The very essence of Salvation lies in depending upon Christ Jesus alone. Divine Faith ascribes Salvation wholly to HIM who saves the Soul. True Faith never robs the Father of His glory. Christ's bloody Sacrifice for sinners is fixed, settled and the essence of the Gospel. The essence of the Gospel is Substitution. The center of Biblical Christianity is God manifest in the flesh dying for sinners on the Cross, and the core meaning of the Cross is Substitution. Through the Blood of His Cross is only way to Heaven.
Justification by Faith in Jesus' Blood alone is the most important Truth and is the vital essence of the Gospel. Trust the sufferings, righteousness, and Blood Atonement of the Lamb of God; never try to save yourself from Sin. You may have all that Jesus has purchased, you can have it All for nothing, the Free Gift of God. By repenting of sin and believing on Jesus Christ, you can have All He has to offer, Freely. But He who saves you must reign over you. His Blood cleanses us, and then His Love rules us. He saves us from our sins, rebellions, revolting, stubbornness, and the love we have for our sins. Redemption by Blood is the marrow of the Gospel. The marrow is the innermost part of our being; this is where we receive Christ into by Faith in His Blood.
You cannot see anything spiritually until JESUS is your Light. Look at everything through the Cross. I am here to persuade you to think of Christ, to trust in Christ, to avow your Faith in HIM, make your Faith in Him known. Read about Him, Hear about Him, Think about the CROSS. Sitting and seeing the Son of God dying on the CROSS for you is the only way to get Faith. You have deep black stains on your Soul called Sins, and they can only be washed out by the Blood of the Living God, Christ Jesus. The Blood of Jesus will instantly give you a clean Soul and Peace of Mind. Unbelief is the soul-damning Sin. When you will not believe God's words, when you reject the testimony of God concerning His Son, and when you make God a liar by refusing to believe on His Son, this is your most deadly decision ever. Unbelief is Sin enough to damn you Forever and Ever. God is True, the Blood of Jesus Christ is able to wash away your Sins within. But you refuse to quit your sins, because you love them. You have broken the divine Law of God innumerable times and have lived forgetful of God days without number. Be careful or your self-righteous pride will carry you off into Hell.
Meditate on Christ Himself. Study and Ponder about Christ's Person, Blood, Work and Character. Sequester yourself, get away from the noise and confusion of this world, read the Bible very prayerfully and carefully; let God's words sink down into your ears and heart. Yield to the Holy Spirit, Receive Christ, Cherish the Father. I only persuade you to trust in Christ alone. Trusting in Jesus' Blood is the essence of saving Faith. Faith is trusting to a living Person, Christ Himself. Jesus is worth trusting; He is worth serving. Soul, where else can you trust?
The moment you simply trust in JESUS, you are saved on the spot. Prove it to be true by your own personal faith in Christ Now. The Look of Trust to the Lamb of God is all it takes. Look away from your Buts and Doubts, and look to Christ now and Trust HIM. Whosoever believeth on Jesus Christ hath Everlasting Life. My JESUS died because of my sins. Away with my sins forever.
As a sinner, you have no rights but to die, be judged, condemned and punished eternally. God cannot pardon any sinner without an Atonement. My sins slew the Savior and nailed Him to a Cross; He was wounded for my transgressions, therefore I cannot be friendly terms with my sins. We must hate our sins with a perfect hatred. There is a great evil in just a little sin. God abhors all iniquity. Nothing creates more indignation and revenge against our own sins than a grateful sense of God's free grace and bleeding love. When you love Truth, you hate falsehood. Seek and receive God's Righteousness, reject and abhor your sins.
The Soul who worships the true and living God, The Lord Jesus Christ, detests and loathes idols and sins. Loathe sin intensely. Every sin hates God, therefore we should hate every sin. There is no sin that can help you, but every sin will seriously harm and hinder you. There is no beauty, comfort, or strength in sin, only Misery. There is nothing good whatsoever in Sin. Hate Sin as Sin; turn from Sin with purpose of heart.
The sheep hates and avoids the mire; but the pig loves the mire and runs to it and relaxes in it. Sin is a misery to the saved Soul. The pig wallows where the sheep is distressed. Trust Christ; Hate your sins; strive after Purity; desire to please and fear God; Cultivate fellowship and friendship with God. Love what God loves, seek what God seeks.
Yield your Soul up to Jesus now. The Savior never told you to get yourself ready, so He can save you. Do not try to mend and improve your old sinful self. For that is a serious insult to the great God and His dear Son. Take notice of Christ's atoning death, not your own efforts. Your own doings will seal your doom. If you will come and have JESUS, He will save you, just as you are. Don't try to make yourself better before you Trust HIM. Human nature says, "Doctor, I believe in your Medicine, but I will not take it until I make myself start feeling better." Any reason that leads you to neglect or reject Jesus Christ is a bad one, and will be ruin to your Soul. Simply Trusting JESUS, That is All.