There are no good people - for all have sinned against the divine Law, the Gospel, the dying Savior's blood, and the gentle calls of the Holy Ghost. Why do good things happen to bad people? Because God is good and merciful and longsuffering to His enemies. Without Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you are currently at enmity with God, and at war with your Maker; and having sinned against God, God is very angry with you - not just angry with you today, but He is angry with you every day - morning, noon, and night, He is angry with you every hour and every moment. You are far from God and deep in your iniquity; you are very foolish to remain God's enemy. It is a most sad and solemn fact that there is a day coming when you will face Eternity, when the anger of God will burst out, when God's wrath will utterly devour and damn you. Be wise - Flee for mercy to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
If you are a Christ-rejector, you are currently under Sin, God's Law, and the Wrath of God, the Bible says so. And let God be true and every man a liar. Without Christ, you are in your sin, and therefore you are in Death. You know you've sinned; if you don't think so, just ask your mother or your wife or your kids, they'll tell you the real truth about your faulty character. If you would just take about ten minutes, turn off your TV, and sit quietly in a room somewhere and think about your past secrets that you are afraid someone else is going to find out about, your own conscience will remind you of your sinful past, bear witness to the truth, and condemn you. Your human virtue and merit can never atone for one of your vices. According to the truth of Scripture, the soul that sinneth, if it sins but only once, it must die. If a mirror has a single crack, it is not a perfect one. If you have sinned but once, you shall be eternally damned for it, unless you have Someone to take away that one sin. All have sinned, the way of transgressors is hard, God is angry with the wicked EVERY DAY. And he that believeth not on the Lord Jesus Christ is condemned already.
You may talk mightily of your own standing, goodness, and morality: but in God's sight, you are less than nothing. The Scriptures say, you are “condemned already.” You don't have to wait to be condemned on Judgment Day - that will only be the execution of your sentence: “you are condemned already.” The very moment you sinned the first time; your name was written in the God's black book of justice; you were then sentenced by God to death, and unless you find a Substitute to take your place, in the person of Jesus Christ, you'll have to personally pay for all your sins in the lake of fire. And you'll burn as long as God lives. O careless soul, you are ruined by your own transgressions, you are corrupt to the core by your own evil heart, and you are self-condemned by your own wicked will; and you will surely be damned unless God's free grace and bleeding love saves you.
The Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, offered a Perfect Atonement for your human sin. Jesus Christ suffered the terrible consequences of your sins. Jesus went up to the accursed tree of Calvary, and freely gave Himself up to die a criminal's death, and in that sinless death, the justice of God was vindicated. And now God can be just, and yet the Justifier of every sinner that believes on Jesus. God can now have mercy upon the vilest, and justify the ungodly, and accepts the very worst of sinners for His dear Son's sake. Oh sinful soul, have faith in THE Atonement. The matchless Atonement made by the personal sacrifice of the Son of God is infinitely precious; simply believe that there is merit and power enough in Christ's shed blood to save your soul. The Blood of God's Son is your soul's only safety. Be wise - Flee to Christ's atonement at once and rest in the finished work of the Cross of Christ, and you shall honor God by doing so. Trusting Christ's Blood and Righteousness alone is the only way you can honor God. Honor Jesus Christ now by believing that He can save your soul.
Now thanks be unto Christ Jesus, who giveth us the Victory through His Blood and through His Righteousness.