Down with all your crucifixes and rituals and kooky religious convictions, down with your pretensions to do good works to help save yourself, and your confessions to priests to ask for absolution from your sins! Away with your idolatrous dependence upon yourself. Christ Jesus all by Himself has altogether finished Salvation's work, completely finished it without any help from you. After the doctor has prescribes you a medicine to cure you, you never take it home and try to improve upon it, oh no, you just take it in, and swallow it down: you must do the same with the Gospill. Do not hold up your self-righteous rags competing with Christ's robe of Righteousness.
Christ bore sin's deadly curse; so bring not your pitiful religious pennies, and compare it with with the pure gold of His finished work on Calvary's Cross. Lay down what is your own, and come and take what is Christ’s. Put away now everything you may have thought of being or doing, and your vain attempts to win acceptance with God; humble yourself, and take the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end of your Salvation.
Fully depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ as God and as man. As God, He is able to perform every promise. Depend upon His deity which holds up the Earth, moon, stars, and pillars of the universe. Depend upon Him as the Almighty God, incarnated in human form, by whom all things were created, and by whom all things consist. Depend wholly upon Christ Jesus also as a man; depend upon His generous human sympathy and compassion for your lost soul. He was born of a virgin woman, He was partaker of our flesh; He entered into our infirmities with a pitiful compassion, which He could not have understood, unless He had become the Son of man. Depend upon the love of His lowly humanity as well as upon the omnipotent power of His deity.
If you reject Christ, you must surely die in your sins. The only way of Salvation under the sun is by the Blood and Righteousness of God manifest in the flesh. Human merit is sheer delusion. Christ Himself is the only way of Salvation from the wrath of God; Salvation from the terrible judgment that is due to human sin. The preaching of the Gospel is the merciful visitation of God's tender mercy to you, the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you. Even if you stop your ears, and refuse to hear it, still God in mercy has visited your soul. God tells you through the Gospel that there is a way of Salvation, that there is a plan for the free forgiveness of your sins.
All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Your sins (envy, lust, covetousness, gossip, falsehood, deceit, blasphemy, cruelty, revenge, betrayal, hatred) deserve the wrath of God, and the only reason you're not in hell fire right now is the forbearing, sparing Mercies of God. Faith is trusting wholly upon the person, work, merit, and Precious Blood of the Son of God. Come and bow before the mercy of God in Christ at the Cross. Plead for divine mercy, not human merit. Draw near to God on His terms of mercy and grace. Keep your eyes on Jesus alone, and Behold the Lamb of God. This is the Gospel Way - Being justified freely by God's grace for Jesus' sake. All the merits of Christ's finished work come to you freely and simply by your believing in Jesus' Atoning Blood.
Believing is trusting, depending, leaning and relying upon the Great Mediator, the Son of the living God. There is nothing hard about that, the hardest thing for you to do is give up your deep love for sinning against God. Your conscience warns you that if you die in your sins without Jesus Christ that something really bad is going to happen to you in Eternity. God was made flesh and became obedient unto death for your sake, and now He bids you to simply trust to Him and live forever. To try and help save yourself is hideous madness: All human merit is useless and damnable.
Atheists are great blasphemers, pleasure seekers, and hardened reprobates. An atheist is not good enough to be good to His own soul. The atheist says: There is no God like the Bible says. We can sin all we want, we can blaspheme, adulterate, fornicate and manipulate without any repercussion or recompense in time or Eternity.
Repentance means that from my heart I mourn and sorrow over my sins. Repentance is a change in your mind with regard to your sins. You now detest the sins you once loved. I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart. I truly and sincerely believe in the Son of God and the Gospel. The Lord only hears heart-singing, not mouth singing. Read the Bible with your soul, not just with your eyes. I want genuine conversion, true repentance from my sins, and real Faith in the Blood of Christ. Lord Jesus, have mercy on my soul, and let all my transgressions be put away once and for all by your bloody passion on Calvary's Cross.
Atheists are great blasphemers, pleasure seekers, and hardened reprobates. An atheist is not good enough to be good to His own soul. The atheist says: There is no God like the Bible says. We can sin all we want, we can blaspheme, adulterate, fornicate and manipulate without any repercussion or recompense in time or Eternity.
Repentance means that from my heart I mourn and sorrow over my sins. Repentance is a change in your mind with regard to your sins. You now detest the sins you once loved. I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart. I truly and sincerely believe in the Son of God and the Gospel. The Lord only hears heart-singing, not mouth singing. Read the Bible with your soul, not just with your eyes. I want genuine conversion, true repentance from my sins, and real Faith in the Blood of Christ. Lord Jesus, have mercy on my soul, and let all my transgressions be put away once and for all by your bloody passion on Calvary's Cross.
External pretentious religion leads many a soul into Hell. The great, good, and glorious Savior bled and died for sinners. Finally, once and for all, forget about yourself and remember only Christ. Sinners who reject the Gospel will be judged by the Law of God, and with the Law of God there is no mercy, no more opportunities to repent and trust. In His patience and long-suffering, God warns and by His grace, He tenderly invites the sinner to Calvary. All pardon for human sin is provided in the one Great Atoning Sacrifice offered by the bleeding Incarnate God. The only grounds of real Salvation is the merit of Christ, what Christ is, what Christ has done, and what Christ has suffered. It is safest to trust alone in the merits and sufferings of the Christ of God. You cannot bear to look into Eternity as long as you cling in the least degree of human merit.
Human nature wants presumption, not faith; reformation, not regeneration; self-improvement, not the Holy Ghost's working; morality, not God's Righteousness; religious convictions, not inward purity; fanaticism, not zeal; religion and human merit, not Christ and His Cross. Christ Jesus is never merciful to anyone but poor, helpless sinners. Plead your need at throne of grace, for you are in awful need. You need real Righteousness, a new heart, free forgiveness, eternal life, and a right spirit within. You need everything Christ has to offer, for you have nothing of your own but sins and continual misery. Christ Jesus the Righteous, the Great Advocate, wants to represent you in the day of judgment. But He will only represent you Pro Bono (that is, represented by legal counsel free of charge due to your poverty).
Human nature wants presumption, not faith; reformation, not regeneration; self-improvement, not the Holy Ghost's working; morality, not God's Righteousness; religious convictions, not inward purity; fanaticism, not zeal; religion and human merit, not Christ and His Cross. Christ Jesus is never merciful to anyone but poor, helpless sinners. Plead your need at throne of grace, for you are in awful need. You need real Righteousness, a new heart, free forgiveness, eternal life, and a right spirit within. You need everything Christ has to offer, for you have nothing of your own but sins and continual misery. Christ Jesus the Righteous, the Great Advocate, wants to represent you in the day of judgment. But He will only represent you Pro Bono (that is, represented by legal counsel free of charge due to your poverty).