Saturday, July 27, 2024


* The Holy Bible; not an unholy creed, ordinance or ceremony
* The Gospel of the Grace of God; not vain philosophy or some religious spell
* The Father, The Most High, The Highest; not mother nature or a higher power
* The Savior of the world; not a church or denomination
* The Precious Blood; not a cup of fermented wine
* THE ATONEMENT; not the best the you can do
* The Father's Business; not selfish ambition
* Accepted in the Beloved; not canonized by the pope's idolatrous sacrilege
* Being born again of incorruptible seed, by the word of God; not some priest's magic tricks
* THE PROPITIATION; not suffering penance and wicked indulgences
* The One Mediator between God and men; not Peter or Mary
* The Gospel Facts; not religious fiction
* The Gospel is the Masterpiece of Christ; Catholicism, Islam, and Mormonism are all masterpieces of Satan.
* The sons of God and disciples of Christ; not dupes of the pope, muhammed, or joseph smith
* Meek and Lowly in heart; not religious pride
* Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory; not sheer despair and hopelessness
* The Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God; not the benighted missal
* Everlasting Life; not temporal life
* The Eternal Robe of Christ's RIGHTEOUSNESS; not vestments
* The Communion of the Holy Ghost; not a popish communion of sorcery
* Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, INVISIBLE; not the host, eucharist, crucifix, pyx, priest, so-called sacred places, or any other visible person, place, or thing.
* Worship the Father in spirit and in truth; not with pictures, statues, molten gods, graven images, relics, beads, and other papal buffoonery 
* Offering the Sacrifice of Praise Continually; not hocus-pocus incantations of the mass 
* Coming to Christ for REST; not coming to priests and sacraments for condemnation
* The New Jerusalem; not Rome, Mecca, or Salt Lake City
* Let us come boldly unto the KING OF KINGS on His Throne of Grace; not ridiculously praying to dead saints
* Eternal Damnation and Everlasting Fire; not purgatory, not saying masses and robbing dupes
* Substitution; not transubstantiation (cunningly devised spell)
* The Prayer of Faith; not a prayer book
* The Water of Life; not the pope's unholy water, or the campbellite's baptistery
* The Blood of His Cross; not delusions and inventions of man
* The Lamb of God; not the sacraments
* The Blessed Hope; never hope in the popester
* The Cross of Christ; not a crucifix
* Clothed with The Garments of Salvation and Humility; not a religious costume
* The Blessed and Only Potentate; not pope francis
* Christ Crucified; not the wisdom of man
* For by Grace are ye saved through Faith in His Precious Blood; not by swallowing down the blasphemous, hellish host
* Private prayers; not public genuflections
* The Preaching of The Cross; not popish damnable heresies and the pontiff's doctrines of devils
* Repentance toward God; not the confessional booth
* The Light of the world; not candles
* The Incarnation of the Son of the Highest; not a drunken christmas party
* The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead; not a sunrise service or an easter egg hunt
* The Righteousness of Christ; not your self-righteousness
* What God sees in private; not what man sees in public
* The Great High Priest; not the pope's priestcraft
* The Grace of God; not works
* The Spirit of God; not religiousness
* The Power of The Holy Ghost; not you trying to live "IT"
* The Holy Scriptures; not superstition or traditions of catholics, baptists, methodists, or mohammedans
* The Comforter; not convictions
* Steadfastness; not religious excitement
* Conversion; not a religious experience
* Desiring inward Fellowship with God; not praying the rosary
* Praying to the Father through the Precious Blood of the Mediator with the Holy Spirit's help; not praying to Mary or Allah or some other dark entity
* Faith in Jesus Christ Himself; not your feelings or doings
* Revelation and Knowledge of JESUS; not your intuition
* Coming to Christ Himself by Faith; not going to confession
* Internal Regeneration by the Holy Spirit; not external morality or water baptism by your elder, priest or pastor
* The Bread of Life Himself; not the pope's deadly host, or the superstitious eucharist
Reconciliation; not joining a church
* The inward parts; not a church building, temple or mosque
* In spirit and in truth; not in public
* Servants of Christ; not men pleasers 
* The Spirit of truth; not the spirit of error
* Eternity; not time
* The Praise of God; not the praise of man
* Creation; not evolution
* The Increase of God; not church membership
* The Fear of God; not eyeservice
* Self-denial; not self-will
* Let JESUS save your Soul; don't try to save the Earth 
* Not my goodness; but my badness
* Bad people go to Heaven; good people go to Hell
* Not my merit; but my misery
* Not my beauties; but my wretchedness
* Not my riches; but my deep poverty and desperate need
* Not my virtues; but my sins and iniquities
* Not my merit; but God's mercy
* Not my fickle self-righteousness; but His immutable Grace
* The Highest, The Son of the Highest, and The Power of the Highest; not something you've dreamed up.