Thursday, December 29, 2011

In Wrath Remember Mercy

Upon Calvary's Cross, Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, bore the divine wrath of God that is due to your sins. God's justice, vengeance, and wrath had to be poured out upon human sin, for God would be unjust, if He failed to do so. The wrath of God on human sin was concentrated on the Lamb of God, when He bore our sins in His own body on the tree. God can now have mercy on sinners, because Jesus suffered all the punishment that our sins deserved. Every sinner really deserves God's wrath, no matter you think. What you think doesn't matter, its what the Bible says that is the Truth.  

Every man's sinful nature is really so bad that he deserves a holy God's eternal vengeance. Most men are inclined to see themselves as a fairly decent, nice, respectable, sophisticated, personable sort of person, that every now and then stumbles and does something that he wishes he didn't do, but basically at the root, he is really a pretty good person. But the thing that sinners most deserve is God's wrath, and the thing that sinners least deserve is God's mercy. Jesus bore my sins on Calvary's Cross, and became the Victim of my sins, and God the Father punished and forsook Jesus because of my sins. In God's wrath, He remembered Mercy at Calvary's Cross.

If you don't think you're really that bad, then you think God is really bad for saying He will angrily take out wrath on a pretty good person like yourself. You highly esteem yourself, and you don't think you're that bad; therefore, you think that God is unjust and irrational. All of sinful mankind is deservingly under the wrath of God (John 3:36) - the Bible says so. God's wrath is coming on human sin, flee from the wrath to come at the Cross. If you are living without Jesus Christ, the wrath of God presently abides on you, and it's just a matter of time before it falls on your soul like a ton of bricks. 

God is Just, and He poured out His divine wrath on Jesus, so He wouldn't have to pour it out on you. Every man's wicked sinful nature deserves the wrath of God. You have willfully avoided and rejected God's words and His Son. You have drowned out your conscience by your continual sinning. You are without excuse. God's wrath will eventually settle the score with all sin that has ever been committed. The normal man is not looking for the Righteousness of God (Romans 10:3-4); he thinks that his self-righteousness will avail with God, and he will somehow escape the judgment of God by his own human goodness. Human goodness that is mixed with many sins can never satisfy God Perfect Holiness. Man's vile inward nature is ungrateful, idolatrous, self-righteous, superstitious and perverse. Man refuses to retain God in his knowledge. Man can't find God for the same reason a thief can't find a policeman: he is not looking for God.  The man in his natural state is doing everything he can to avoid the true and living God found in the Bible.  After Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, he tried to hide from God in bushes, but God sought out Adam and provided him a way of escape from his guilt.

Your willful, sinful choices to reject Christ and love sin will send you straight to Hell. Divine Justice must punish every sin. Someone must pay forever for your sins. Jesus paid the full ransom price (Blood Atonement) for your sins with His own life and blood. God will only have mercy on a sinner through the Blood of Jesus Christ. God's mercy beseeches you today to personally come by Faith to Jesus Christ Himself, and trust to His Precious Blood to forgive all your sins. 

God laid your sins on Christ, along with all your guilt and punishment. The Eternal God Himself became a Jewish man in order to make Atonement for sins of the whole world - all the sins that were committed by us against Him. Let the Atonement which satisfied God's holiness for human sin also satisfy your guilty conscience. Christ Jesus Himself is the great Atonement for human sin. Jesus Christ suffered, that I might not suffer. He was made the Victim, so I could go free. Wrath fell on Jesus, so mercy could fall on me.

The Gospel of the Grace of God suits your wretched case exactly. Jesus Christ came to save the guilty and needy, that is the sort of person you are, so lay hold on His Blood Atonement. You have no one else in which to trust. Jesus stood in your place with your sins upon Him, and He rendered to God's Law a perfect obedience and to God's divine justice a perfect Blood Atonement. The moment a sinner simply comes to God as a sinner and believes in Jesus, God imputes Christ's Blood and Righteousness to that sinner's soul, and then God regards him as absolutely just through Christ's Righteousness. Jesus bore all the consequences of your sins against God.  Christ died for the ungodly.

Now understand - Mercy is only for the guilty, free forgiveness is for the unrighteous, and grace is for the ungodly. There is mercy now for sinners only, but there is no mercy for the self-righteous man who will not own himself as a guilty wretch and renounce his own righteousness. It is very galling to human nature to have to stand in the dock and answer, Guilty! If you want peace with heaven, you must take up your true position, and plead Guilty

The natural man cannot endure to be saved by mercy; he will not plead Guilty and throw himself on the mercy of the Great Savior. He will not be treated as a pauper spiritually and humbly beg for free forgiveness from Christ's pierced hand. The natural man desires to have his finger in his own salvation, so he can claim at least a little credit for it. He tries to prepare himself for free grace and assist divine mercy, or in some degree deserve eternal life by his own efforts. Proud human nature will not ask for Christ's Help; it will not receive divine Charity, it cannot endure the self-humiliation, it will try to make itself better and get to heaven by self-effort. The last thing that human nature still has, that is its own, is its pride (self-esteem). Self-righteous human nature will not take heaven on God's free terms of grace; it will hold to its own righteousness for dear life. All that a man can do apart from Christ's finished work is a vain and useless effort. Only the power of the Holy Ghost can lead a man to forsake his own righteousness, trust only to Christ's doing and dying.  Free grace and bleeding love via the Cross is the only way to New Jerusalem.

Come now and class yourself among the guilty and ungodly, or God's mercy and forgiveness will never come to your soul. Jesus clears all who believe in Him, for He personally bore their full punishment in His own body on the Tree. All that is necessary to save a sinner from his sins has already been endured by the Lord Jesus Christ. He ransoms sinners freely through His bloody death upon the Cross. Jesus suffered the whole weight of the wrath of God and has fully satisfied the claims of divine justice on your behalf. He paid all your sin debt and death sentence, if you trust to Him, the Law must let you go free Forever.

The Great Sin-Bearer has suffered in the sinner's place; divine justice smote Him; He willingly bore all the sinner's punishment, and now that your sins have been punished on Jesus, God can be Just, and yet be the Justifier of all who believe in His Dear Son. 

According to the Righteous Law of God, every sin ever committed must be punished. It is inevitable that God must punish sin. Your conscience tells you that it is impossible that your guilt can go without its due penalty. So Jesus came and bore your sins, and the dread penalty that was due to your sins. The Law has to fall on Someone, so Jesus took the deadly blows for you. God's infinite Justice determined that all sin must be punished, so God's divine Wisdom and Love devised the plan of Substitution, and Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, became the Substitute for sinners. Simply put - God punished Jesus instead of you, so you could be rescued from the wrath to come.

Let your first desire be free-pardoned sin, get your sins forgiven now, go straight to Christ the Mediator for this. Do not labor to attain a better life, or make some religious profession, or put on outward religiousness. Divine Pardon is the primary blessing to seek and obtain from Jesus. Look now to the Sin-Bearer who made a full, complete, absolutely acceptable Atonement on your behalf. Trust your soul with Him, repose on His promises, rest in His Atonement, rely upon His Finished Work, rejoice in His bleeding eternal love for sinners. 

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and now whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Believing is when the sinner ceases to trust in himself, and implicitly relies on the Lord Jesus Christ for all his Salvation. The only way you'll ever see the face of God with acceptance is through faith in the Atoning Blood of God's Son. You have no merits to plead before God. The merits of Christ must be imputed (set to) your account, and then you shall stand before God accepted in the Beloved, perfect in Christ Jesus. You have sinned against God; you're an enemy of God in your mind by your wicked works; you're guilty and condemned already; you're going to die in your sins and God will give you eternal divine justice; you're only waiting in the jailhouse of your sins for sentencing before the Judge of all the earth. Be wise now - Call upon Jesus, seek Mercy from God's Divine Justice through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ right now.