Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nothing but the Blood!

Your sins are much too big of a problem for you to handle. Your sins are damnable, and shall condemn you unless they are taken away by the Atoning Blood of the living God. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. Fix your heart's eyes alone on the Lamb of God and His atoning sacrifice for ungodly sinners. Only Christ Himself can forgive your sins. This is all my hope and peace; This is all my Righteousness - Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness. On the Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. Nothing can atone for all my sins but the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners from the love of sin, and the wrath of God. You and your sins must part, or you will lose your soul. What sin of yours can be worth indulging in at the expense of your soul? No sin can be worth losing your soul forever in the Lake of Fire. You must have the Blood of Christ applied to 'your soul', or you are exposed to the wrath of God. Jesus gave His life and blood, so that sinners could live forever with Him. Plead nothing that looks like human goodness, but come to the Savior in your sins. Your sins deserve death; Christ has suffered a bloody death for your sins. Once you've had the real deal (Jesus Christ), life is never the same - really. Human natures loves to flirt with destruction.

If you dropped dead today, are you ready to meet God in Judgment (Hebrews 9:27)? If your secrets were judged (Romans 2:16), would you make it past God? You can only meet God in a fit condition by trusting Jesus Christ's atoning Blood. You must trust the living Savior who died in your place; He bore your sins in His own body on the Cross (I Peter 2:24); and He became Sin for you (II Cor 5:21). You must take Christ Himself as your Atonement (Romans 5:11), as your payment for your sins against God. You must come to Jesus Christ as a sinner, admitting that you cannot help save yourself. You must Trust Him to completely do the job. According to the Bible, you must have God's Righteousness freely given to you by placing your faith in the shed blood of God's Son. Noting else will do. God's Righteousness is a Person - Jesus Christ (Romans 10:4). Right now, put your soul's eternal interests First - Take Christ at once, receive HIM now. Only Jesus is Worthy - Trust your soul with *HIM*, Rest completely in His Blood Sacrifice, and you shall instantly and freely receive pardon, peace, holiness, Heaven, and God - Everything a real sinner needs is free for the taking at the Cross.

Glory! Glory! to this I sing,
All my praise for this I bring,
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!