesus.  The Gospel of redemption through the Precious Blood of Jesus.  Full Atonement has been made, and the Ransom price has been paid for human sin.  Whosoever believeth in Jesus today is free from the law, guilt, curse, hell, and death.  Sin cannot escape judgment, but you can be delivered from the judgment to come if your sins are charged to Jesus Christ for your judgment fell on Him on the Cross when He bore your sins in His body there.

The Gospel of free Justification by Faith, Regeneration by the Holy Ghost, and the unchanging Love of God.  At the Cross, Jesus offers you a way of escape from the wrath to come.  Because you have sinned against God, you have a debt to pay, but only Jesus' Blood Atonement can settle your sin debts with your Maker.  Eternal Redemption by Precious Blood is what you need immediately.  Salvation is the perfect work of God, His Son, and the Holy Ghost.  God is real, Jesus Christ is the essence of genuine hope, and His grace is available to you now through His atoning blood.

You know the story - Man has sinned against God, and God the Just One must punish every sin. And then all of a sudden, when the shepherds were keeping their flocks by night, straightway a multitude of the heavenly host appeared singing and giving glory to God in the highest.  There JESUS was laying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes. The Son of God was born into this evil world.  God was incarnated at Bethlehem-Judah.  The kindness and love of God our Savior appeared toward sinful man through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus lived 33 years here on Earth. His great made Him to come to this Earth and be incarnated here in human form.  He lived here in poverty and obscurity as a Jewish carpenter. He was despised and rejected of men. He was the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He was betrayed by Judas in Gethsemane with a kiss, while He was covered in a bloody sweat caused by our sins. He was burdened under the tremendous weight of human guilt and transgression. He was mocked and abused by rough soldiers. The strict justice of God treated Jesus as if He were actually the sinner.  He was led away by those who arrested Him to Caiaphas and Pilate's judgment hall.  Jesus was absolutely innocent; He died as the Substitute for sinners.

God in human flesh was set at nought, ridiculed, jeered, and scorned.  He gave His back to the smiters, and His cheeks to them that plucked off the hair.  Jesus was tied to a pillar and lashed with terrible scourges.  He suffered contempt, shame, and reproach for our sake. They falsely accused and condemned Hm.  He was led like a sheep to the slaughter.  The Roman soldiers crowned Him with thorns, covered Him with an old robe, and then gave him a reed for a scepter.  He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

Pilate found no fault in Jesus, but Pilate still delivered Jesus over to the will of the people. Jesus struggled through the streets of Jerusalem beneath the weight of the Cross.  They hooted and hounded Him all the way to Golgotha.  The soldiers threw Him down on His back, stretched out His arms and feet to the tree. They drove the cruel nails through His sinless hands and feet.  The centurions lifted Him up high into the air, and then dashed the Cross into its place, dislocating His bones. The howling mob around the Cross laughed and jeered at Him as He slowly bled out His life.

JEHOVAH'S punishment was poured out on Sin at the Cross.  Jesus bore our sins in His own body on the tree; God laid all our iniquities on Jesus; God made Jesus to be Sin for us.  The Lord of glory was cruelly treated, and then He died the death of a criminal, even the death of the Cross. The storm of divine wrath swept over Jesus on Golgotha. God's divine justice was unleashed on Jesus due to our sins.  In the pitch black darkness Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me." The Savior died forsaken by His God. At the last, Jesus cried, "It is finished!" and then He bowed His head and gave up the ghost.

The Son of God loved me and gave Himself for me. They took down His mangled body from the Cross. He was buried in Joseph's borrowed tomb.  But on the third day, the angel of the Lord came down from heaven, and rolled away the stone. Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God.  He showed Himself to His disciples, and to others, for forty days.  And then, from the Mount of Olives, Jesus ascended up into heaven, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.  Heaven's hosts met and welcomed Him.  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.  Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.  Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.  Jesus then sits down victoriously at the right hand of His Father's throne.

The wisdom and love of God devised the perfect plan of Salvation by which divine justice could be satisfied.  Eternal wisdom revealed to sinful man the plan by which the Son of God would suffer instead us sinners, so divine justice could be satisfied and its claims discharged in full.  It was necessary that Someone must suffer instead of sinful man, in order that man might escape God's divine wrath.  Jesus of Nazareth is God in human form, JEHOVAH became a Jewish man to bleed, to be spit upon, scourged, and crucified. Christ Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and He was buried, and He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.

Come now to the Cross, look up and trust Christ Jesus Himself to save and forgive you.  Here am I Lord Jesus, a poor guilty sinner, having nothing to trust to of my own, I lay all sins on You, and they are gone. I cast myself on your atoning cross-work, I trust only You to save me from my sins.  I rely only on Your redeeming love and blood.

In Christ Jesus, there is not one sin or charge against me in the Book of God.  Redemption by Blood, Salvation by the Great Substitute and His Atonement alone.  Men will say they cannot understand the Gospel, but what they mean is that they will not have it, because they want to save their sins which they love.  Human nature says, "I want my own way, I want to do my own thing, I am willing to give up Christ for what I can get out of this world now for myself. I want this world, money, the bottle, lust, secret evil, and vile companions more than Jesus and His way."*John 5:44* They don't care to be saved by the Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  They would rather trust in anything else.  Unregenerate men are determined to perish, and have rejected God's offers of mercy.  Now mark it down, human nature will believe anything but the Bible, and trust anyone but Jesus Christ.  They will try to be better and change their manner of life, and they will try anything they can think up.

The man who has no righteousness of his own, senses his guilt, and that is longing to escape the wrath to come, will be the first soul to seek and meet Jesus Christ.  Ye must be born again from above by the power of the Holy Ghost.  Don't let your enmity, prejudice, vices, and degradation keep you away from the Savior. Without the New Birth, you cannot see, comprehend, understand, or know anything about the Kingdom of God.  Every soul must be born from above.  There is no hope for you apart from the New Birth from above.  The door of God's mercy is wide open.  Believe on Jesus Christ, trust to His Blood, receive the New Birth within, take Eternal Life freely from the hands of Jesus.