Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Salvation is the deliverance and freedom from the guilt, penalty and power of your personal sins through faith in Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - This is an intensely Personal matter. For every one of us shall give a personal account of himself to God. Your preacher, priest or shaman won't be there with you in the day of judgment and perdition: you need the very best Advocate and Mediator to go with you into the Eternal Courtroom. You need a personal pardon from the King of Glory, or you are undone forever. You must personally die and face God personally; dying is your personal business and death will either be personal comfort or personal dismay. Personally take God's only Cure for your sins - Christ's Precious Blood. Seek ye the LORD JESUS CHRIST while He may be found. The reason a man goes to Hell is because he refuses to take God's cure for Sin.

Jesus Christ must personally know you. (Matthew 7:23) You must be dealt with personally by the Holy Ghost Himself. Most importantly, There must be in you a personal repentance toward God the Father and a personal faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ, His dear Son. The wages is sin is still death, but the Gift of God is still eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Take Christ to be yours by personal Faith in Him. Cleave to Jesus personally. If you were a good man, you would trust the only Sinless Man God sent into this world to bleed to death for your sins. Human nature loves religion by proxy, someone else between you and God, but it is good for nothing and won't work. You must deal directly with Jesus Christ Himself.

The root reason you will not trust and confess Jesus Christ is because you love your sinful self, and you are no good, and that's all there is to it. Nobody else can trust Jesus Christ for you. As a sinner you must believe on Jesus for yourself; it is a Personal act. The main reason you won't trust Jesus Christ completely to save your soul is that you think you can help Him out. You think you can run your life without Jesus Christ. Your situation is very serious; Respond to the Spirit of God's drawing while you can, come unto Christ for Rest. Be wise now: Come to Jesus Christ as a needy, lost sinner, and say, "I can't run my life, I give up, I surrender, I am not capable of saving my soul or running my life. Lord Jesus, I trust You alone, please come into my heart, soul, mind and body, and take me over, and run my life for me; God be merciful to me a sinner, for Jesus' sake."

You must FIRST be convinced personally by the Spirit of God by Him making you conscious of your personal sinfulness, inability, guiltiness and condemnation. Then with the Holy Spirit's help, you must come to the realization, that you are in imminent peril, personally lost, have no hope, and in desperate need of Jesus Christ Himself. The hearing of Faith begins with you personally hearing and listening to Gospel for yourself. The Conviction of sins then comes home to your heart personally through the work of the Holy Spirit. Come personally and directly to the Man Christ Jesus, the one Mediator between God and men. The Holy Spirit gives you a personal and special interest in the Precious Blood of God manifest in the flesh - Emmanuel, and you must personally act and trust Jesus Christ by faith. Tend to your Soul first, Get a personal hold of the Savior, come to Him now for Rest.

The Holy Spirit will move and begin to search and reveal your personal sins with the bright light of His Law; your sin will revive, and you will die. You will begin to feel the weight and heavy load of your personal sins. Be wise: Stop laboring to establish your own righteousness and struggling under the heavy load of your sins. The Holy Spirit convinces you of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come; and gently persuades you to personally lay hold on Eternal Life and Righteousness from the The Lord Jesus Christ. Only through Christ's Righteousness can you be "made" personally acceptable in the sight of God. A personal rejection of Christ will lead to eternal damnation.

Faith is the personal grasping, appropriating and receiving the personal Christ into one's inward parts (heart, mind, soul, will, intents, reins, conscience, understanding, affection, thoughts, desires). Personally renouncing and abandoning your own righteousness and personally grasping the Righteousness and Precious Blood by Faith (trusting, confiding, relying) and making Christ's sinless Blood Atonement your sole reliance and confidence which justifies you in the sight of God immediately and eternally. Religious professions and ordinances are only damning falsehoods if you have not personally received Christ and His Righteousness into your Soul. You must personally seek Christ and get into Him yourself (flee to Him for refuge), and have real faith in Him.

Acquaint now thyself personally with The Lord Jesus Christ, and be at Peace with God: thereby Good shall come unto thee. Personally acquainted with Christ's Person, His Righteousness, Talking to Christian people, preachers preaching to you, Sunday School teachers teaching you, the Bible being read to you, prayers being offered for you: All these things are well and good. But anything short of your personal direct contact with The Lord Jesus Christ Himself will leave your Soul undone and way short of Eternal Salvation. You must personally reach out to Christ, and touch Christ by Faith in His Precious Blood, nothing short of this will do your Soul any Real Good. 

Personal faith in the personal Savior, Christ Jesus Himself, for Personal forgiveness of your Personal sins you have committed against God Himself. Personal repentance toward God, and personal response to and obedience to the will of God, personally and literally believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for Righteousness. Personal and actual renewal of heart through the power of the Holy Ghost. Personal direct contact and dealings with Jesus Christ Himself. True, personal, inward Salvation wrought in us by the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus Christ's Blood and Righteousness. Personally ascribe all the glory to God for His grace and mercy in Christ Jesus. 

Personally growing in Grace and Knowledge of Christ, Personal fellowship with Christ, Personal adoration of Christ, Personal service to Christ, Personal likeness to Christ. 

Desiring and Praying personally to God, coming personally to Jesus for Rest, personally meeting Jesus Christ through faith in His atoning blood. Personally glorifying with your life secretly, privately, publicly. Personally give up the reins of your life to Jesus Christ, and let Him rule over your life. Personal inward Soul conflict with the old man and your sins. Personally praising and singing unto God. Taught personally by the Holy Ghost. Christ dwells in your heart by faith personally. Live on Christ, Live in Christ, Live with Christ, Live for Christ. Sincere personal Faith in Jesus Christ produces purity and holiness in our private and public lives. Personal presence and enjoyment of Christ in your heart. When your day is busy, you will miss personal fellowship with the merciful, gracious Redeemer.

Jesus resides in your heart personally, which is center of your Will and Love. Jesus personally teaches you to love Him, and you begin to know personally just how much Jesus loves you personally. Personal private communion with the Holy Spirit, this is Prayer and Supplication. With the help of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God, Personally seeking after lost souls. Consistently give personal service for Christ, love Him with your heart, think much of Him with your brain, pray to Him with your tongue, witness for Christ with your lips, serving Him with your hands, run His errands with your faculties. Jesus died personally for your sins; you should trust Him and serve Him personally.

Be ye Thankful and personally Grateful to God the Father. Diligently cultivate personal communion with the Holy Spirit. The more diligent you are in personal Supplication, the richer your Soul will be towards God. You come to know Jesus by personal acquaintance, because Jesus dwells in you and you enjoy His company personally on a daily basis.