Friday, June 14, 2024


In the silent midnight watches, 
List thy bosom's door!
How it knocketh, knocketh, knocketh, 
Knocketh, evermore!
Say not 'tis thy pulse's beating, 
'Tis thy heart of sin; 
'Tis thy Saviour knocks, and crieth, 
"Rise and let Me in!"

Death comes down with reckless footsteps, 
To the hall and hut;
Think you death will tarry knocking, 
When the door is shut?
Jesus waiteth, waiteth, waiteth; 
But the door is fast; 
Grieved, away thy Saviour goeth, 
Death breaks in at last.

Vainly thou wilt stand entreating, 
Christ to let thee in,
At the gate of Mercy beating, 
Wailing for thy sin?
Nay! alas, O guilty sinner! 
Hast thou then forgot?
Jesus waited long to know thee, 
Now He knows thee not!

- A. Cleveland Coxe