Friday, April 20, 2012

It's That Simple?

The Gospel is the simplest thing in the world to understand, but because men love their sins and money, they intentionally question and complicate the Gospel. Religionists do this so they can keep lost men in bondage to a religion and grab their money in the process. When a sinner hears the Gospel of the Grace of God from the Bible for the first time, that is, the Atonement in the Substitution of Christ for sinners, the first thoughts that cross his mind are these, "Is it really so? That's in the Bible? You mean it's that simple?" Yes, God Almighty made the Gospel so simple, so that anyone who wanted the Truth could understand Him and receive Him. The Truth is a Him, His name is Jesus Christ. *John 14:6*

What is keeping you from receiving Christ as your Savior right now? Why won't you simply trust Someone who loved you enough to die for you? The love of sin, pride, and self-righteousness keep most people from trusting to Christ Jesus. The moment you truly trust Jesus Christ alone by faith in His atoning blood, you will begin to battle with your sins, because you won't love sin anymore. You will love Jesus, because He saved you from the wrath to come. The man that would be saved from his sins must first trust Christ, then his inward nature is changed, his soul is regenerated, and then he begins to hate his sins that once he loved, and then he endeavors to honor Christ who saved Him. The beauty and simplicity of the Gospel way of salvation baffles the self-righteous carnal mind.

When a man is conscious of his sin and guilt and eager for pardon, God's Grace will freely flow into his soul. Outward religiousness can do you no good, for there is a quarrel between your soul and your Creator. You can't undo your past, you can't right all your wrongs, you can't pay your own penalty. The sins of a lifetime are on your guilty soul. You have taken things that haven't belonged to you, you have spoken words that were not true, you have put things ahead of God, you have dishonored your parents, you have coveted after forbidden things, you have looked on women and committed adultery with your eyes in your heart and thoughts. You've failed to give God the glory in your life. The carnal mind says, "I'm not all that bad, just trust yourself, believe in yourself, you can do it. You can do anything you set your mind to. You can be anything you want to be." But you are far worse than you could ever imagine. Men can boast if they work for their salvation. Men cling to their religion so they can boast.

You can't trust yourself. You're a very bad person, the Bible calls you a sinner. You're a condemned and guilty sinner just like everyone else. You have rebelled willfully and wickedly against your Creator. You will receive a gift from people you don't like all the time. But if the Gift is from God, you don't want it. Instead of believing in Christ's Blood Atonement once for all, human nature would rather believe in itself. Human nature wants to work out its own salvation by its own works. Misery will soon cover over your spirit.

The great truth is the Cross. *John 3:16* Keep to that. The Gospel is the bell we should continue to ring. The guilty sinner catches at the blessed Message of the Cross like a drowning man would catch at and cling to a life preserver, He believes in Jesus sincerely. *John 1:14* The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us; Christ died for our sins. "God with us, Christ for us." Christ died for the ungodly. There was never ever better meat and drink for a hungry soul than Incarnation, Substitution, Salvation. The way of Reconciliation is by the Blood of Jesus alone. Faith is the simple act of trusting God, His Son, His Spirit, His words, His Blood. Some put their faith in what they have done, some in what they haven't done. Acknowledge God's goodness and presence. Salvation is only by the Grace of God, not by religion, not by human merit. Trust Jesus, trust Him implicitly. No religious system or human effort can take away sins against a holy God. God is so good, so kind, so right. Jesus' Atonement is complete. God saves by His grace, because there is no other way to be saved.

You must believe in the infinite Atonement by the infinite God in His infinite Mercy. Christ is all, He is the unspeakable gift of God. Believe that in and through the Blood of Jesus we have Redemption, and that we have been ransomed from eternal destruction by the Mediator's bloody death. Jesus didn't' make Atonement for half of my sins, but for all of the them. Full, living, irreversible pardon from Christ Himself. Atonement must be made by Blood, or by the sacrifice of a life. God only saves sinners freely, for nothing. The grace and love of God is seen in the Atonement of Jesus, by with sin is put away, and the heart is won to God and led by gratitude to obey to Him. The Blood of Jesus is the strongest restraint from sinning. Clearly set forth the Substitution of the Son of God for sinners. You only approach and meet God safely through the Mediator. *I Timothy 2:5-6* If you come to Jesus, you have come to God. *II Corinthians 5:19-21*

Believe in Jesus Christ, trust your soul with Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh), and you have made peace with your Creator. The Lord of Heaven bore the dreadful wrath and curse for my guilty soul. When I was sinking beneath my sin and God's righteous frown, Christ Jesus did lay aside His majestic crown and bled for my soul. The Son of God left the glories of Heaven and took upon HImself our nature and lived here, and in due time He took upon Himself our sins, and made full Atonement for them. Now Jesus is risen from the dead, and gone into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God, and He will come to this world to judge the quick and the dead.

Imputed Righteousness is transferred to the guilty sinner's soul, who simply believes in Jesus' blood to wash away his sins. *Revelation 1:5* Jesus is the Way, the way of salvation, the way to Heaven, the way out of sin, the only way to safely approach God. *John 14:6* *Acts 24:22* The only way to be delivered from the love of sin, is to simply trust to Jesus Christ. God has set Jesus forth to be the Propitiation for human sin, and now whosoever believeth in Him has his sins put away at once, whatever he may have done. Trust Jesus, and you are saved. *Acts 16:31* The Atoning Blood of the Lamb of God is the entrance into the way of salvation, and this is the way to free forgiveness of sins. No good works of yours are needed, sinners cannot do good works, for sinners are all bad through and through. Good works can't produce salvation; they are only a result of faith in Christ. Christ died for sinners, you're a sinner, that's a fact, and if you will trust to Christ right now, He will save you from the love of sin and the wrath to come. It's that Simple.