The Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty which was, and is, and is to come, became a Holy Child to become sin for us, and die for the ungodly. The Most Holy became the most humble and poor. The High and Lofty One that inhabiteth Eternity, whose name is Holy; and dwelt in the high and holy place; He came into this evil world to save ruined, lost sinners. Marvelous things did the LORD in Bethlehem.
* The Sinner's birth (natural miracle), the unholy child
* The Savior's birth (virgin, divine miracle), The Holy Child
* The Second birth (supernatural miracle), God's child
In John 3, Nicodemus was very religious but lost and searching. Nicodemus went to JESUS by night, because He was interested in JESUS' miracles. But Nicodemus had not yet experienced the spiritual miracle of the New birth in his own heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are all born into the natural world, through the portal of our mother's womb. We are born into this natural world, and by nature we are bound for the sinful world, for in Adam all die, and by nature, we are all the children of wrath. In sin did my mother conceive me.
Religion is like cleaning and scrubbing a dirt floor: the more you scrub and try to clean up human nature, the more filth you find within yourself. For by the Law is the knowledge of sin. We are rotten to the core; we are sinners by birth, nature, choice, practice, and by self-bondage. You cannot improve your human nature. A man is not a liar, because he tells lies; a man tells lies, because he is a liar. You do what you do, because you are what you are.
By nature, we are all Blind to the spiritual world, and we cannot perceive spiritual things. We cannot SEE the Kingdom of God until we are Born of the Spirit of God. Satan, the god of this world, hath blinded our minds. The Holy Spirit must turn the light on before we can SEE the Kingdom of God.
Jesus wasn't a just teacher that was sent from God; JESUS was GOD who came into the world to reach and teach and save sinners. JESUS was born of a Jewish virgin through the power of the Holy Ghost: Isa 7:14; Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:18. JESUS was the only HOLY CHILD, that was ever born of a woman on planet Earth. He is Holy, Harmless, Undefiled, Separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. Without the virgin birth, no one can be saved. JESUS was born a Jewish virgin, and He had the divine nature of His FATHER at His conception and at His birth; He was the only Holy Child, the ONLY Begotten Son of God, He was born without sin, He never knew sin, and He did no sin.
Redemption, Revelation, Restoration is found in JESUS (Light came into the world, men love darkness); A thief will never find a policeman. Innocent children fear the dark, but guilty men are afraid of the Light of the world (JESUS), because they love darkness.
All of us are born into this world blind and deaf spiritually, and only the words of God and the Word of Life, can bring sight and hearing and life of a sinner. The entrance of God's words into our hearts giveth light, and the entrance of The Word of Life (JESUS) gives Eternal Life. God expresses His Love to us through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We all must experience The Second Birth; John 3:7. Ye must be born again. No one is so good that he need not be born again, and no one is so bad that he cannot be born again. The common people heard JESUS gladly, will you?
A Supernatural Birth is required to ENTER into the Kingdom of God. A physical birth brought us into the kingdom of darkness, and a spiritual birth must bring us into the Kingdom of Light.
Conception: There are Two parents of the New Birth; The Water and the Spirit; the words of God and the Holy Spirit; the washing of the water of the word, the washing of regeneration; I Peter 1:23. being born again of incorruptible seed. The words of God are not enough; the Holy Spirit must give us Life inwardly. There is a Marvelous conception in the womb of Faith, whosoever believeth in JESUS; the divine miracle of the new birth happens the instant you trust in JESUS' Precious Blood and Perfect Righteousness to rescue you from your sins, and ransom you from the divine justice your sins deserve.
You must become a new Creature; If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; partakers of the divine nature; John 10:10; not just mere existence, but divine life. You must receive the Character of God, the Divine Nature. This not joining a church, or participating in rituals and ordinances. God came out of Heaven to enter man through the new birth of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit. Romans 8:16; I Corinthians 2:11.
The New Birth gives us a Love for Christ and His words; you will begin love JESUS and His words. The New Birth gives us an inward Desire for Purity; the Holy Spirit lives in us and He conforms us to JESUS' image. After we enter the Kingdom of God, we do not enjoy sinning anymore. The New Birth gives us a Desire to Witness: John 3:21; we become concerned about other's eternal safety. The New Birth is a Completion: we can Never be born twice physically, and we can never born twice spiritually. The New Birth begins a Commencement; we Begin to grow; we begin to learn to walk and talk and obey the Holy Spirit. The New Birth gives us a Certainty: Have you ever been born? Well, I'm doing the best I can. A birth is a Certainty; The New Birth brings us Salvation, and Salvation is an exclamation point, not a question mark. I can never take credit for my physical birth, but I am very sure it happened. The blood of my mother was shed at my first birth; the Blood of the Son of God was shed for my New Birth. I can never take credit for my new birth, but I am very sure it has happened. Ye MUST be Born Again; this is an absolute Necessity for going to heaven. The New Birth brings a Compensation: The Lord is rich unto all that call upon Him; we become joint heirs of Christ.
To understand God and His miracles,
you must first become one of His Miracles.
Until you are born again,
you cannot understand the Bible,
because you reading someone else's mail.