Friday, June 17, 2011

Love Christ, Hate Sin

The main reason any man continues to reject Christ is because he is secretly clinging to some pet evil he cannot give up, and that sin will be his everlasting ruin. The lost man has an intense love for his sin. He not only sins, but he loves and longs to sin against God. Sin is the unregenerate sinner's element. The reason why the Bible and Jesus Christ trouble lost men is because they interfere with their sinning. The natural man says in his heart, "If I become a Christian, I cannot live as I have been accustomed to live, so I will not believe in Christ, I will reject the Gospel and turn my back on the Crucified Creator. Christ will cost me my sins and reputation with my worldly companions, I would rather keep on in my sin than give up my way." The true reason any man questions and rejects the Bible is an ungodly private life. If you probe down to the bottom of the matter, some secret sinful pleasure is the reason for a man's unbelief or atheism.

If you come to Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28-30), that means to turn from sin, and trust Christ Himself. Coming to Christ is a forsaking of all other false confidences, a renouncing of love to sin, and a looking to Jesus alone as your only hope of salvation. Bottom line: If you come to Christ, you will forsake your sin; If you love Christ, you will hate your sins. A man will never quit his sin because he is hell-scared; he will only quit his sinning when love of Christ is shed abroad in his heart.

Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was born of a Jewish virgin. God became a Jewish man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He lived here on earth a life of holiness and suffering, and at the end He was nailed to the Cross. Christ was punished for your sins. He was buried and three days later, He rose again from the dead, and then He ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. And now God “commands all men everywhere to repent;” and God tells you this in His book — “Whosoever believeth on the Son of God shall not perish, but have eternal life.” This is the Gospel of the Grace of God.

You must believe on Christ's blood alone (Romans 5:9; Colossians 1:14); cast your guilty soul on Jesus' perfect Atonement that He made for guilty sinners; and even if your soul is as black as hell in sin, your soul this day can be made whiter than snow by simply trusting Jesus Christ. You must take Jesus Christ Himself and trust His Righteousness to save your soul and get you past the Judgment. Believe that the Man who died on Calvary was God, and that He took your sins upon Himself and paid for all your sins in full with His own blood. You must give up trusting your own goodness. Put your faith in Christ's Righteousness, give up trusting your goodness, you can't make it past the White Throne Judgment trusting your own righteousness.

If you dropped dead today, you need to be prepared to meet God your Maker in judgment. If your secrets were judged, you would be found Guilty. You need to receive Jesus Christ, so you are ready to die and meet God in a fit condition. You must receive and trust Jesus Christ who died in your place, He bore your sins and became Sin for you, He paid for your sins. You must take Jesus Christ Himself as the Atonement, the payment for your sins against God. You must have God's Righteousness to make it pass the Judgment, and God's Righteousness is a Person - Jesus Christ. Nothing else will do. Come to Jesus now as a sinner, and trust Him to save your soul from the love of sin. Without Jesus Christ, you will not make it.