Sunday, April 29, 2012

Childlike Dependence 1

The Gospel is intolerant of sin and self-righteousness. Sin is the only thing that God abhors. Sin brought Christ to the Cross, sin damns souls, sin shuts the door of heaven to you, and slams the door of Hell behind you. Men fear everything but their sins. Ground your weapons, surrender to the Righteousness of Christ, give up your sins, cast off your self-righteousness. Your soul is laden with sin, you have revolted against God, grievously transgressed and turned back from God's ways. Your safest option is to lie down flat and rest entirely on the Rock of Ages - Christ Jesus Himself. The way of salvation is in no sense or manner in yourself, but is altogether in Another. Helpless childlike dependence on Christ's Precious Blood is imperative.

Simple dependence and believing in the faithfulness of God, a dependence upon the promises of God in Christ. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - whosoever cometh unto Jesus, He will in no wise cast out, for He is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto God by Him. Simply trust to the bleeding, dying Son of God, and trust your soul into His hands whose name alone can save from death and hell. Salvation must come wholly and entirely from the Son of God. You have nothing else to trust to for you are lost. Christ's Robe of Righteousness is for the naked, His Fountain of Blood was opened for the filthy, His Medicine is only for the sick. Come to Christ without any preparations, just come simply as a sinner.

Trust in Christ's Atonement and your guilt is instantly put away forever, you are a perfectly pardoned sinner. God has set forth Christ to be a Propitiation through His Blood. Look now to Christ, He is sweating, bleeding, drops of blood, scourged, nailed to the tree, forsaken, jeered, pierced, wounded - Look only to Him. The moment a sinner believes in Jesus, not some of his sins, but all of his sins (past, present, and future) are gone forever. The plan of works, or the plan of grace, which will you trust to? The plan of merit, or the plan of Mercy? The Substitution of Christ in the place of guilty sinners. The plan of salvation is by simple faith in Jesus Christ. My God became a Jewish man who loved and gave Himself for me. Sin is only pardoned through the Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Gospel makes the sinner feel and sense the evil of his sins. Jesus is the great God of redeeming love and blood. The plan of free pardon is the Gospel way. The plan of salvation by Jesus Christ is very clear and plain. God's plan of freely pardoning sinners is solely through the Cross.

Redeemed by Blood in Jesus' name. Your inward sin, foul corruption, filthy imaginations, damnable uncleanness, and detestable lusts bring guilt upon your soul. Come and see the plan of Substitution and rejoice in Christ. See your sins and feel their heinousness. Muse much upon the person of Jesus Christ. Be freed from your guilt forever. The divine plan of Substitution opens Heaven's gates to the guilty sinner. Love the Savior's person and His plan of salvation - Substitution. Let God be magnified. The plan of salvation by simply receiving and relying on the Righteousness of Jesus Christ. View the Incarnate God on the Cross suffering, bleeding, dying for the ungodly; and then buried and risen from the dead for you. The plan of Grace is not your deserving something, but your undeserving; not your boastings, but your acknowledgement of your misery and need. Jesus' blood is the only Atonement for human sin. You cannot be reconciled to God on any other terms. Don't reject God's plan of Reconciliation. You must be saved God's way. *John 14:6*

The humbling plan of God's Grace, the sinner is debased and Christ is exalted. The only way to get rid of your sins is through God's atoning blood. *Acts 20:28* Christ is the true Physician of lost souls, and His bloody stripes are the only Remedy for your sins. Simply rest your soul's salvation upon Christ Jesus, the precious Son of God - He is the only Savior of lost sinners. Your heart is sinful, you are unfit and utterly unworthy. There is no worthiness in yourself, you are an ungodly mess. Come and put yourself among the number of transgressors in need of the Savior of sinners. It is only your badness, not your goodness; your vileness and lost state, which makes you eligible for Christ's salvation. Your self-righteousness shall be your ruin.

Come now and lay your sins on Christ by the simple act of childlike dependence upon Him. The only possible way by which a sinner can be forgiven his sins is by that sin being punished in the person of Jesus Christ. This is the only way of putting away sin. Your sin must be laid upon Another, and that Person was made to suffer as if your sins belonged to Him, and then, since sin cannot be in two places at once, and cannot be laid upon Another, and rest upon the offerer too; the offerer of his sins to the Substitute becomes clear of all his sin and guilt. The sinner is completely and freely and eternally pardoned; he is accepted only because his sinless Substitute has been slain instead of him. Go directly to the throne of God by the way of the Cross, for that is the only open way, please go by that road at once. Abhor every false way, and renounce those things which grieve the Spirit of God.

The only High Priest and atoning Lamb of God in one person is Jesus Christ Himself. The only sure method of salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ's Atoning Blood alone. Salvation by the Grace of God, through Jesus Christ, by simple faith in His finished work. The way of salvation is by Mercy, not merit; by Faith, not works; by Grace, not by the selfish efforts of sinful man. Don't cast away the only life-preserver that can keep you afloat in the angry waters of life and death; don't neglect taking the only Medicine that can heal your sin-sick soul. The only Gospel in the whole wide world is simply this, "Christ died for the ungodly." Helpless Childlike Dependence on Jesus alone saves the guilty soul.