Sunday, October 28, 2012

Guard Your Conscience

One of the main reasons why men don't read the Holy Bible today is because the Holy Scriptures and the work of the Holy Ghost quicken the conscience. A man wants a dead conscience so he can enjoy his sins without them bothering him.  A conscience not guided by the Holy Spirit and the words of God is an unreliable conscience.  The first time you ever did something wrong, you knew it was wrong, but in time you abused and neglected your conscience, and you slowly got accustomed to sinning and adjusted to the darkness which you love.  You slowly deadened your conscience by intentionally sinning against the light you had been given by God.  Conscience alone is not a reliable guide; your conscience has to be purged by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and directed by the words of God and the Holy Ghost. *Hebrews 9:14*

God has granted to every man a conscience; the conscience is a universal gift from God to assist us with discerning between good and evil, right and wrong. Your conscience is the reason why you sometimes feel badly about your thoughts, words, and actions. The conscience operates based on how it is programmed by our moral instruction in our life from parents and others.  You have a evil tendency within you called Sin that leads you to do what want to do and not what God wants you to do.  Never let your conscience be your guide, unless the Holy Spirit guides your conscience.  *Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18*

When you were first born, the light of conscience was burning bright, but you slowly turned off the lights of conscience in the house of your soul intentionally by sinning against God.  The Ten Commandment teaches how we are to respond to God, each other, and ourselves. The conscience is the alarm bell that goes off within you when there is disobedience towards God. The news media and educational systems of America are diligently working to reprogram your thinking and your conscience. The purpose of your conscience is not to guide you but to alarm you.

A good and pure conscience must be maintained and guarded daily. If you say "yes" to sin over and over again, your conscience will be slowly violated, and the sound of the warning conscience gets muffled, stifled, and silenced.  Trust Christ Jesus Himself as your Savior from your sins, make God's word the basis of your daily conduct, have a strong desire to obey God, prayerfully consider the decisions you make at home and work. A good conscience that can be trusted is one that sounds the alarm immediately when you consider wrongdoing, and when you feel guilty upon your disobedience, and you feel compelled to repent of your dependence.

Sin-loving people don't read the Holy Bible, because it makes them uneasy in their sinful state.  The Holy Bible will keep you from your sins, or your sins will keep you from the Holy Bible.  The Holy Bible will upset and disturb your sinful daily routine.  The Holy Bible will cause you to lose your carnal mind and give you the mind of Christ.  The Word of God exposes your sins - that's the main reason why you don't like reading the Bible.  A room may seem clean until you lift the shades and then in comes the beams of sunlight, and suddenly you see the room is filled with millions of dust particles.  Your life may seem fine until the Holy Bible's light shines into your dark heart and exposes the Sin in your thoughts, words, and deeds.  *Romans 7:9* The Holy Bible demands obedience to God's ways, and you by nature love to disobey what God says.  The main reason you won't receive Jesus Christ is because you love darkness rather than Light.  Your conscience is the inward God-given guide that keeps your behavior in check.

Have you ever wondered where your Conscience came from? It came from the only wise God – the Creator. The word Conscience means ‘with knowledge.’ When we do right or wrong, we do it ‘with knowledge’ from the light of nature that ‘every man’ is born with. The Conscience is seen by the modern world today as something that robs people of their self-esteem. But the Conscience is actually a precious gift from your Creator to help you sense your own sin and guilt. The Conscience is given to help you stay out of trouble. Purify your conscience with the words of God and the blood of Christ, and it will not lead you the wrong way. Listen to the words of God first, and then listen to your conscience as well.  To a man who wants a pure mind, contact with sin, in any form is truly horrible. 

If you can live in iniquity, and yet have peace in your conscience, your conscience is seared and dead. The Holy Spirit first works to make a lost man feel uneasy in his conscience and troubled in his mind about his sins against God, and especially his rejection of Jesus Christ. A man sears his conscience and then he says, "I don't see anything wrong with doing this." Be wise, don't waste your soul on the frivolous things of this world. The more a man curses and blasphemes God's name, and the more he argues against the Bible, the more he is trying to stifle the cries of his uneasy spirit. Your conscience is doing its best to warn you from day to day. Take the warning, flee from your sins to Jesus, while the door of mercy is still open. Your conscious is God's pointer and guide in your soul.

Conscience is the candle of the LORD in your soul. The conscience's light shows you your sins in the secret regions of your heart, soul, and mind. You try to put out the candle by religion or evolution, but you can't blow the candle of conscience. Death is hastening on, Eternity is near, the coming Great White Throne Judgment is a reality. Outside of Christ, there is no true peace to the conscience or reconciliation to God.

The conscience reveals to us a knowledge of our past sinful thoughts, words and deeds; and a present knowledge of our sinful nature with its thoughts and desires.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart now; make Him your soul's only trust and solitary refuge. Never turn your conscience over to the dictation of another. Trust to the exclusive Savior. The conscience is the eye of the soul which watches out for wrong. The conscience is only made pure, tender, and sensitive by God's grace. Cast your guilty soul upon the love, blood, and power of Christ Jesus.

You have sinned, God must punish sin, Jesus was punished for your sins. By faith in His Blood, accept Christ's punishment for your sins, or you must pay for your sins in the Lake of Fire. The Gospel of Salvation is by simple faith in the Precious Blood of Jesus. The blood of Christ is the only balm for an uneasy conscience. Only the Holy Ghost can lead a sinner t the Cross and then apply Jesus' Blood to a man's conscience. Seek the good, the pure, the true Savior. Watch against, and pray without ceasing, keep your conscience tender, fear the LORD and please Him. He that feareth God shall come forth of them all.

We all understand right and wrong, because the work of God’s law is written on the heart of every man (Roman 2:14-15). The work of God’s law directs you when it comes to right and wrong, examines you in thought, word and deed, and then condemns you for sinning. TheConscience is the inner voice that pronounces judgment of right and wrong. The Conscience has been called the ‘Judge’ in the courtroom of the soul which pronounces judgment on our actions (Guilty or Not Guilty).

The Conscience is also like a smoke alarm of the soul that alerts you to the ‘smoke of sin’ and reminds you to flee or be burned. If and when you violate your Conscience, it becomes defiled and doesn’t alert you to sin as it should. This is very dangerous, just like a malfunctioning smoke alarm in your home could put you at danger if a fire breaks out when you’re sleeping. Do you violate your Conscience and defile it? Many people wrestle with their Conscience and break or defile it – and then it doesn’t function as it should. A good Conscience has to be maintained (Acts 23:1; I Timothy 1:5,19; 3:9; II Timothy 1:3; Hebrews 13:18; I Peter 3:16), just like a smoke alarm. Have you broken your Conscience?

The Conscience is also like the guard dog of the soul that protects against the intruder called Sin. The Conscience will bark when it sees or smells Sin, you can either respond and avoid sin or shoot the guard dog and let Sin steal from you and kill you. The Conscience is a way of escape from sin, if you list to it closely (I Corinthians 10:13).

The Conscience is the soul’s nerve endings that protects it from sin. Just like the nerve endings of your hand alert you when get to close to an iron or stove, your Conscience alerts you when you get close to sin. Your Conscience will testify against you in the day of judgment when we stand before God. Conscience is that thing that feels bad when everything else feels good. Your conscience reminds you what you really are on the inside, and it frightens you at times.

The Conscience’s voice is heard in moral deeds – it will excuse and accuse depending on your actions. It excuses when you do what the law of God requires with: “Not guilty”, or accuses when you do what the law of God forbids with: “Guilty”. It speaks powerfully to our mind when we sin with guilt, shame, and fear. The Conscience also causes us to blush, stammer, sweat, or tremble. Sin also brings feelings of regret, anguish, misery, depression, worry and confusion.

Have you been a good steward of your Conscience, or has it been buried and defiled under loads of filth and trash in our life: sinful thoughts, attitudes, deeds, and cursing. The first time you ever cursed (used God’s name or Jesus Christ’s name is vain) your Conscience convicted you, but you kept on doing it and your Conscience quit bothering you because you defiled your Conscience. Don't let your conscience be your guide unless God guides your conscience.

When you’re tempted to lie, cheat, steal, lust or take God’s name in vain, your Conscience will alert you to the danger. But you, like all of us, ignore your Conscience and willfully commit Sin. Do you remember standing face to face with right and wrong, and choosing the wrong? Have you ever known the truth about something, and intentionally told a lie or misled someone with deceit? Sure you have, the Bible says, all men are liars. Have you ever secretly lusted after the opposite sex (pornography, internet web sites, or lustful imaginations)? JESUS said, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28).

Your conscience is the small voice inside our heart and mind approving right, and disapproving the wrong. When it comes to sin, please err on the side of caution.  A troubled and guilty conscience will not let you sleep or eat at times. One of the most dreadful sins a man can ever commit in this life, is to sin directly and to sin persistently against his own conscience. When you do do that thing which conscience says you ought not to do, and when you don’t do that thing which conscience says you ought to do, it is sin. Conscience cries out, “Stop, hold on! That is wrong, wrong, don’t do it! Every man on earth has violated his conscience at one time or another. God is the Creator of the conscience of man.

Every time you’ve violated your Conscience and rejected the light that God gave you, you committed a Sin. If you’re honest, you will realize that you’re guilty and your sin must be forgiven. Your Sin deserves the eternal punishment of Hell. But there’s good news: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. God commendeth [proved] His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Jesus Christ died to take your place so you wouldn’t have to suffer the eternal judgment of God for your sin.  Sin is sin, the wages of sin is sin, you will reap what you sow, more than you sow, later than you sow.

What are you going to do about your sin? All of your good deeds cannot undo your sin against God. Good works cannot remove the sin stains from your soul. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can wash away the deep, dark sin stains of your heart and Conscience. If you have not yet trusted Jesus with your soul, please do so.  If you are reluctant to be saved, think about your soul, reject the evil tendency to procrastinate and come to Jesus now. No one ever loved you like the Lord Jesus Christ. Will you accept His payment for your sin? Please don’t turn Jesus away today. How shall ye escape if ye neglect so great salvation? “Dear God, Please be merciful to me a sinner. I repent of my sin and trust Jesus Christ’s precious blood to save me today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”