Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lester Roloff Quotes 5

* The devil and atheists will always raise a question about what God has said. Atheism and evolution is the devil's word over against God's word, who are you going to believe?
* Most people will never be bad enough to go to heaven. Bad people go to Heaven, and good people go to Hell. You've got to get bad, before Jesus can make you good. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
* Faith Jesus when you can't feel Him.
* Sin's season is always short.
* You'll never get saved until you lose your religion. You can't lose Jesus. 
* The only thing that separated Cain and Abel was the Blood. Cain had religion, but not the Blood.
* Three things never change: God, The Bible, and Sin. 
* You are free to sin and do what you want to do, but you can't be free after you sin.
* Salt makes you thirsty. A Christian is the salt of the earth, and a Christian should make the lost sinner thirsty for Christ.
* There's no way to be successful unless you are faithful to God.  Without the word of God, you cannot have real faith, and without the King James Bible, you don't have the word of God.
* He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life.
* If you don't follow the Bible, your life will soon be out of control.
* Be a good neighbor, be sympathetic and generous, be honest and keep your word, work hard on the job, don't complain, take care of your family, keep on going to church, keep to soul-winning.
* The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ, the administrator of the church is the Holy Ghost, and the blueprint of the church is the King James Bible.
* There's no substitute for the power of the Holy Spirit.
* The world works so hard to make a living, and then it can't live. No one is living except in Christ.
* The world is coming apart, because it won't let Jesus hold it together.
* When you vote the Bible out, you vote Jesus out. The Bible is Jesus' Book.
* Everything outside of Christ is dead.
* You'll never have the mind of Christ, until you spiritually feed on the words of Christ.
* If you step over into the will of God, it will solve all of your problems.
* Most church folks today don't know the Lord from a lizard.
* Everything not built on the The Bible is doomed for eternal failure.
* The Gospel must be communicated face to face, heart to heart, and from door to door.
* If you're running the race for Christ, you won't have a problem with someone's race. I'd rather have a black face anytime with a white heart, than a white face with a black heart. The heart is where the problem is, not the skin color.
* There's only one thing that really ever bothers me, and that is my own sin. I'll never get the victory until I confess what I've done.
* Job feared God and eschewed evil, if Job ever got evil in his mouth, he wouldn't chew it up and swallow it, he spit it out - he es-chewed evil.
* The fear of God is to respect and regard God.
* Outside of Christ none of us are complete.
* Life begins at the Cross.
* I am ready for that Heavenly Blast Off called the Rapture.
*Do your possessions possess you?
* Suicide is when a man murders himself.
* Sin wrecks and ruins, grinds and blinds, cripples and kills, and sends your soul to Hell at the end.
* The TV is an idiot box filled with hellishness and filth.
* The world will run out of sleeping pills down at the drugstore after the Rapture.
* An atheistic thought is a thought that doesn't recognize the existence and presence of God Almighty.
* Sin will give you a bad spirit, and a sharp, critical, complaining, whining, criticizing tongue.
* You can tie a ribbon around a rattlesnake's neck, and he will still strike you.
* Some ways to Hell: superstition, good works, sincere obedience, ceremonies, sacraments.
* We try to lock the door to the stable after the horse is already long gone.
* Religion only delivers still-born children.
* Trying to control alcohol or the TV is like trying to control a power keg in Hell.
* We need more Monday-Saturday faith.
* You always try to hide when you are loving your sin.
* Christ will never come into a man's heart, until the Gospel enters his ear.
* Sin will always make you lonely. You wife's gone, kids gone, money's gone, home gone, job gone, health gone, mind gone, conscience gone. Go to Jesus, He will take away your loneliness.
* Don't try to clean up your life, let Jesus clean it out.
* Secret unconfessed sin will make you bitter and critical of others.
* You will need a tough hide and a tender heart.
* Acknowledge your transgressions, don't pass the buck, face yourself.