Monday, December 19, 2011

Cure for Love of Sin 1

By nature every man loves his sin. Your own stubborn will keeps you in love with your sin. You will never desire to be free of your sin until the Holy Ghost begins to prick and woo your sinful soul to Christ Jesus. Hell will be the sure result of your unforgiven sins. You love sin and evil because you're a sinner, and you do not love your Maker as you should. Sin is a deadly poison, and when you drink it, it kills your soul. You desperately cleave to your sins with a death grip, you will not leave them, and you will not come to Jesus Christ, that you might have eternal life. Your damnation is your own choosing, and you will richly deserve it. If you perish in your sins, you will perish by committing spiritual suicide. You will have destroyed your own soul by rejecting Christ willfully.

If you end up damned, it will be your own fault. If you are saved, it will not be by your own doing, it will be only by God's free grace through Christ's Atonement. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved from your sin. Only the Holy Ghost can give a sinner a sincere interest in the Savior's precious blood. To be an enemy of God is hell on earth. Will you love your sins and go to Hell, or leave your sins and go to Heaven? Every lover of sin is an enemy of God. The atheist willfully hates God and loves evil, and he doesn't want to know a God with a holy nature. A lover of sin can never love Jesus. Sin never satisfies, but Christ Jesus does. Your main problem is that you're in love with yourself, and you defend your sins. It is eternal destruction for anyone to be a lover of sin. An atheist hates the thought of being saved from sin. He loves darkness and death with an insane and fatal infatuation. God is light, atheism is darkness; God is life, atheism is death; Christ is love, atheism is hate; Jesus is goodness, atheism is evil; Christ is truth, atheism is a lie; Christ is God, atheism seeks to deny God.

Sin is when you do what God would not have you do. Every sin is a rebellion against the Invisible Lawgiver. The Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the tree by wicked sinners just like you. Every sin of yours is a deliberate attempt to hurt the merciful God. Every sin of yours which you have thought so little of, is really a stab at the heart of your Maker. Sin is a God-hating thing, and Sin is a soul-damning thing. Every sin is really an attempt to hurt God. Sin cries, "Let there be no God!" Every sin you commit is an insult against a good and kind God. God doesn't deserve your rebellion, He deserves all the love of your heart. Sin is a resistance to the will of God, a disobedience to God's command, and a forgetfulness of your Creator. This is the very essence of Sin - to want your own way, to do your own thing, to live independently of your Maker. There is nothing in you that can please God, you are wretched and polluted to the core. Jesus must make you right with God. This is the naked truth -- you love your sin more than you love your own soul.

The reason why atheists will not come to Christ and be saved is their constant love of sin. All arguments against the Gospel come from a filthy private life. Your love of sin will soon bring upon your soul an Eternity of woe and damnation. Sin will be to you a never-ending death in Eternity. You do not believe in Jesus simply because of the enslaving power of your favorite sins. Only simple faith in the Crucified One saves you from the love of sin and infuses the love for purity into your heart. True faith in the Savior's Blood Atonement makes you hate the very sins that shed the Redeemer's Blood. Sin is a thing that you cannot stop, you need the Savior's power to subdue your sins. You cannot make yourself right with God. Only Christ's power can bring you nigh to God. Sin is a plague in every man's heart. You must be made clean within, you must have your sins washed away, or you can never be saved. It is only by the Blood of Christ that human sin is cleansed. Murder, adultery, theft, lust, lying, whatever your sin may be, there is power in the blood of Christ to take it away at once and forever.

Sin is a want of conformity to the will of God; sin is a breach of the divine law in either your imaginations, or desires, or words, or actions. Sin is refusing to yield to God's will, and doing despite to His mercy and love. Sin is a deliberate stabbing at the very heart of God. Sin is the deliberate preference of fallen man. Man chooses evil and rejects good. Sin is pleasant to man's perverse and depraved nature. Atheists do not like to think of God. They wish to forget Christ altogether. God, purity, heaven, hell, Eternity, sin, and the Blood Atonement are all nonsense to an atheist. There is a real love for sin in your heart, a love for everything that is contrary to God. You have a distaste, and even a hatred to the very thoughts of God.

Your vile nature must be changed, the love of sin within you must be extinguished. Have done with the love of sin, and lay hold on Eternal Life - Jesus Christ Himself. Right now, you have an enormous load of sin resting upon your shoulders, and only the mighty Savior can lift it off your soul. You have old and vile habits that have been with you for 20, 30, maybe 40 years, and Only the mighty Christ can break those heavy chains, and set you free in a moment. Sinning against light is the worst of sins, and willful rejection of Christ's Atoning Blood is the very worst of all your iniquities. Trust Christ now with the enormous load of your sins, and with the disease of your evil habits. Rely fully on HIM to put away your past guilt, and to keep you safe in the future. Trust the Son of God to save your soul, and He will do it. This is God's commandment to you, poor atheist, "Trust in Christ." Your bad habits and betting sins must be earnestly forsaken.

Sin has completely defiled your soul and mind, and it has ruined your character. You need Christ's precious blood to be applied to your guilty conscience by the Holy Spirit of God. The Blood of God's own dear Son streamed down Calvary's Cross especially for your sins. You are filthy inwardly, because of all your sinful thoughts and impure imaginations. God was made flesh, crucified for sinners, raised from the dead, and now whosoever believeth in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life freely by God's grace. God Incarnate was wounded for your transgressions, and bruised for your iniquities. God in human form suffered for your human sin.

Lean upon Jesus with all the burden of your guilt, and He will save you. Atheists will believe in anything but the Crucified and Risen Creator. The very core of your confidence must be placed on Jesus. A bleeding Savior is a guilty sinner's only hope. The lost sinner must turn his eyes to the Cross for cleansing and comfort. At Calvary there is salvation, and there only. This is the all-important question - "Is the Lord Jesus Christ your sin offering to God?" By faith lay your hand on the head of the Sinless Scapegoat, and you can go free. Trust Christ, and your sins are completely forgiven and put away forever. Remember this - Christ Crucified, Christ Risen, Christ Alive Forevermore, Christ Exalted, Christ Coming Again, Christ is Everything, you are nothing, that is all.