Saturday, June 22, 2024


We should be telling out the Good News, Reporting for the Redeemer, Covering Christ Crucified, Corresponding The Cross, Publishing the Precious Blood. There is no Gladder News: The Gospel is always Divine News fresh from above. Just In/THE Latest Breaking News/THE Good News Alert: The Gospel is The Lord Jesus Christ; He personally loved you to death, so He could save your Soul from sin's prison, penalty and power. JESUS came to proclaim Liberty and Deliverance to the captives, and open the Prison to them that are bound. 

The Gospel bell always rings with the clearest note. The Gospel is God's good will toward bad men. The Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ still shines exceedingly clear and bright to this day. The heavenly Remedy for our dire sinful condition deep within us is found only in the Precious Blood of JEHOVAH manifest in the flesh. The GOSPEL is each day's most important story. Who hath believed the LORD'S Report? 

For the best Reporting and Results, you must go straight to The Source: Isaiah 53:5-6; Matthew 20:28; Mark 7:20-22; Luke 18:13; John 1:14; John 3:7; Acts 13:38-39; Romans 3:25; Romans 5:9; I Corinthians 15:1-3; II Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:8; Philippians 2:5-10; Colossians 1:14; I Thessalonians 2:4; II Thessalonians 2:11-12; I Timothy 1:15; I Timothy 3:16; II Timothy 2:8; Titus 3:4-5; Hebrews 7:25; James 1:21; I Peter 1:19; II Peter 3:9; I John 2:1-2; Revelation 1:5.

The Infinite became an infant, born of the virgin Mary, the holy child of Bethlehem. God showed up here on Earth in human form in the person of a Jewish peasant, Jesus of Nazareth. Condescending Grace and Immeasurable Love made the Infinite incarnate. Bleeding Love of the Incarnate God for sinners, Mercy for the guilty, Grace for the ungodly. The Heir of Glory was born into this world. Jesus, the Son of God, Himself God over all, Blessed forever, A Tried Stone, A Precious Corner Stone, The Chief Corner Stone, The infinitely glorious One, The Brightness of God's Glory, The express image of God's Person, THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, The Creator of heaven and earth, stooped from loftiness of Eternity to the depths of woe to stand and die in the place of sinners, and pour out heart's innocent blood. 

The Creator was born at Bethlehem as a Jewish child, and then lived 33 years in poverty, slander, and scorn due to His virgin birth. He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He suffered in Gethsemane until bloody sweat feel on the ground, falsely accused, ridiculed, spit upon , beaten, mocked, scourged, nailed to a cross, JEHOVAH's wrath crushed His spirit until His heart was broken.  

The real Superman came into this world from outer space to save sinners. For in JESUS dwelt all the fullness of Godhead bodily. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. For by Him were all things created, and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him. 

The Son of The Highest came to Earth in infinite Pity, and He took on our nature, being fashioned as a man in the womb of Mary. JESUS humbled Himself, and became as truly man as He was assuredly God, Full of Grace and Truth. The offended One took upon Him the nature of the offender. The Lord God Omnipotent became Emmanuel, God with us. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. The Holy Spirit conceived Christ Jesus, and The Holy Father prepared a body in the womb for the Son of God to partake of flesh and blood. But JESUS' Blood was God's Blood (Acts 20:28). The Son of God came to the Father's will in this body of flesh, by the which we are Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL. (Hebrews 10:5-10)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, But then, The Word was made flesh; The Creator and King of the entire Universe laid aside His divine glory; He dwelt here among men, teaching, preaching, working miracles of matchless mercy. He went everywhere proving Himself to be the sinner's best friend. He was sympathetic, tender and gentle toward the sinful. He received to Himself the lowest of people, bowing Himself to the least of the human race. He condescended to men of low estate and washed their feet. Publicans and sinners drew near to Him to hear His words. 

There was a little Gospel in everything JESUS did and said: His entire life was Good News. The Holy Father dwelt among men, being found in fashion as a man. The God that hates sin dwelt among sinners, saw and felt their evil ways, prayed for them. Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. He was patient, gentle, self-sacrificing, just and true. The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give His life a Ransom for many. His heart was occupied with one divine errand: To save sinners from the wrath to come.

In due time when the Hour had come, the Son of God gave Himself for our sins, making an offering of His entire nature and being, the Incarnate God bled out His life to freely provide the Propitiation and Atonement (The Eternal Divine Satisfaction due to The Holy Law and Divine Justice) for the guilt of sinful men. CHRIST JESUS is my shining Star of Bethlehem and my rising Sun of Righteousness. Hereby perceive we the Love of God, because He laid down His life for us. Herein lies Unspeakable Love: The Incarnate God was veiled in human flesh and bled to death, that He may save sinful dying men. Unspeakable Love is fully centered in the Cross. Emmanuel being Full of Grace and Truth came to the sinner's Rescue. Faith in Emmanuel's Precious Blood is the One thing that is most Needful.

The immeasurable glory of Love was displayed at Gethsemane and the Cross. JESUS was in the garden of Gethsemane oppressed with our load of guilt until His the bloody sweat was forced from Him. Due to the unspeakable weight, bitterness and evil of Sin, He began to be sore amazed, very heavy, and His soul was exceeding sorrowful unto death. He bore the tremendous load of our sins up to the Cross without one murmur or complaint. 

JESUS' Soul was made a Curse for us, and His Soul suffered as the consuming vengeance of eternal fire spent itself upon Him. The Almighty's Divine Justice burned and blazed within JESUS on the Cross, nevertheless His pure Soul was able to endure the everlasting burnings, and yet not be destroyed. The sorrows of the second Death compassed Him, and the pains of Hell gat hold upon Him. All the billows and waves of divine Wrath passed over Him. His heart cried out beneath the crushing, unbearable load of sin, grief, anguish, and misery. 

The Eternal, Omnipotent, Infinite Son of God loved the fallen sinful sons of man and donned the garments of human flesh, and in that flesh, He bled and died a most shameful death upon Cross of Calvary. The Rich Mercy God gave us a Wonderful Savior who was willing to lay down His life for us. JESUS by the Grace of God tasted Death for every man. Who for the Joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame. He blotted our sins, took them out of the way, nailing them all to His Cross. He spoiled the principalities and powers of darkness, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them through His sufferings on Calvary. 

Emmanuel was nailed to the Cross, hanging their naked for everyone to gawk at in the agonies of death for our sake. He was crucified in front of a jesting and jeering mob which shot cruel taunts and blasphemies at His tender heart up to very moment when He gave up the ghost. He hung there bleeding from His stripes and wounds, exposed to the sun, burning with fever, devoured with thirst. He died the most deadly death. When JESUS became Sin for us, He even bore the desertion of His Father. He died the Just for the unjust to bring us to God. For our sake, He was obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross. 

In the Lamb of God on Calvary's Cross, there was the perfect blend of Divine Love and Divine Justice. The Atonement in which Grace and Vengeance unite in the Sinless Sacrifice of God manifest in the flesh - Emmanuel. At the Cross, God is Just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly, the Soul that believes on JESUS. God smites for sin, and yet smites not the sinner; JEHOVAH is Severe towards the Lamb of God, holding back none of Sin's Penalty, and yet laying none of penalty on the guilty sinner, because the Guiltless One has borne the full Punishment for human sins. At the Cross, Righteousness and Peace kissed one another in the heart of the Lamb of God. The Crucified Creator is all my Hope, Trust and Confidence.

This is the Gospel, the Good News from Glory, The Gospel of Substitution. Jesus stood in the sinner's place, and bore in our stead the punishment and wrath that was due to the law of God on account of our transgressions, iniquities, and sins. I glory only in the Cross, my only Hope is in the Crucified Risen Creator, The Lord Jesus Christ Himself. 

We have to remember this: In the sight of God, we are presumed Guilty until we are made Innocent by the Transference of our Guilt from our Soul to the Lamb of God - This is called Imputation. We must come into Personal contact with the Lamb of God by Faith given to us y the Holy Spirit, and we must ask The Lamb of God to transfer our sins over to Him, and He will instantly and eternally wash them away forever and ever through His Precious Blood, and transfer to us His Righteousness. (II Corinthians 5:21)

After they took His dead body down from the Cross, He was buried in a borrowed tomb, and three days later, God raised Him from the dead according to the Scriptures, the sign of the prophet Jonah. He showed Himself alive after His Passion by many infallible proofs, He was seen by men for 40 days after He rose from the dead, speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. After that He ascended into glory, and now today, He live, bears the scars of His passion, and intercedes for His children at the Holy Father's right hand. By intercession, JESUS is still saving and keeping sinners whom He purchased with His own Precious Blood. 

Ye must be Born Again of The Spirit.
Christ died for the ungodly;
Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, 
and thou shalt be saved;
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;
Whosoever believeth in JESUS should not perish,
but have Everlasting Life.
God be merciful to me a sinner, for Jesus' sake.