Saturday, January 19, 2013

This is the Gospel (4)

Salvation cannot be by human merit, it must be by divine grace in Christ Jesus.  A sinner could never deserve anything good from God, for the carnal mind is enmity against God.  By nature, we are the enemies of God, and we can never hope to be saved by our own works, for all of them are sinful.  Salvation is not by any man's works, but by Christ's deeds of grace.

You have to keep repeating this scriptural truth of Salvation by Grace and sending it into men's hearts and minds, for human nature constantly forgets that Salvation is absolutely free and by mercy alone.  The natural man always wants to be putting in his two cents of works, he must be doing something.   Salvation for God's enemies must be by a Mediator, by an Atonement from Christ Himself.  There must a be an entire change of heart within, and this change must be worked by a divine power beyond your own.  There must be something done for you, and this miracle of grace is much more than you can accomplish. If you die in your natural state without being born again by the Spirit of God, you will be damned to Hell.  The Holy Spirit must renew you. If you try to make yourself better and better and better, a thousand times, you will never be good enough for Heaven.

Christ Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the whole world.  Come to the Cross and rest upon His Atoning Sacrifice.  Give yourself over to Jesus by a simple act of faith in His blood, and He will save you. You will never overcome and escape your sins except by faith in Jesus' blood. The Precious Blood is the great sin-killer. To the saint, every home is a church, and every day is a holy day.  True faith leads you to an entire reliance upon the person of Jesus, the giving up of everything to Jesus, the reception of Him as your Savior and King, your All in All.

Atheists are weary slaves of sin, dead set on being damned, hate their Creator, despise His truth, and stand in opposition against their Maker.  It is a diabolical crime to hate the lowly, despise the Good, abhor the merciful, spurn the benevolent, scorn the gracious, and hate the God who sent His own Son to die for sinners. Atheism is devilish hostility to the Scriptures and Jesus Christ, Truth Incarnate.  Secular humanism is the atheist's religion. Atheistic human nature hates the goodness of God.  Atheism is a hellish mix of egotism and self-love.  Every atheist opposes himself by loving his sins and rejecting Jesus Christ. The atheist is the victim of wrong information.  Evolution is a solid lie.  Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!

The atheist trusts education not regeneration, evolution not conversion.  Sin is a trifle to the atheist and he says there is no hell to be feared. Just punishment for sin is a myth to the atheist. The theory of evolution is in direct opposition to Scriptural truth.  The Bible is so, evolution is a lie, flat-out.  Creation stagger the atheist, so he believes in evolution.  Faith in Jesus is hard, so the atheist accepts agnosticism.  Evolution is contrary to the teaching of Genesis.

Look to the Cross, see the Victim of divine justice suffering what your sins deserve. Every sin must be punished, and all sin has been punished in the person of the sinless Substitute.  Fix your eye on the sinless Lamb of God offering Atonement for human sin.  Jesus endured your sins' punishment.  Guilty soul, look to Jesus, and you are safe.  Plead the merits of the Incarnate God's blood.  Jesus came to call sinners to repentance, not the self-righteous.  Poor wretched sinner, Jesus is ready to save you, He is willing, doubt Him no more.  All the fitness Jesus requires of you is that you feel your need of Him; this the Holy Spirit must give to you.  Stop looking at yourself, and cast yourself at the feet of Jesus.

Divine mercy flows to sinners through Jesus' blood alone.  The essence of Repentance is a hatred of sins, a turning from sins, and a determination by the grace of God to forsake your sins.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the merit of His agonies, the virtue of His sufferings, and the power of His blood.  Trust in Jesus' name, find refuge in His Cross, rely upon the power of His Spirit, confide only in His Righteousness, and you are saved from the vengeance of the Law and the damnation of Hell.  If you are trusting in your own works in any way, you are lost as sure as you are alive.

It was for sinners that Jesus came into the world.  I stand in Christ's place, and Christ stands in mine.  The guilty, vile and lost are welcome at the Cross today. Christ died for the wicked and sinful, not for the good and excellent.  Christ died for sinners, I am a sinner, so Jesus died for me.  Lord Jesus, I am vile, give me faith, sprinkle your blood on my guilty soul.  I am sinful, have mercy on my guilty soul.  The Holy Spirit must first teach you that you are a sinner, and then lead you to believe that Christ died for sinners like you, especially you.

Sinners are skating around carelessly and thoughtlessly on the thin ice of life. We must persuade them to come off the ice safely onto shore.  Stop playing church and enduring dead religion, and come on to Jesus for real Salvation.  Christ bore my sins and was damned in my place, so I could be rescued from the eternal damnation I deserve for sinning against my Maker.  Jesus is Love and Mercy Incarnate.

Religion is lost man's attempt to earn his way to Heaven his own way without trusting Christ.  The religionist says, "I don't need a Savior, I'm not that bad, I can earn my own way, I can tough it out and good enough and get there on my own merits." Superstitious, religious man constructs a system of morals and ceremonies and tries to earn God's favor his own way.  Religion brings more and more guilt upon a soul, but Christ takes guilt away. Jesus paid a bill you couldn't pay.  You cannot get rid of your sins. There is mercy and all-sufficient redemption for sinners found only in Jesus' blood.  Jesus' veins were opened for utterly ruined and undone sinners.

Your main business is to trust your soul on the scriptural fact that Christ died for sinners.  If you can put put your finger on any good place in your life, you are a lost man. If you can point to any good thing in you that you can trust to, there is no hope for you.  The object of true faith is Christ as the Substitute for sinners.  God in Christ crucified and risen for the ungodly.  The object of genuine faith is Christ Jesus Himself.  God Incarnate in human flesh offered a sinless blood Atonement for human sin.  Jesus bled for sinners, rebels, His enemies.  Turn the eye of faith to Christ Jesus, the Great Substitute for sinners.

Make it the object of your life to win others to Christ, never be satisfied with going to Heaven alone.  Do more and more for Christ, pray more for sinners, labor more for the lost.  The one object of your life should be to glorify Christ, be always glorifying Christ. The service of Christ should be the main object of your life.  The object of your heart's affection is to long to be Christ.  Never trust ceremonies, feelings, works, or orthodoxy, only look to Christ Crucified for the ungodly.

The Holy Ghost regenerates and quickens the soul. The Holy Spirit must implant the divine nature into the soul, He convinces of sin, of righteousness, and of the judgment to come.  The Holy Spirit first shows us the Law, then He shows us Calvary.  The Holy Spirit must first prove to you that you are guilty.  No one can get you to come out of your self-righteousness but the Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit is first the Convincer, then the Converter, and then the Comforter.