Friday, August 19, 2016

Satan's Devices

The world's biggest liars are religionists and atheists and their spiritual father is a Liar (John 8:44) and the father of lies. Satan's root motive is spiritual murder (your soul) and his method is deception (a lie). The devil seeks to deceive you, deprave you, and at the end destroy you. The cleverest lies have some truth in them, and sound much like the truth. The devil lies about the biggest Subject. The biggest Subject is God. If you're wrong about God, that makes you horribly and terribly wrong. If you believe the wrong thing, it will lead you to DO the wrong thing. The thought is the father of the deed. If you sow a thought, you reap a deed; sow a deed, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap an addiction; sow an addiction, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. Your path to Hell all begins with your thought life. Your thoughts will follow a voice, don't listen to Darwin's voice, it will lead into the Lake of Fire.

Satan would rather push a lie, than push narcotics or pornography. Satan is the biggest liar about the biggest truth, and the biggest truth is about God. The devil is the cleverest liar, the master liar. The biggest Lie is about God, and that is the lie that does the greatest damage. Satan lies about God - he desires to distort the concept of the true and living God. The devil's gospel - you can be your own god, run yourself, trust yourself. You must personally and individually receive and trust Jesus Christ. The devil deceives and blinds every atheist. If Satan doesn't deceive you, he will distract you. He will get you to tune out the truth, and turn down the volume of your conscience.

The devil wants you to despise God's goodness and think negatively about God. The devil says, "God is not good, he doesn't want you to have the best things. God is strict and cruel. Everything that is pleasure is a no-no. Christianity is a penalty God wants you to pay to get to heaven." The devil puts negative thoughts in your heart about God. Psa 84:11; I Timothy 6:17. No good thing will God withhold from them that walk uprightly. God gives us richly all things to enjoy. God is good all the time. Anything that brings pain, suffering, heartache, and tears is the fruit of sin. The Gospel of Christ is a feast, not a funeral.

The devil wants you to deny God's truthfulness and think skeptically about God.The devil wants you to question God's faithfulness to His promises. The root work of Satan is to get you to doubt or deny the words of God. Modern man will do anything but quit his doing and trust Christ's doings. Man will believe anything but Jesus Christ.

* Relativism - To believe that truth is relative rather than absolute. There is no absolute truth, all truth is relative. A relative makes ad-hoc decisions every day; it depends on what's going on that determines the decision.
* Rationalism - Whatever can be proved by science in the laboratory is truth. Thus saith the mind and wisdom of man.
* Pragmatism - to value knowledge purely for the sake of its observable practical consequences. To be oriented toward the success or failure particular way of life. If it works, it is truth.
* Post-modernism - There's no such thing as real truth. We make up truth as we go along. Man has no moral compass. There never was truth, there never will be any truth. Every generation makes up its own truth.

People don't know what to believe today. But it's still wrong to steal because God says so. It's still wrong to lie, because the Ten Commandments says it is a sin.

The devil wants you to defy God's righteousness (Jesus Christ) and think carelessly about God. You don't have to worry about God, He's not that holy. There's no judgment, God is not all that righteous. You don't have to fear God. Don't worry about those Ten Commandments, that's just archaic religious superstition. But remember - God is righteous and holy, God is not only good, God is righteous and holy and just. God will punish sin. You love the forbidden. Law without penalty is only advice. God is not giving advice. The devil's gospel is that there is no eternal punishment for sin. 

 Whatever happened to Hell? If you disobey God's law and refuse the Gospel, and reject Jesus Christ, you're going to die and go straight to Hell. There is a real burning hell where lost sinners go forever. Jesus Christ said more about Hell than any other preacher in the word of God. He's was a hell fire and damnation preacher, you probably wouldn't want to go down to your local church today and here Jesus preach. Man today wants to outlaw Hell as cruel and unusual punishment. But God's punishment for sin is still the Lake of Fire.

Eastern religions say you can be reincarnated. Atheism says you die like a dog. Works religions, many sects of Christianity, say that you cannot know for sure where you are going until after you die. Experiment with death. Ye shall not surely die. There's no personal God that you are accountable to. There's no eternal judgment. You can keep doing it till you get it right - you know Karma. The animals or bugs just might be your relatives. But there is a death, and a judgment, and a holy Creator Judge you will inevitably have to face. You can deny God's righteousness and think carelessly about God, but you will soon have to face Reality in Eternity.

The devil wants you to debase God's greatness and think suspiciously about God. When things go wrong, the devil wants you to think suspiciously about God, and when things are going well, the devil wants you to think carelessly about God. The devil says, "You can't trust God. You can't know what is right and wrong, and what's good or bad. All you have is that Bible that was written by men. Experience is the best teacher. Go ahead and try it. How do you know it's bad? Experiment with sin. Rattlesnakes, hot stoves, and electrical outlets are not dangerous. False religion, sex perversion, eastern meditation, alcohol, pre-marital sex - try it, you might like it. Your eyes will be opened and see if it's really hurts you. God has a monopoly on wisdom and He doesn't want you to know anything. If it's good for you, you can keep doing it. But if it's bad for you, you can just quit it. God doesn't want you to experience life, He doesn't want you to be liberated, He wants to keep you under His thumb. If you trust Jesus Christ with your soul, you will never reach your full potential. Remember, experience is the best teacher, not God's words. Just experiment with sin and with death and see what happens for yourself, don't listen to that old Bible. Don't let that old archaic book scare you."

But when it comes to sin and death, Experience is a very poor teacher. Those who know the least about sin are those that are most deceived by sin. They have a reprobate mind, they can't tell what is good or bad. They put darkness for light and evil for good. They make themselves the sum and substance, the total decider of what is good and bad. You'll ruin your life if you experiment with sin, and you will damn your soul is experiment with death. Well, everybody's doing it. Remember - the best lie sounds most like the truth. You can be your own god. The world says, "We're all our own god, or everything is god and has a little divinity in it, or there is no God." The devil says, "You can run yourself, be independent, do your own thing, don't worry about the future, you have nothing to fear." You say, "If I do wrong, God's too good to punish my sin." Oh no, God is too good not to punish your sin.

The Creator God is just and holy, and because of our sins (the rejection of Jesus Christ), we are all under the wrath and judgment of the holy Creator God (John 3:36). All men are wretched and vile, we break all of God's laws (James 2:10), and we desperately need a Savior, and that Savior must be God Himself. If you trust anyone else than Jesus Christ with your soul, you will inevitably spend eternity in Hell. There is a burning Hell, and a Just Judgment is coming for you. Hell is not just a place for bad people, but also for religious, moral, upstanding, and respectable people who think they just as good as Jesus Christ. No one can ever enter Heaven unless they have been Born Again, that is, spiritually made alive by the power of the Spirit of God through Salvation (John 3:1-7). You must be removed from the family of Satan, and adopted into the family of God through the mercy of God. All the unbelieving world will become guilty before God (Romans 3:19).

You will be brought to trial before God, you will undoubtedly answer to your Maker, for you are a sinner and you are liable to judgment and for punishment. Every sinner deserves to go Hell, and remember, the Lake of Fire lasts forever. Man doesn't like the truth about the final judgment and a place called Hell. But you are accountable to God. Human nature seeks to resist, reject, mock, twist, deny, or redefine its moral accountability to the Creator. Human nature despises the truth of the final judgment of God. The Righteous - Eternal - Final Judgment of God is the most despised - offensive - repulsive truth of Biblical Christianity to the lost world. But you will be summoned to God's eternal courtroom at death by none other than Jesus Christ Himself and stand trial at the Great White Throne Judgment. There will no bribery, partiality, respecter of persons, or spin in this courtroom. God's verdict of punishment in an everlasting Lake of Fire will be right and just. If you reject Jesus Christ, you get exactly what you deserve. Hell is deserved by every sinner. Jesus Christ forgives and saves sinners now, but He will judge and condemn sinners at the Great White Throne Judgment. Your Judge is alive right now, He was crucified for you, He rose from the dead for you, and He is now ascended on high ready to forgive you. The end of a Christless life winds up in a terrifying court and a terrible verdict. Stop playing at religion, you can never be good enough in your own righteousness to live with God forever.

At the Judgment, there will be nowhere for you to run and nowhere to hide. It will be forever too late then. The books will be opened and you will be judged according to your works (open and secret sins will all be brought to light). The book of conscience, the book of your secrets, the book of idle words, the book of thoughts, the book of deeds, and the book of life will be opened. You deserve a fair trial and you're going to get one. My friend, you have only one hope and that is - Settle Out of Court. Admit you are guilty and accept the justness of God's verdict against your sins - you are a sinner and you should be rightly and justly condemned to die an eternal death in the Lake of Fire. But be wise, flee to the Calvary's Cross where the Creator was crucified for you, claim His merits and blood, His bloody death, His resurrection from the dead was for your soul. Take Jesus to be your payment and your Substitute - on the Cross, He took what your sins deserve. You will either be standing before Christ at the Judgment or behind Him. You don't want to stand trial in Eternity before your Omniscient Creator. Settle out of court with the One Savior who paid your sin's penalty.

Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh (I Timothy 3:16). Christ Jesus was Jehovah in human form with God's blood pumping in His veins (Acts 20:28). Jesus, the Son of God is equal with God the Father. Jesus was both God and man. Christ is the only Person who can reconcile vile sinners back to the Holy Creator. Salvation is the deliverance of sinners from the wrath of God. The Savior is the One who delivers sinners from the judgment they deserve. Only Jesus saves sinners and forgives sins. Only God could be the sinner's Savior. God's justice is divine justice and it is infinite. Therefore, only a divine and infinite Blood Sacrifice (Atonement) could fully satisfy God's divine and infinite justice. Jesus bore your sins in His own body and endured and withstood the wrath of God on Calvary's Cross. Jesus rose from the dead, and now is able to save you to the uttermost, if you will quit your doing and simply trust the Finished Work of Christ Jesus. Then God's Righteousness will be applied and credited to your account by simple faith in God's precious blood.