Oh to be Nothing and lie down at Jesus' feet. Christ is Everything to me. Everything you need is in Christ Jesus. Turn your attention wholly to Jesus Christ now. Rest wholly and alone on the Lamb of God. Stay your immortal Soul wholly upon the Rock; Fly to the cleft of the Rock for refuge. Let Him save your soul; Believe in Jesus immediately. Leave your soul in Jesus' hands, and He will save you. It is Jesus' business to save sinners; it is not yours. Trust completely to Christ crucified, resting in His Precious Blood, daily seeking His presence, always remaining helplessly dependent on the Son of God. Give yourself fully to divine Truth found in the AV1611. Depend upon Jesus' Blood for cleansing, His Righteousness for clothing, His bloody death to be the death of your sins, and His Life to be your Soul's life unto God.
Lean on Christ with all your weight of sin, lean hard on the Cross of Calvary. Don't try to hold yourself up now, throw yourself right on Him, let Him bear up the whole weight of your being. Stay yourself upon the Redeemer, and you have everlasting life instantaneously. Trust to Him truly, wholly, solely, constantly, trusting only Him here and now. If you have nothing, Christ has everything you need. Christ is the Foundation, so repose on Him. Depend wholly upon the Spirit of God, keep close to the His Truth. Jesus is the Christ, sent from God to save helpless sinners, trust Him wholly and alone.
Give yourself to thanksgiving, yield yourself to the Spirit's guidance, ask for the wisdom of the Spirit carefully and believingly. Accept Christ's Righteousness, adore His bleeding wounds, trust in His infinite pity and compassion. Delight to do the LORD's will, be content to be nothing. I take the Lord Jesus Christ to be Everything to me. Accept God's simples terms of Grace, that you are nothing, and Christ is Everything. Your nothingness can never help Christ save you. Learn the emptiness and worthlessness of the pleasures of sin, which are only for a season. We are accepted in the Beloved, therefore we obey with gladness. Resting solely and entirely on the finished atoning work of Christ. Admit your fickleness and nothingness, really and actually trust in Jesus Himself, and rely more and more upon Him entirely.
Come to be Nothing in all your esteem, vanish and melt away into Christ. Christ becomes our soul's necessary food, life, joy, and hope. This is the one way of Life, take Christ to be your Righteousness. You must be saved wholly by Mercy, or else not at all. Salvation is all of Grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit applying to your Soul the Precious Blood of Jesus. You're so dead that you can't even take the Gospel Medicine; it must be infused into you by the Holy Spirit. Realize your nothingness in the presence of God. Nothing to save, nothing to claim, nothing to boast of, but the Cross. There is no man in all the world you should hate as much as your old self, and there should be nothing you should long to get rid of as that old man who once was dragging you down to the deepest hell.
Lord Jesus, please humble me, bring me down, teach me those things that will make me abhor myself, show me my nothingness, teach me my emptiness, reveal me to my filthiness. Your only qualification for admission is your emptiness. Faith is receiving Christ into your emptiness. The leaving of your soul in the hands of Jesus is the very essence of Faith. Cease to stand by your own strength, leave your whole weight upon the Cross. Forsake the hollowness of sinful pleasures, and the emptiness of worldly vanity; just be a nobody.