Sunday, November 4, 2012

Food for Thought 1

My Savior's Righteousness is my only boast.  Come to God in God's way, cast yourself at Jesus' feet, cry for Mercy for Jesus' sake. Your soul needs the Designer's clothing from heaven.  Designed by Jesus so God could accept you into His presence.  You don't have any righteousness at all. The free and simple Gospel dazes the carnal mind.  All that you have done to try to fit yourself for Heaven is in vain.  God has a Righteousness for sinful men who have none of their own.  You don't have to provide your own righteousness, for God has already provided it for you in the person of His Son.

Trust to the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be made the Righteousness of God in Jesus.  All the abilities of man can never impress a Holy Creator God.  God accepts no man's person; God will only accept the person of Jesus Christ.  There is no other way but Christ's Righteousness that God will accept you. What is it that you are trusting this hour?

A secret evil of some sort is keeping you from the Savior. It is a sin of one shape or another that you have grown to love.  Unbelief is the damning sin.  Some sin lies at your heart's door and keeps the Savior out.  You have broken God's divine Law all of your life, and live forgetful of God.  The atheist is arrogant, he is too big a man in his own eyes to become a Christian.  Too educated, too respectable, too worldly, too deep a thinker, he knows too much to be saved from sin.  The atheist grasps at vanity, and sins his years away, and then loses his soul.  The atheist will not come and sit down at Jesus' feet like a little child and believe what God says in the Bible.  Atheists worship sex, money, education, and men. The atheist loses his soul to gratify his own loftiness and pride.  The atheist carries about with him guilty secrets. He labors to conceal his secret shameful habits. Eventually the consequences of your sins are going to catch up with you. Darwinian quackery can never solve a sinner's problems.  Atheists trust to the nonsense and absurdity of darwin which will ruin and damn them.

The atheist wars with his own conscience.  He wars with the laws of morality. Atheism begins in the heart, not in the head.  Atheism is a deliberate, decision to shut God out of everything. Atheism is a deep-rooted defiance against God.  The secrets of all hearts shall be revealed at the great day of Judgment.  When a man rejects divine revelation, he is reduced to human speculation.  The atheist says, "Turn off the lights, so I can see better."  The word of God lays bare the secret thoughts of the soul - it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  The words of God lay bare a man's inmost secrets. Secret sins kill your conscience.  Some secret evil is keeping you from trusting to Jesus.  The day of Judgment will reveal childish faults, youthful lusts, vile memories, dark secrets, private sins, wanderings into darkness, filthy thoughts, and roaming eyes.

There's no such thing as a humble atheist. *Psalm 10:4* The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.  The atheist spits his blasphemous words in the face of the Savior, and then goes on to Hell where he belongs.  No God for me is the atheist's thought.  Never trust to human reasoning at all.  If there is a spark of honesty in the atheist, death causes uneasiness in his mind.

There is a Judge of all the earth, and He must do Right, and the day is coming when He shall execute vengeance upon all those who live and die in their sins, for He cannot pass by iniquity.  The holy nature of God cannot let sin go unpunished.  You may shut your eyes to the Gospel - but it is still there. You may reject or neglect or ridicule it, but before long you shall realize it is so. Your unbelief is high treason against the goodness of God.  If you will not repent and trust to Christ alone, you must perish in your unbelief.  If you die with your sins upon your soul, you'll go straight to Hell and be lost and without hope forever.

Your sin is deadly serious.  Stop toying with sin and playing the fool with your soul. You don't know what tomorrow is going to bring.  Stop indulging in your evil passions and lustful tendencies. Altogether quit the ways of your sins.  Simply quit yourself, and look to Jesus now.  If you are trusting to any of your imaginary righteousness, you can never be saved.  You must come out of yourself, or you are a lost man.  Leave off trusting in yourself.  The hardest self-denial is to deny your self-righteousness, and get completely away from all confidence in your doings and everything that comes out of yourself. You might as well hope to be saved by your sins as by your good works, for you have none.  All you have is bad works, for all your works are a rival to Jesus Christ's finished work.  You must come out of your filthy self-righteous rags if you are to be saved. Fix your eyes on wholly upon Jesus the Mediator.  You can only come to God through the merciful Mediator - the Lord Jesus Christ.

The ungodly shall be punished for all their ungodly words, deeds, and thoughts according to the rules of divine justice and equity in the last day of Judgment.  God's divine justice is only completely satisfied by the Precious Blood of Christ.  It is always the case that when a person grows skeptical of the Gospel, that there is some secret evil in their life which they are trying to cover up and protect.  The holy Gospel presses hard upon your guilty conscience and makes you fell uneasy in your sins. Like a flashlight and broom, the Law reveals all the lusts and vile passions in the secret corners of your nature.  You have a little piece of Hell burning within you called Sin.

The best lost man you know would lose his mind if he were to see himself as God sees him. Even good, nice, respectable, lovable sort of people are evil in God's sight, and they all must be born again and give up all trust in themselves, as much as the worst of men must do.  A righteousness must be absolutely Perfect to be accepted by God, and that is not the case with your righteousness.  Only Christ's Righteousness is pure and without blemish.  Self-righteousness only leads to delusion, deception, and then damnation.

The way to Heaven by human merit is only possible to a man who has been absolutely Perfect all of his life, from his youth to his dying day.  You are not Perfect, for all men have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.  You may present a fair outside that impresses man's eye, but inwardly and secretly you think and practice all sorts of evil.  There is some secret wickedness which you will not let go of, this is why you hate and avoid Christ so.  You cannot improve on Christ's Righteousness, so quit trying to help Jesus save you.

God perceives all your secret thoughts, He reads your mind all day long.  God knows about everything you've ever done; He has recorded all the secret filthiness from your childhood, to your manhood, to your old age.  The Almighty has recorded all your dirty thoughts, vile imaginations, all your wrong words, all your greediness and lusting, murmuring, covetousness, wastefulness, envy, and unbelief.  Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse you from all sin.  *I John 1:7* Every man by nature practice is an idolator.  The unregenerate atheist always has an idol he worships.  He will worship anything rather than the God that made him and died for him.  The atheist would rather worship himself or some other sinner, rather than the Savior.  God is all purity.  Holiness delights in God, but Sin delights in self.  Acknowledge your sinfulness to God, ask God for repentance to help you turn from sinful habits in thought, word, and deed, and heartily trust to Jesus' bloody death and resurrection to save you from the wrath to come and the love of sin.

Follow after faith in Jesus' blood, repentance, the forsaking of sins, godliness, inward purity, holiness.  Live life to make others happy. Do not tolerate any known sin in your public or private life.  Have a spirit of quick forgiveness. Resent no injury. Have patience under trouble and trial. Be not carried away into grumbling or murmuring in times of affliction, pain, poverty or adversity.  Don't give up and don't give into sin.  Don't quit doing right, and don't be quiet about the Gospel.  Maintain a steady calm, and gentleness of spirit.  Be faithful to do right when everything else is going wrong.  Keep a bright and unashamed testimony for Jesus. Tell perishing sinners of Christ Crucified. Cry out earnestly to the Holy Spirit for quickening daily.  Quicken me O Lord after Thy lovingkindness.  Save me, Lord.  Cry out to Jesus always for mercy and help.