Time is fleeting, passing by so quickly, the sands of time are sinking; death is inevitable, drawing nigh. Stop toying with Sins and your immortal Soul. Time and death appeal to you today. Life is so short, and when it is over, you can never more return. You will soon meet with Eternity. Be very serious concerning your soul's present and eternal Safety. Heaven and Hell are seriously important. Stop wasting your days and squandering your years on Sin. Christ Jesus bids you to come to HIM and Rest. The Gospel declares that All has been done to put away your Sins. Stop spurning the Savior's bleeding Love.
Stop sowing the seeds of sin for one day you will have to pick that crop of misery, nothing but thorns, weeds, and thistles of the flesh. Beware - This wicked world and hellish culture will distract and damn your Soul and laugh at you. Jesus is pleading with you now from above. The day of Salvation will soon be over, Judgment is coming, Divine Justice is waiting. If you die in your Sins, eternal Vengeance you must face all alone, and all Mercy will be gone. The Holy Spirit must first work in your heart - tenderness of heart concerning Sinning against God, simple prayer for Pardon, and a childlike Trust in the Savior - This is the work of divine Grace.
No sinner will ever come to God except by JESUS, for He is the Way of Salvation. Sinner friend, Choose you now, Look to JESUS in Repentance and Faith, or you will face Him in Terror and Despair. Jesus died for aggravating, guilty, willful sinners. The Gospel precepts - Come unto Me, Look unto Me. Poor sinner, delay no longer. You're not asked to do anything, or to be anything, but are simply bidden to look away from yourself to what Christ Jesus is and has done, and your Soul is saved.
Human nature foolishly looks to its own works and merits to find some ground of trust. Down with them all. Away with all your self-confidence. Humbly and confidently trust to Jesus Christ, the great Sin Bearer. Receive and Rest on Christ's Finished Work, Put on His finished Robe of Righteousness. As you love your Soul, look only to the Crucified Creator. Look to JESUS and Plead His Blood. Stop sinning, dishonoring God, and defiling yourself. Trusting in JESUS only - This is Gospel Way. Trust in the unseen God, Christ is All, Get your Faith straight from the throne of God by trusting to the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Honor the Son of God by fully trusting Him. Glorify the name of Christ by trusting only Him. The essence of saving faith, it is this - Trusting in Christ, dependence, reliance upon Him. Believe that JESUS is God manifest in the flesh, the Savior of the world, that He is also the Atonement for human sin.
Lord Jesus, please save my sinful soul through your Precious Blood, and while I live here on earth, until I die, I desire to be your servant through the power of the Holy Spirit; I desire to do your will, and to suffer for it; I give myself up without reserve or limitation; all that I am, all that I have, I give up to You. Take me, use me, enable me, sanctify me, send me, glorify yourself through my life.