Trust the Lord Jesus Christ, put your whole confidence in His person and blood, rely upon HIM in time and for all Eternity. Trust to the merits of His great atoning Sacrifice, and He will save your Soul instantaneously and eternally with His Salvation. Now make the only fitting preparation for the Judgment to come by repenting of your Sins, and trusting in the Sin Bearer, who died, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. Play not with religious superstition, play not with your Soul. You may play your Soul right into Hell, but you can't play it out.
Human nature is dead set on working its way into Hell. Where there is real Faith in the Atonement, that Faith purifies the man within with true Repentance. Is Christ living in you? Are you living to Him? Your must rely alone upon Him; trust not in fiction, but in Reality. Lean hard, Rest, Depend upon JESUS, trusting alone in HIM. Faith is the habitual grace of the real Christian - trusting in God is His normal mode. God the Father is on the Christian's mind. The common habit of the Christian is a habit of trusting in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Christian's walk, life and conversation is Faith in JESUS always.
Lay hold upon Christ, cleave unto Him, and receive Him as your Incarnate Creator, as your Sinless Substitute, trusting in His shed blood for the remission and forgiveness of sins. Look to the Mercy of Christ, trusting the merits of His sacrificial death on Calvary's Cross. Never trust your own integrity or rely upon your own strength or self-will. Are you only trusting to the Lamb of God for free eternal Salvation? Look to Christ also for inward Purity. Believing is letting your hands lie still, and turning your heart's eyes to Christ by Faith in His Precious Blood.
Laboring, heavy laden, weary Soul, look to Christ crucified, buried, risen, ascended, interceding, and coming again. Look to His bleeding wounds and stripes and Live. It is very hard for human nature to part with its own strength and to stop trusting in its own righteousness. In our own conceits, we think we are strong and smart. The stubbornness of human nature frustrates the grace of God. Go directly to Jesus Christ by Faith this very moment. Confess your sins to HIM, and trust simply to His Precious Blood to wash all your sins away forever and ever, for all time. Look to Jesus, give the Faith look to Him, who died upon the Cross as the sinner's Substitute.
The wisest thing you will ever do is look away from yourself and this world, and look to HIM. Flee to JESUS for Shelter and Sustenance, Rest your Soul upon Him, and trust Him to cleanse your filthy Soul. Ruined, undone, lost, loathsome, depraved is all you are on your very best day. Hang your Soul upon JESUS as a cup hangs upon a nail. Make JESUS all your Salvation and all your Desire. Fix your Faith and Confidence on HIM alone. Living Faith from God joins us to Christ, not our own works. Simple trusting for Salvation to the merits and blood of the Son of the Living God - this is the Gospel Way.
FAITH is the constant trusting to the Savior - Faith comes from God, not yourself. Are you seeking to add to Christ's perfect Righteousness some of the filthy rags of your own righteousness? Human nature is set on obtaining prestige, wealth, position, worldly honor and distinction, that is, the praise and good opinion of man. Don't try to gather temporal rocks here on earth and miss the Eternal Priceless Gemstone, the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't seek the shadows and lose the Substance. Human nature says, enjoy the present and leave the uncertainty of eternity to chance. Wake up now, and simply receive Christ, the man who died on the Cross and rose from the dead to save sinners like you.
JEHOVAH'S Divine Justice is unrelenting, stern, unflinching, unsparing, merciless, inflexible, severe, inexorable and stringent - the very opposite of His Divine Mercy. Make JESUS' Precious Blood your Peace with God, at once. The Holy Ghost must first convince you of your perilous, sinful condition, and convince you that Jesus Christ is the only means whereby you can be rescued from Divine Justice, and make you Fit for God's presence. Acknowledge your helplessness and sinfulness before God, and personally receive Jesus Himself for Salvation, or else you must suffer the eternal Vengeance in the lake of fire.
The only Door into Eternal Life is Christ Himself. Ask God for Repentance and Faith, Trust to JESUS' Precious Blood to give you access to the Father and acceptance with God. Give up looking within yourself, and go to JESUS just as you are, and trust to Him to save you. Look to JESUS, and find Eternal Life in HIM. Look to JESUS with the eyes of your Soul - Think of who Christ is - The mighty God, and yet a man. Think of HIM suffering for you, dying for you on the Cross, see HIM buried in Joseph's tomb, see Him rising from the dead on the third day, and then after 40 days, see HIM ascending into Heaven leading captivity captive. Think and believe dependently upon Christ, and if you do so, your sins are all forgiven. Have great Love to HIM who has forgiven you of all your sins.
JESUS' life, death, blood, burial, rising, ascension, and coming again - this is the fulfillment of all RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is not your being or doing, but it is HIS being and doing on which you must depend for everything. The Soul must first be hemmed up by the Holy Spirit by conviction and persuaded to look to Christ alone. The end of the creature's righteousness is the beginning of the Creator's Righteousness. The end of the sinner is the beginning of the Savior. Where the sinner ends and dies, the Savior begins and Lives.
Read the Holy Bible, Look straight to the Holy Spirit for His divine teaching and leadership, look up to the Holy Spirit and ask Him distinctly and immediately to give you divine Wisdom and to teach you the true meaning of God's words.