Some of the surest signs of the Holy Spirit's life within you is the hatred and abhorrence of your sins, the desire to please God in private and public, and the Spirit of prayer and supplication and thanksgiving. Your heart begins to go up to God in silent cries and secret groanings. Your inmost soul snatches at God all through the day. You're like a goldfish who swims in a glass bowl and waits for his owner to drop sprinkles of food on the water's surface. My Father, please help me for Jesus' sake. Mere religious formalists are destitute of heart worship. Communion with the Spirit of Christ is the very life blood, Close Encounters with Christ Himself throughout the day. A day without Christ is like a flower without fragrance, and like fruit without sweetness. A Soul without prayer is like a man wandering and slowly dying of thirst in a waste howling wilderness.
Nothing in this world can ever saturate or satiate a Soul; only the Living Water can do that. (John 4:10; John 7:48). As the rain soaks into the soil, long for the Holy Spirit. As the sunshine penetrates the flower's petals, seek the words of God. As the body thirsts for water through the day, seek and drink the Living Water for your Soul as well. Whenever you have to stop and take a drink of water through your day, right then, remember your Soul needs to be refreshed as well. Please don't forget your Soul!
The Fountain of living waters is flowing deep and wide, the Water of Life is Free for your taking. The Savior invites you Daily to drink abundantly from Him - Only His Water of Life can satisfy your thirsting spirit deep within. Believing is taking, drinking and receiving the Living Water down into your heart and soul; Christ Jesus Himself is the Water of Life. Your soul's hunger, nakedness and poverty are the things that help you gain access to the The Physician. Now understand - The Physician triages his sinful patients, and gives the Souls which are in the greatest Need of His divine Care and urgent Treatment the very highest priority. Convince the Physician that your case needs His immediate attention; wait patiently and expectantly for The Physician to arrive and heal you.
JEHOVAH manifest in the flesh was born of a Jewish virgin at Bethlehem of Judaea. He lived 33 years in poverty and obscurity. He was falsely accused, misunderstood, ridiculed, spit upon, buffeted, mocked, scourged, nailed to a cross, railed upon, jeered till his dying breath, left to die, and pierced with a Roman spear. But God raised Him from the dead! JEHOVAH JESUS is the Blood-covered DOOR, the WAY, through which you must pass and hide behind in order to enter Eternity safely, and avoid the overflowing wrath of God which shall pass through.
Humble yourself in the sight of God - as a beggar needing alms from God. As a needy beggar, receive all from the Savior's loving hand. Give up yourself as a sinking ship not worth pumping, as a ship that must be abandoned to go down to the bottom. Get your Soul into the Lifeboat of free Grace and bleeding Love. Flee away from yourself, and seek refuge in the Father's bosom. But first, The Holy Spirit must reduce you spiritually to a point where you finally realize you can do nothing but go to Christ Jesus as a beggar, bankrupt, so lost you cannot even Believe or Repent without Him. You will feel forever undone unless the Lamb of God interposes His Precious Blood.
Come now to the Cross by faith, just as a beggar asks for charity on the breadline. You must get in the welfare line spiritually and beg for mercy. When we are brought down to the lowest depth of self-despair, then the door of hope begins to open. Learn the art of begging. As long aa your cup of self is half full, Christ will not pour His Water of Life into you. You see, nothing from you can be in the bottom of the cup. You try to recommend yourself to God with your self-efforts and/or religiousness, but your cup must be turned bottom up, and wiped out as a man wipeth a dish. The Holy Spirit will make you Feel sick of sin inside unto death, and then you'll ready for eternal life to be given freely to you. Inner poverty and the vain toils of religion will only make you more desperate, defiled, and weary. You must be brought from poverty to Charity, bondage to Liberty, sickness to Health, darkness to Light by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself; For He must be get all the Glory, and not you at all. Just like a barbarian in the jungle, you ignorantly worship the works of God's hands, but not the Creator Himself.
The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and worldly lust continually parch the Soul. The beggarly elements of visible external religion and ceremonial religiousness only metastacize the deadly sin problem you have within. The weeds of pride, conceit, and self-righteousness grow easily in the worst soil and all throughout the year. Let your heart ache and groan up to God. Beg all over, from head to toe, this is the way to pray. Lord Jesus, be merciful to me a sinner, save me now from my love for sin, deliver my lost soul from the wrath to come through your Precious Blood.
The contrite, penniless hand is always held out for heavenly alms, for a penniless bankrupt soul is dependent on the mercies and riches of Christ Himself. I am bad throughout; I need divine Regeneration, not human reformation. A lost Soul has never been regenerated by physical religious water whatsoever. Priests and preachers pretend to administer salvation with water that drops from their sinful fingers. The healing Balm of the Soul is only found at the Cross, and the only Physician is the spotless Lamb of God. Only the Blood of the Living God can atone for the sinful Soul. There are many spirits and spells moving and deceiving in this world today, but all you need is the Holy Spirit and the Gospell.
Lay this to heart at once, trifle no longer with your Soul and Eternity. You need Salvation by the Precious Blood, and the Regenerating power of the Holy Ghost. Regeneration is the new birth: being born again of the Spirit of God and the incorruptible seed of the word of God. Holy Spirit Regeneration changes a person's desires, appetites, intents, motives, affections. The divine Operation of Regeneration from above is instantaneous and Eternal. The Father draws, the Spirit regenerates, the Son redeems - The Manifold Grace of God.
A man cured of paralysis doesn't lie in bed all day like he did for years, oh no, he is up and moving. When we are regenerated by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, the same will be true for us, we will be up and moving for the gospel's sake. The same Power that raised Jesus from the dead will be given to you to walk in newness of life. (Romans 8:11) We will feel a new life, translated into the kingdom of God, living in a new spiritual world, and a wondrous change of heart. The wonder working power is in the Precious Blood of the Lamb. We are by nature nothing else but SIN. When we are regenerated by the Spirit of God, our loves are changed, and our hates are changed. We begin to delight in that which is true, pure, generous, kind, upright, Christlike.
We must be purged from the foul leprosy of our evil, and recovered from our sin's deadly diseases. Only the working of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Christ, can transform the heart's passions. True faith in the Precious Blood is always the Gift of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. My faith is resting completely in the Substitutionary atoning work of the Lamb of God. Resting simply and alone on the sinless Blood Atonement of Emmanuel, God with us.