Saturday, May 25, 2024


Enmity against God, forgetting God, unthankful, stubbornness, rebellion, unbelief, the motions of sins, the power of Satan, the love of money, the prince of the power of the air, scheming, flattery, deceitfulness of sins, hardness of heart, ungodliness, selfishness, hopelessness, dishonesty, fleshly wisdom, evil thoughts, possessions, stuff, poor transient pleasures, loves darkness rather than light, hates Christ and the Father, confusion and chaos, distortion of facts and truth, blindness, deception, skepticism, manipulative, superstitious, conniving, recreational drugs, drunk out of my mind, religious pretense, bitterness, brush off Jesus Christ, pass the buck, cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, obstinate, competing, comparing, conceiving mischief, arrogancy, ensnared, dissimulation, stiffnecked, deeply revolting, running to evil, crooked paths, dreads, miseries, earthly cares, regrets, 

Distractions, spirit of error, cords of sins, vain words, division, entangled, unrest, evil surmisings, railings, froward mouth, without understanding, willful ignorance, earthly, sensual, devilish, resisting the Holy Ghost, idleness, dissumulation, fullness of bread, fearful, unbelieving, reprobate, indifferent, ceremonies, rituals, garb, sacraments, mechanical religion, inventors of evil things, spells, theories, lies, falsehoods, creeds, tradition of men, misery, folly, full of envy, desires of the flesh and of the mind, secretly practice mischief, get gain, 

Cleverness, selfish greediness, desire to hoard, carelessness, morose, uneasy, working iniquity, egotism, unpredictable, debates, quarrels, rudiments of the world, receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, malignity, despair, despondent, vain in their imaginations, past feeling, new-fangled notions, near death experience, implacable, by wisdom knows not God, seeketh and deviseth mischief, untoward, favorite sins, darling lusts, secret iniquities

Seeking after education, ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the Truth; lust for the distinction of rank, success, fame, titles, recognition, popularity, prestige, image, reputation, preeminence, awards, amass money, frivolities, treasures of wickedness, respect and admiration, regarded, center of attention, pleasures and pursuits of the world, vain noise and chatter, stimulations, earthly treasures, temporal things, world's fame and trinkets, notability, eloquence, worldly wealth, conquest, music, sensationalism, religiousness, sinful gains, worldly acclaim, wardrobe, greedy of gain, mammon, temporal advantage and worldly prosperity, vain pursuits of wealth, luxury, worldly amusements, childish vanities, possessions, promotion, money-grubbing, evil gain, concerts, entertainment, party politics, childish earthly toys, pleasure, momentary thrills, perverseness, pursuit of learning, accolades, pomp and glitter, power over others, vain glory, vain show, professional and social position, retirement,

Lovers of pleasures, gain the world - lose my soul, despising those that are good, defiled, fault-finding, clamor, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, vain glory, human merit, dead in trespasses and sins, cheating, revengeful, hypocrisy, greed for gold, enemies in your mind by wicked works, murmuring, highminded, naughtiness, flattery, subtlety, grievous words, choose lies and delusions, scorning, outward religion, nitpicking, despiteful, squander, wasting, gluttony, incontinent, elusive, working iniquities, forsake your own mercy, procrastination, lingering, lying vanities, cunning craftiness, prating, violence, strife, ingrate, emulation, contention, resentment, malice, wretchedness, wrath, deviseth evil, haters of God, vain deceit, ever learning, deceitfulness of sin, shrewdness, trusts in vanity, lost defiled ruined undone, preconceptions, prejudices, control of others, 

Prejudices, abominable idolatries, self-righteousness, vain glory, pride, boasting, chambering, cares and riches and pleasures of this life, covetousness, cruelty, infanticide, suicide, homicide, backbitings, whisperings, void of understanding, adulteries, deceitfulness of sin, servant of sin, feverish pride, fornications, foolishness, hatred, murders, thefts, carnal gain, human applause, wickedness, evil passions, corrupt desires, dark doubts, deceit, trifling, caviling, uncleanness, depravity, corruption, debauchery, peevish, benighted, foolery, sham religious convictions, heady, eating from this world's dumpsters,

Impure thoughts, filthy communication, profanity, lasciviousness, desperately wicked, evil concupiscence, praise of men, greedy cares, panting and grasping for vanities, pleasures of sins, evil eye, lies, eyes full of adultery, lewdness, rioting, blasphemies, false witness, fraud, witchcraft, licentiousness, high look, foul mouth, lusts, conceited ideas, self-will, discord, deviseth wicked imaginations, variance, covetous grasping, emulations, 

Vile cravings and impulses, seditions, tumults, damnable heresies, deceitful above all things, waspish moods, profane passions, drunkenness, foul appetites, wantonness, revelings, void of wisdom, deceitful lusts, ungodly propensities, anger, revenge, runs to mischief, bitter envying, unholy thoughts, discontent, course of this world, desires of the flesh and mind, alienated from the life of God, at war with God, carnal pleasures, seared conscience, and such like. 

For to be carnally minded is Death.