Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Right Way to Plead

Leave off attempting to work for your salvation by an obedience of your own. Christ must save you from top to bottom, head to toe; God's great salvation is *All for Nothing*. To argue human merit is to plead against yourself. Take your place as a condemned criminal in the sight of God. Simple faith in God's dear bleeding Son is the only way to be reconciled to God. You must receive the Atonement freely, you cannot earn it, deserve it, complete it, or add anything of yours to it. The Atonement is a Free Gift. The precious Gospel word is "Receive". Broken, ruined, condemned sinners must "Receive" divine grace. If you have nothing to offer, you are the very sinner who can 'Receive' Christ's free salvation. Salvation from sin is a divine gift from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself - God manifest in the flesh.

Salvation can never be deserved, but only freely bestowed by God on the unworthy sinner, without any regard to human merit. We must accept the Gift, and then bless the Giver. Salvation is of free mercy, go now directly to the Cross and cast your guilty soul on Christ's divine blood. Confess your need of God's free forgiveness of sins through Christ's doing and dying. Plead not human goodness for you have none, but divine mercy and the merits Jesus alone. Plead earnestly and importunately and contritely with humility and resignation in Jesus' name, and you shall be heard. Never put your trust in anything that comes from you, but look only to Jesus. Appeal for mercy through Jesus' merits and blood. Free justification through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.

Pleading is the very marrow of prayer. Plead the blood and merits of Jesus instantly. The master-key of prayer is the blood and name of Jesus who died to save sinners and rose again, and now He ever lives in heaven to save unto the uttermost. Plead with God and fight your sins with hope in His mercy. Plead the promises of God in simple childlike faith. Go and plead your need before God, plead your sins, tell God you are wretched and undone without His grace and mercy. Plead the greatness of your sins as the reason for mercy, the damnable character of your sins, the certainty of your damnation. This is the way to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sins, your guiltiness before God - these are the sinner's arguments.

The right way to plead is to plead your misery, impotence, and danger. Plead your miserable and undone condition. Confess your sin, own your guiltiness. Then come and plead the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no answer for your sins and guilt but Christ's atoning blood. Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; He came not to save the good, but the ungodly. Christ justifies the ungodly - the unrighteous man Jesus make righteous through His own blood and merits.

Plead now, spread out your case before God, order your arguments, plead the precious blood of Jesus, set the wounds of Christ before the Father's eyes, bring up the atoning Sacrifice, mention always the Atonement of the great Substitute for sinners, look to Calvary's Lamb. Receive Christ's merits, and be emptied of your own. Salvation is the pure gift of God, not of your works, not the result of human merit, but of free favor only; not of man, but of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Leave off your doing, and let Christ do all for you; leave off looking to yourself, and just come as a lost sinner and look to Jesus.

Humble, contrite, importunate pleaders are heard in heaven. All your hope lies in divine mercy, for you have no merit. Take up your true position as a condemned sinner. Confess your sins, honestly plead guilty, admit your condemnation, heartily acknowledge your wickedness. Plead Jesus only. If you love Jesus keep His commandments, feed His sheep, give yourself to His service, promote His glory. Look to the finished Propitiation, the Great Forgiver, the living Mediator, the infinite merits of Immanuel. You must come to Jesus with nothing, and ask Him for everything - He is the way, the whole way, the free way, nothing to pay, nothing to do, nothing to be, nothing to bring, no human merits, no deservings, no preparations; the forgiveness of sins is all of grace; all the pure gift of God. The neglect of private prayer devours the strength of the Christian.

Only plead your misery, your inability, your danger, your demerit, your sinfulness. God only saves sinners by grace. Self-righteousness is an offense to God's gospel and an insult to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Plead with God your miserable and undone condition. You are utterly lost without Christ. God's mercy is Free. Trust in Jesus Christ alone and you shall have free, instantaneous, perfect, everlasting, divine pardon; safety on earth, glory in Heaven, all for nothing, the free gift of a gracious God to undeserving rebels. Your need of a Savior is your only right. Plead your need, your sin, your wretchedness. Plead for God's mercy in the free gift of Christ. Plead with Jesus, the compassion of His heart. Plead Jesus' love and blood, not what you have done or hope to do. Only acknowledge your misery. You are a spiritual beggar who needs heavenly alms. The beggar's need is his best plea. Simple faith in Him who loved you and gave Himself for you saves the guilty soul. Away with self, cleave to Christ, let Him be glorified. The true suppliant will never mention his own righteousness. Sinners can never merit anything but eternal death, Eternal Life must be the free gift of God. Rags are the attire of a beggar. Your ruin and miseries are your arguments for mercy, not your good doings. Christ my Ransom died in my place.

This is how to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sinfulness, your guiltiness before God. These are your only arguments. I can do nothing, I have nothing to bring. The right way to plead is "Guilty!" It is foolish for a beggar to plead that he is not in want. You are guilty, you need mercy, you have transgressed God's law, you need to be forgiven. Don't commit spiritual suicide. You are a guilty soul, you have no merits to plead, appeal to God's free mercy. God only freely forgives sinners through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ's sinless blood. Plead guilty to all charges, then plead Christ's Blood Atonement. Be doubly earnest in pleading with the Holy Ghost to have mercy on your soul.

You must be converted, repent, ye must be Born Again (John 3:7), and be purchased with the Savior's precious blood, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Only the Blood Atonement of the Lamb of God can satisfy the divine demands of God, and purge you of the power, guilt, love, and habit of sin. Away with 'all' your fancied good works, vain boastings, and empty religious doings. There was never a sinner saved yet who merited it.

Every sinner without Christ has no hope, no God, and he's no good; he is a wretch undone, misery incarnate, he is perishing and guilty, and his soul will soon be lost forever in outer darkness where there is no light, and in the the flames of hell where there is no hope of escape. Evolution is a fatal delusion of the grossest kind. Trust your soul in Jesus' hands, never build on your own righteousness, look only to the bleeding wounds of Immanuel (God with us). By simple faith and trust, Lay hold on the Gospel and Eternal Life, lay hold on Christ Jesus Himself the Savior of sinners. Simply trust in the Blood of the Crucified One. Never trust to anything but Christ Jesus.

Sin only breeds pride, and then misery and shame. Leave off loving your sins, for those darling secret sins of yours will drag you down into the pit of hell where you belong. Your own conscience tells you that you are guilty before God when you lie, steal, and lust. Your soul is covered with sin, and only Christ's Precious Blood take it away, only He can cleanse and forgive you. There is no hope for a poor sinner apart from the Cross of Jesus. Take care that you heartily plead the blood and mercy of Jesus Christ. A prayerless and thankless soul is a Christ-less soul. Your lost soul is teeming with sin. Simply trust Christ, simply trust HIM with your soul now.

Only the sinless bloody Sacrifice of the Lamb of God can satisfy the demands of God's divine law and justice. You must not trust in your doings at all, leave off your doing altogether, there must be a complete denial of all your doings. Stop trusting in yourself today. God be merciful to me a sinner, please save my soul for His dear sake who shed His own blood for my guilty soul. Cry out to God for mercy, plead with Christ for His free pardon of sin. Plead the precious blood Atonement of Christ for guilty sinners. God gives rich, free, unmerited mercy to underserving sinners who call upon Jesus' name.

Place all your confidence in the grace of God in Christ. God will never reject the sincere cry for the Blood of His dear Son. Come to the Cross as a rebellious and guilty sinner having no merit. Simply receive, believe, take and enjoy Christ Himself now. Plead for strength to do God's will. Plead the Sinless Savior's blood now. Use no other argument when you plead with God but the name and blood of His dear Son. Your soul is starving and in a case of destitution, a wretch undone, your need is your best plea. *Every day*, you are just the person who needs a Savior, confess your need, plead for mercy at the foot of the Cross.