Monday, May 17, 2010

The Long and Short of It

* Now, there is nothing freer than a gift, and truly, there is nothing freer than the free gift of God, that is, eternal life by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus' shed blood alone. God the Father GAVE His Son for poor sinners like you. The eternal God, who made all things, was not willing that any sinner should perish; therefore, He gave His Son to ransom you from sin.

* God Himself provided a Sinless Blood Sacrifice to take away your guilt, and, to do this, He gave His Son to live and die here on this earth. God gave us Himself by becoming a man and then dying for our sins. Repent of your sinfulness and renounce your self-righteousness, place all your trust in the person of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, confide only in His blood that was shed for ungodly sinners.

* There is a God and He is holy; man is sinful and blinded by Satan, Christ Jesus alone lived a sinless life, and then He became Sin for you, that is, He bore your sins in His own body on the Tree, He died for sinners and suffered the wrath of God for us all. Jesus died the awful death for sin that we deserved. Jesus was buried and raised again from the dead and was victorious over sin, death, hell, and the grave. Jesus is now ascended into heaven, and is able to save to the uttermost all souls that come unto God by Him. He is coming again soon to judge the quick and the dead.

* God now commands all men everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel of Christ. Submit to Christ's righteousness now, fix all your confidence on His precious blood Atonement. You're a sinful wretch in need of a Savior. Trust Christ, not yourself. After Jesus saves your soul, love and follow Him in loving gratitude. The Gospel is life changing, God honoring, and Christ centered. The broad way leads to eternal destruction in hell; and the narrow way, the way of the Cross, leads to eternal life in Heaven. See Acts 4:12; John 14:6; I Timothy 2:5-6; Ephesians 2:1-9; Romans 3:10-25.

* Receive Christ Jesus, believe in your heart that God Himself in the person of Jesus of Nazareth died for your sins and rose from the dead for you, receive the Spirit of God into your body and be saved. The externals of religion and human morality are all useless. Moral and excellent people go to hell, just like muslims and atheists. Your inward nature is all darkness and God-hating. You have lived careless and thoughtless; you have lived in sin here on earth, and without Christ you will soon live forever in torment in the lake of fire for all Eternity. Human merit and virtue cannot help save your soul at all. You have secretly indulged in sin and loved it. You are a lost, ruined and condemned sinner in the bonds of iniquity and the gall of bitterness. Ye must be born again by the Spirit of God. You have nothing of your own to trust to. The Gospel is wrapped in just three words - Trust, Expect, Rest. Trust God's word and promise to save sinners who call upon Jesus' name in truth, Expect God's mercy to save you, and Rest completely in Christ's finished work alone, and you are a saved man. Renounce your works and sinful ways, flee right now by faith to the bleeding Lamb of God who died upon the Cross for you, find Shelter under Christ's blood from the coming wrath of God.