Sunday, July 7, 2024


There are three simple questions we must all face and answer: 
1. What am I going to do with my Sins?
2. What am I going to do with my Soul?
3. What am I going to do with JESUS which is called CHRIST, The Son of the Living God?

I have sinned against God and Heaven, and I must get rid of my Sins, or they will surely damn me forever. I have an immortal Soul, and I must commit myself and trust my Soul with Jesus Christ, for only He can keep my Soul safe forever in His loving care. I must either receive or reject Christ Jesus personally, for He said, "He that is not with Me is against Me."

My sinful soul was in distress, in debt, and very discontented; I wandered in the darkness and blindness of my Sins. By nature, I was a slave to my sins, alienated from the Life of God, and destitute in this world. I was weary of my self and sins, and had no merit my own. I hung my guilty head, ashamed of all my wicked ways and hateful life that I had led. I was full of Sin within, and my Soul sat in darkness all alone. I did evil, because I prepared not my heart to seek the LORD. My sins only led me to more and more guilt, misery, doubts, confusion, darkness, and self-despair. O wretched man that I am; Vilest of the vile am I!

Nothing but Sin could I call my own. I was troubled over the brevity, frailty and uncertainty of life. Why? Human nature is as fickle and unpredictable as the weather. Now understand: Evil human nature will listen to and follow after anything and everything but the Word of the Truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sin aggravated my mind continually, and my sinful propensities and filthy thought life troubled me. My sins are a pain in my side. Sin, guilt and death is all that I ever was. My sins which I had committed were my very own. My evil state was only mine. My feet ran insanely to Hell Fire, and there I should have done. Unworthy and unclean, I am nothing else but Sin. Without JESUS' smile my spirit and soul could not find any Rest. JESUS, please purify my heart and soul within, Undertake for me, Forgive and rescue me, even me. Only JESUS' life blood could atone my dreadful guilt. 

The Holy Spirit and Grace divine visited me and caused me to feel my sinful condition and sense JESUS' bleeding pardoning redeeming Love. The mercy of God wooed me to believe in and trust only to JESUS. Give me Christ, or else I perish. I disdained human merit and worldly vanity, for they could never satisfy me. The Blood of Jesus Christ is most precious and the sinner's perfect plea. A bleeding Savior I have viewed dying in my place, and now I hate my sins. Now the only Good I rejoice and boast in belongs to JESUS.

All my Hope and Help comes from the Cross, and all beside JESUS I count but loss. On JESUS' Atoning Blood alone my Hope depends. JESUS' Bleeding Love was great and His Rich Mercy was free, and He is mighty to save. From damnation I deserved, JESUS has delivered me. All my Faith and Hope is fixed on JESUS forever and ever. JESUS' PRECIOUS BLOOD ATONEMENT has made an end of my guilt and sins. I am no longer my own, for my soul and body have purchased with a Price, His Most Precious Blood. All I am and ever hope to be, I owe it All to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Free grace currently flows freely from Calvary's Lamb. All the Glory, Lord Jesus, from first to last, is due to your Holy Name. The glorious Lamb of God satisfied Divine Justice for my sinful soul. The Father's Love, The Son's Blood and Righteousness, and the Holy Spirit's Power sought me and saved me from the wrath to come. I hate my sins which crucified my God and that made my Saviour suffer and bleed. Bleeding Love's redeeming work is now Finished by the Lamb of God Himself. A sinful wretch can only find Mercy, Peace, Forgiveness, and Rest down at the pierced feet of the Lamb of God. Very Carefully Consider your latter end!

May the Holy Spirit help you to come to your sober senses: Think much of the Precious Blood spilled for sinners by the Lamb of God on the Cross of Calvary. On JESUS' tender mercy now rely and always. Come directly to Christ Jesus through Faith in His Blood without delay, on His Atonement now rely. Simply take the full Forgiveness the Gospel freely offers to you today. Seek the LORD JESUS while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. JESUS freely saves the lost, so only in His Finished Work trust. Take Shelter in JESUS at once, seek His Mercy and Grace. The Love, Grace and Blood of God manifest in the flesh is only available at Calvary. 

The Savior of the world lived a sinless life, He bled and died for my Soul. The obedience and righteousness of His spotless life is placed to my account. By grace JESUS' Righteousness has been imputed to me, as were my Sins to Him. Love divine made Jesus bleed for even me. I dread and hate sinning against such a good and loving Creator who Loved me to death. Christ Jesus and His Cross work are my only plea, to Calvary alone I flee for refuge, O my God be merciful to me, for JESUS' sake. Please stop chewing on the bitter husks this world and religion is continually offering you - they are forever dissatisfying and vexing. 

The Judge of all the earth suffered a bloody atoning death to set guilty prisoners free. JESUS bore the wrath of God and the Curse of Sin for me in His own body on the tree and paid my sin debt in full. Perfect Righteousness and Full Pardon for whosoever will come to JESUS is now here for the taking. Outside of Christ, your Soul is in imminent peril and facing impending doom. As long as you avoid JESUS, you are self-condemned and doomed to die without God. Your laboring and heavy laden Soul can only find Rest with the Lamb of God. Close with Calvary's Lamb at once. The voices of Sin, or the Voice of the Holy Spirit, which will you obey? God sent His Son to die, all your sins to atone. Sins can only be forgiven by JESUS' Precious Blood, sins can only be subdued by the power of the Holy Spirit. My God, love me Freely for I have nothing to pay.

My great ambition and intent is to clearly make JESUS known, and to Extol the sin-atoning Lamb of God. Christ Jesus and His Cross are my only Glory and Theme. May you know nothing for certain but Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead. 

May the Holy Spirit help you give this earnest attention: Go to the Throne of Grace, Obtain Mercy, Find Grace to help in time of need, Sincerely prepare and set your heart aright to Seek the LORDDesire the Holy Spirit and the Truth in your inward parts, Search for Wisdom in His words and from above, Continue in the precious Faith and in the true Grace of God, Keep God's words forever in the imagination of the thoughts of your heart and do them, Prepare your ways before the LORD, Set your affection on things above, Obey His Voice, Abide in Him, Deny yourself, With purpose of heart Cleave unto the Lord, Serve Him only, Depart from evil, Purpose that your mouth will not transgress, Put away iniquities and idols far from you, Keep thyself pure, Let not wickedness dwell in your inward parts, that it might be well with your Soul. I know that it shall be well with them that fear God. 

There are three simple questions we must all face and answer: 
1. What am I going to do with my Sins?
2. What am I going to do with my Soul?
3. What am I going to do with JESUS which is called CHRIST, The Son of the Living God?