Saturday, October 5, 2024


We hear this phrase "Trans" being used very often today in this present evil world, and O what a wicked culture America is today. But let's see how The Word of God uses this phrase "Trans":

* TRANSgressor: This is what you are in the sight of God; and until you are born again, you are only a wicked transgressor in God's sight and are currently abiding under His wrath. The way of transgressors is hard. Wake up out of your Sin Coma, Wake up, Wake up! (Proverb 13:15)
* TRANSgression: This is what you have committed against your Holy Maker. Out of infinite Love, CHRIST JESUS, God manifest in the flesh, was wounded for your transgressions. (Isaiah 53:6)
* TRANSgressing: This is what your evil carnal nature within is intentionally doing every day, transgressing against God Himself and His divine Laws. You are Guilty as sin itself, because you are a Sinner, and sinning is the best you can do. So, as a result of your rebellion, a warrant for your Soul's arrest has been issued by the Judge of all the earth, for Divine Justice has been violated by you personally. (Acts 17:31) You've been served!
*TRANSfigured: JESUS was transfigured before His disciples: As He prayed, the fashion of His countenance was altered, and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light. And His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so no fuller on earth can white them, white and glistening. (Matthew 17:1-2; Mark 9:2-3; Luke 9:28-29) 
* TRANSlate: Now remember, your Soul must be translated by the Spirit of God from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God's dear Son. (Colossians 1:13) Until then, your poor Soul remains helplessly captive and under the control of the dark kingdom of Satan. Until you are born again, your Soul belongs to Satan. Also, when JESUS comes again, at the Appearing, He will translate His saints from earth to above, and so shall they ever be with HIM. 
* TRANSform: After your Soul is translated into the Kingdom of God, then your Mind must be Transformed anew by the Holy Spirit day by day, because for years and years this vile world has filled and conformed your mind with its cunningly devised spells and devilish thoughts. (Romans 12:2)
* TRANSparent: The streets of the continuing City, the City of the Living God, the heavenly New Jerusalem, are pure gold, as it were transparent glass. This is a peaceful city, because JESUS is The King, Governor, and Mayor of New Jerusalem. Of the Increase of His Government and Peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of host will perform this. (Revelation 21:21)

Dear Friend, Please do your Soul a Big Favor; Renounce your ways, your righteousness, and your thoughts. Let go of your deadly sins and Cleave to Jesus Christ Himself; Your account must be settled with God; That's all there is to it, and only Sinless Precious Blood can Ransom and Redeem your cursed Soul from the wrath to come that you deserve. Put zero confidence in yourself; Place all your Confidence in Christ Jesus Himself. Bypass all your doings and religiousness, and go to straight to THE LAMB OF GOD and His PRECIOUS BLOOD for mercy and salvation; Commit your immortal Soul into the merciful pierced hands of The Lord Jesus Christ for safekeeping eternally. Remember what JESUS said: If any man Thirst, let Him come unto ME, and drink. (John 7:37) The Holy Spirit creates the thirst, and JESUS satisfies the thirst, for He is the Free Water of Life.

I'm a TRANSgressor, and I have committed many transgressions against my Creator and His divine Law. But in Mercy, the Grace of God and The Holy Spirit made me aware and conscious of my sinful state and imminent danger. By the Help of the Holy Spirit, I came to my senses, I woke up out of my sin coma, and out of the depths of my guilt and shame, the Holy Spirit gave me Faith, I cried unto the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and He translated me out of my sins, and into His everlasting Kingdom. And now, the Holy Spirit is transforming my mind day by day. The path of JESUS is as the shining light, than shineth more and more unto the perfect day when I will go to be with Him for evermore. I am now waiting for THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to return, or for my flesh to give up the ghost one day, and I will depart to be with THE LAMB OF GOD which is only gain and far better. Then, I will be enter New Jerusalem and walk along the golden transparent streets to praise and follow the LAMB whithersoever He goeth.