Saturday, January 28, 2012

Some Good Questions 1

* Have you ever been really upset over your sins?
* How good does a man have to be to satisfy divine justice?  *I Peter 2:22; II Cor 5:21; I John 3:5*
* What have you done with Jesus which is called Christ?
* Do you deserve anything except Hell?
* Does God owe you His mercy?
* What do you think of most throughout the day?
* What produces your strongest emotions?
* What makes you tick within?
* Have you ever come to the end of yourself?
* Do you hate your sins? Do you swim against the stream of your evil tendencies?
* Is all your hope fixed on what Jesus did for sinners on Calvary's tree?
* Do you think any of your religious works can help cancel your guilt?
* Christ Jesus has done so much for you; what have you ever done for Him?
* Do you think that anything you have is your own?
* What do you throw money at?
* What does your mind feed on?
* How is your soul prospering?
* Do you know any sinner who Jesus Christ died for?
* What are the ruling habits of your life?
* Have you a longing in your heart to be the means of bringing others to Christ?
* Have you talked about Jesus Christ today? Have you spoken to anybody about their soul today?
* Who are you trying to please?
* Does your sin sicken you?
* Have you ever thought how greatly you have sinned against Jesus?
* What is your life's master passion?
* What bad habits do you struggle with most?
* What consumes your thoughts?
* Does God owe you His salvation?
* Will your future efforts help blot out your sins?
* What is your righteousness?
* Have you been to Jesus to have your sins freely, instantly, eternally forgiven?
* Do you have anything of your own to boast of?
* Do you have any trust in your own righteousness?
* Can I tell you how much Jesus loves me?
* Will you be able to claim any credit for your salvation?
* Are you resting at all on what you are?
* Can you earn God's divine mercy?
* Does God know you're saved?
* Who am I, what does living really mean, what is my destiny?
* Is there any good work of your own that you are relying upon?
* Do you have any claim upon God's mercy?
* Where is your confidence?
* Do you deserve God's love and mercy?
* How good do you have to be to get to Heaven? Answer: No good.
* Do you know your Best Friend?
* Are sins forgiven freely?
* How good does a man have to be to satisfy God's divine justice? Answer: Perfect
* Where are your sins right now, on Christ, or on your soul?
* Are you a self-saved man?
* Do you have two Saviors?
* Are you half-saved?
* Do you deserve God's forgiveness?
* What are the good works that can merit Heaven and ensure eternal life?
* Are you willing to be saved on God's free terms?
* Have you been clean delivered from all confidence in yourself?
* Are you trusting solely and entirely in the Blood and Righteousness of God's crucified and risen Son?
* Is there some private sin you don't want to give up?
* Have you passed from death to life?
* Was the Savior necessary in your case?
* Have you any sins from which you cannot escape of yourself?
* Have you ever felt the evil and guilt of your sins?
* Are you willing to be saved by Jesus Christ alone?
* Have you accepted the Christ, the whole Christ, the Man Christ, the God Christ, Immanuel, God with us?
* Is Jesus' atoning blood all your trust?
* Have you felt the burden of your sin? Have you ever taken that burden to the Cross by faith and given it over to Jesus Christ Himself?
* Are you confiding your soul's eternal interest with Christ Jesus alone?
* Does your religion have anything to do with your salvation?
* At your very best, do you have anything to boast of?
* Do you believe in the Crucified Creator God?