Saturday, May 28, 2011

How is Sin Put Away?

How is sin put away? If sin is to be put away from the presence of God, it must be by the Blood that flowed from the veins of Immanuel, God with us.  Sin is your own deliberate choice every day of your life. Fools make a mock of sin. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Sin can only be forgiven, pardoned, and cancelled by a Sinless Bloody Sacrifice of God manifest in the flesh (II Corinthians 5:21). Substitution is the central truth of the Gospel Message. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself died in the place of every sinner, and was made a bloody sacrifice for human sin. Jesus was made to be Sin for you, even though He knew no sin, that you might be made the Righteousness of God in Jesus through faith in His atoning blood.

Sin demands punishment, and punishment consists of loss and pain: Jesus lost everything, and suffered unspeakable inward and outward pain for our sins. The wrath and justice of God demanded punishment for our sin and guilt. Jesus offered a complete Atonement for human sin. Jesus bore all the punishment due to your sins. God's blood flowed through Christ's veins, and Jesus shed His own life's blood for your sins. Peter called it Precious Blood; Judas Iscariot called it Innocent Blood. The Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. Every sinner must be saved by Blood. Faith in God's Blood is the only way to be freed from the love of sin

Look now to God's great atoning blood Sacrifice for sinners. *John 3:14* Complete justification is found in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary's Cross. God justifies sinners instantaneously through simple child-like faith in Jesus' blood. The moment a sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, all of his sins are gone forever. Salvation is free and comes to the sinner simply by believing on Christ — nothing but believing. After believing will come the confessing and the doing; but the saving, the Righteousness, rests only in the believing in Jesus, and in nothing else.

Christ Jesus was made to be Sin itself by imputation. Jesus was not made a sinner, but Sin itself, that is, a sin offering, a Sacrifice for sin. The sins of the whole world were transferred to Christ when He hung on Calvary's Cross, all sin was laid upon Him, and charged to His account. Jesus bore our sins in His own body on the tree, and answered for them all. He was treated by the justice of God as if He was one huge mass of Sin. Christ was made to be Sin for us. He did not become Sin by any act of His own, but through God the Father's imputation. Jesus voluntarily took upon Himself all of our sins, and offered Himself up as an offering for human sin. 

 Jesus bore all the punishment for sin, and made satisfaction and atonement for all sin, including yours. Jesus is the Propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for sins of the whole world. Jesus knew no sin, He was absolutely sinless all of His life. Christ is holy and harmless, in Him is no sin. He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Christ did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. He hated and detested sin; He was never conscious of any iniquity in Himself, He never did commit any transgression. Jesus was the only fit Person who could bear and take away the sins of the whole world. Jesus was the Lamb of God without spot or blemish.

Jesus did all this so we could become the Righteousness of God in Him. Christ's Righteousness is the only one which can justify a sinner in the sight of God. Through simple faith in His Blood we are justified freely by the grace of God through the Redemption which is in Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus who knew no sin, was made to be Sin for us, so we, who have no righteousness of our own, could be made the righteousness of God in Him by faith alone. We can only be reconciled back to God through the finished work of Jesus Christ, that is, His blood and merits. We must rely only on Him, and boast of His Righteousness and His only.

The Great God who created all things became a Jewish man that He might put away sin. Be wise - simply rely on the Substitute; Rest on His matchless Bloody Atonement made on Calvary for human guilt. Mediate on the Lamb of God and His Blood, and you will begin to hate your sins and evil habits. The pardoned soul hates his sin, as a burnt child dreads the flame of fire. The more you love Jesus Christ, the more you will hate your sins. Sinners are only permitted to approach the Holy God by way of Precious Blood. Your sin is a horrible evil; your personal sins were laid on Christ Himself on the Cross.  The Son of God paid the full ransom price for your sins with His Bloody Death. 

Sin is the father of all doubts and fears. The wages of sin is eternal death in the lake of fire. The only way to kill your love for sin is to truly love Jesus Christ. The Blood is the life of the Gospel. Trust in the Blood of Jesus now. Take Christ, trust Him, receive Him into your innermost being. The rejection of Christ is despicable and destructive. There is another life beyond this fleeting existence here on earth. God intensely hates all sin now and always. You must part with your sins, and relinquish your own righteousness and go to directly Christ Jesus (The Crucified Creator) for Righteousness, Life Eternal, and Free Salvation. God will freely and fully pardon you only for Jesus' sake.