Sunday, October 6, 2024


My sins are innumerable, and they have beset me completely: my iniquities cleave unto me, I am not able to look up; my sins against God are more than the hairs of my head. My sins are against God, against Christ, against the Holy Spirit, against the words of God, against my parents, against my relationships, against my employer and employees. I have sinned against my own conscience and the clearest light and knowledge deliberately and intentionally. I have repeatedly sinned against God. The Gospel is intended only for sinful men and women, not the righteous. 

How can a sinner be Safe while his sins remain unforgiven and his Soul is unregenerate and undone? How can a sinner be at Peace with his Maker while he is a slave to his own evil nature, and an out-and-out enemy to his Creator?

Sins of thought and imagination, sins with my eyes, tongue, hands, feet, and entire body. Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight. Sinned against godly instruction and gracious examples. It is a horrible thing to be a lost sinner, and when the horror is fully perceived, I suddenly realize there a little piece of hell living within me: my Sins. My inward part is very wickedness. I have sinned on land, on the sea, and in the air. I am poor sin-sick soul in need of a divine Remedy. Sins of youth, Sins of manhood, Sins of old age. I am exceeding sinful and inclined to evil. 

Christ died for the ungodly; JESUS saves the sinful; The Lamb of God laid down His life for the vilest. I have sinned against God, and I cannot undo my sins by my own efforts or resolve. I have provoked God continually all my days, and can never make an atonement for my provocations. My unclean thought life and wicked imaginations trouble me. My terrible load of guilt worries me. My sins and guilt haunt me day and night, and drive me to despair. 

Sins of forgetting God, Sins against the Pardoning Love, Gentle Goodness and Continual Mercy of God. I played the fool greatly by sinning against God. I have sinned in thought, word, and deed all through my life without any regard to the LORD. Christ Jesus became Sin for me, He offered up Himself in my place, bearing my sins in His own body and suffering my sins' full penalty to His last breath on the Cross, and now God can be Just, and yet save a sinful man like me freely for Jesus' sake. 

I have sinned myself under the curse of the law and a dreadful penalty; I have sinned myself into despair, misery and death. I have sinned grievously and continually, aggravated sins against the forgiving God, the bleeding Savior, and the pleading Holy Spirit. I am sinner through and through, but Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; so I trust my Soul with Him at once. Christ Jesus freely forgives the guilty, and renews the sinful. I trust my sinful soul with the Lamb of God and His great Atoning Sacrifice for my sins. Only the Love of Christ can constrain me from sinning against God.

I have sinned against heaven and divine justice. A lost sinner is a base, despicable creature, only worthy of condemnation and wrath. Sins of commission and omission, Sins of ignorance, Secret sins, Overt and covert sins. I wandered in the darkness of Sin on the very brink of eternal damnation. The rejection of Christ brought the blackest guilt on my soul. O how many are my iniquities and sins; my transgressions are like black clouds over my head, threatening to strike me with thunderbolts of vengeance at any time. I drank from the world's murky ditch water and the black well of sin until I felt like animated death. 

My iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me. My secret sins are in the light of God's countenance. If you feel the bond of iniquity and the bitterness of sin in your Soul right now, cry out the LORD in your trouble and He will save you out of your distresses, "God be merciful to me a sinner, forgive my sins, grant me your Salvation, for JESUS' sake." One sincere sentence, just a few words of true heart-pleading with God, is worth more than ten thousand words of mere lip-service. 

I have sinned openly, sinned again and again with God watching every time. I have committed sins of the eyes, sins of the feet, sins with both hands, sins of the brain, sins of the heart, sins against God's Holy Law, sins against Jesus' Love and Blood; my sins are immense and innumerable. My sins are like the sand by the sea side for multitude, but the mercies and forgivenesses in JESUS' PRECIOUS BLOOD are Infinite. Never forget: Where my sins abounded, The Grace of My Lord Jesus Christ did much more abound. O what a Wonderful Savior is He!