Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Old Gospel

The old Gospel is intended only for sinners, that is, ungodly guilty people.  You are a lost man in need of saving.  You have ruined yourself through your sinning.  All self-trust must be forsaken.  Stop quarreling with your Maker who became a Jewish man and bled to death to atone for your sins.  A sinner cannot make atonement for his own sins, he cannot render to God a righteousness which divine justice demands of him.  The only way of Reconciliation to God is by the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ.  The guilty man catches at the idea of Atonement by a bleeding sinless Substitute.  Be nothing, let Christ be Everything.  Rest wholly in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus.  Believe Christ died for sinners, and then trust in Him for free Salvation.

Keep to the old truth, come what may.  The old Gospel sword slays sins.  The old Gospel of the Grace of God is what sinners need to hear.  The old Gospel has a savor that attracts and draws the guilty sinner to Christ. The old Gospel is forever good news for the guilty.  Keep to the preaching of the Cross through thick and thin, the one remedy for sin-sick sinners.  Stick with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the Truth. Keep to the living bloody Gospel, the inspiration of the Scriptures, the Deity of Christ, the fact of His Atonement. Avow your trust in the old Gospel.

Christ Crucified is the only cure for human sin.  The sinless One bearing sin and condemnation for sinners. The Precious Blood is the only Medicine for soul, keep to it.  Keep to the simple pure Gospel, the old time way, keep to the old infallible Bible, AV1611.  Simple confidence in the finished word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Stick to the Scriptures.  Avow your faith in the atoning blood.  It is Christ that died.  Let this be your constant theme - Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Look to the Cross, follow Jesus. Let your message be all Christ from first to last.  Receive Christ, keep to Him. Keep to one business, following Christ.  Let up the Crucified Creator before the eyes of sin-bitten souls. Keep to the habit of glorifying Christ.  Feed on the Gospel, the Incarnation and Atonement of Christ, the Scriptures, the exceeding great and precious Promises, Christ Himself.  The main business of your life is to follow Jesus practically in daily life. There is hope, There is hope, Christ died for sinners.

The great plan of Grace is through the Mediator.  There is rest for weary and burdened soul at Calvary. Genuine faith lays hold upon the Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ, by accepting God's plan of justifying sinners through faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice.  The matchless plan of Atonement by a sinless Sacrifice, Reconciliation by Substitution.  God was manifest in the flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.  Jesus died on the Cross to keep you out of Hell.

People want the by-products of Christianity - they like it when a man pays his bills, works hard, and is honest law-abiding citizen.  But when it comes down to real Bible truth, man naturally hates the Gospel, because it reveals his sinfulness and self-righteousness. The old Gospel of the Bible says you are wicked and that you cannot save yourself, you're a miserable sinner, there's nothing you can do, you can either take Christ, God's way, or leave it. The blood of Jesus had to be shed to save sinners from the wrath of God.

Man thinks he is sufficient to save himself through a religion.  God's plan of Redemption by Blood is hated by the carnal mind of man.  man naturally hates the true God and the plan of Salvation.  Jesus turned on the light of Truth and the religious crooks hated Him without a cause.  Man wants to save himself by something he has done, by his own merits, he will come God's ways. Man is tempted to earn it because he is self-righteous.  He says, "I'm as good as most. One religion is as good as another you know."

Religious man wants a good teacher and example, but not a Savior and Lord.  The world hates Jesus Christ and they try to fix Him up to suit themselves. Trust Jesus, love Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, let Him become your master passion.  A new heart wars with your old passions and subdues them.  Christ is risen, He is alive, He is able to save to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.

Distressed, desponding, despairing sinners hear this - Christ died, and is now risen for sinners just like you. Sin has left you utterly lost, ruined, condemned, dissolute, debauched and doomed. The unspeakable Love of Jesus led Him to bleed to die for sinners.  There is a Savior, a Savior for sinners, a Savior especially for you.  If you trust in anything else with Christ, you are a lost man.

Jesus was the Substitute for human guilt.  Calvary is the only safe place for sinners to hide from the wrath to come.  Satan, sin, and death cannot reach me there.  Gaze on the Savior's sufferings on Calvary, and see your sins atoned for there.  If you reject Christ's Blood, you have committed the most heinous offense possible.  Jesus is the personal Savior for real sinners.  Turn now your eye to Calvary's bloody tree, see there the Son of God in agony pouring out His life blood for sinners.  Come to Christ the Mediator, the Redeemer, the great Atoner for sins.  Rest on Christ's finished work, the Righteousness of Christ to sinners imputed, the blood of Christ for sinners shed. All are guilty, dead in sins, look away now to the Crucified Creator.

Call Upon His Name

Dear God, I have offended you, have mercy upon me, I have followed my own will, Save my soul with Jesus' blood, give me your Righteousness, change my heart, renew my inward nature, quicken my spirit and save my soul, give me the Holy Spirit.  I have no merits of my own, but Jesus died for sinners.  I am a sinner, I put my trust on Jesus alone.  Please forgive me for rejecting and neglecting you all these years. Save me, Lord Jesus!  I am a sinner deserving eternal punishment from God, but God has punished all my sins on Christ Jesus.  I trust myself with Christ the Lamb of God, wholly and alone.

I give myself up to you Jesus that You may save me, that You may rule and own me, that You may make me holy, even as You are holy.  Lord, save me with your great Salvation.  Save me thoroughly, deliver me from trusting in myself, bring me to rely on your Blood and Righteousness alone.  Foul with sin, separated from God, I depend upon you Jesus to save me, you are my Sin-Bearer, you came and took my sins upon yourself and died to pay my sins' penalty, I trust You with my soul.

Jesus, you came into this world to save sinners, I believe you did, I know you did, and you came to save me.  I have no good works at all, all I have is sins, I will be damned to Hell unless you have mercy on me.  You died to save lost sinners, I am lost, I cannot help save myself, I will trust in nothing but You, please save me Jesus. I am vile, give me your Faith; I am guilty, give me your Free Forgiveness.  You died for the ungodly, I am ungodly, please sprinkle your Blood on my soul.  I am filthy, wash me in your Blood; I am naked, clothe me in Your Righteousness.

O God save me from myself and the wrath to come.  God be merciful to me a sinner for Jesus' sake.  Lord I believe, help Thou mine unbelief.  I am a hopeless, helpless wretch.  I have no hope in my self-righteousness.  I am fed up with my sins, I am troubled, I cannot get rid of my sins and guilt by my doings, I trust in your Blood to remove it all.  Jesus, you are my only Hope, I renounce my sins and self-righteousness, I deserved to be damned, there is no good in me, no goodness of my own can help save me.  Lord Jesus, I give up all other props and expectations; ruined and undone I fall on your arms, save me now or I will perish.

Jesus, you died for the guilty, I am guilty, please have mercy on me through your atoning blood.  You save the worthless, I am worthless. Lord Jesus, I repent, I beseech you to help me, draw me to Yourself, save me for your name's sake.  God be merciful to me a sinner through the blood of Christ. I have done everything that is wrong, I am no good.  I have not only sinned, but I am sin, a mass of sin, a heap of rebellion, my very self is iniquity, my inward parts are very wickedness.  Jesus, I stand in your place, please stand in mine.  I am a sinner, but You died for sinners, I trust to You.  The sins I have committed against You deserve eternal punishment, but You are my Ransom from my sins.  I the worst of sinners am, but Jesus You died for me.

Jesus, I am a sinner, I trust You have died for me. I put my trust in Your Blood. I have no other hope but this.  There is no reason in this world why I should be spared, but there is one in Heaven, His name is Jesus.  I deserve to be lost, I have no excuse to make for all my sins. There is nothing in me why I should be saved.  Your blood has power to redeem me from the guilt of my sins.  Lord Jesus, save me now, stretch out your Hand of mercy and rescue my poor soul from the destruction which haunts my mind and spirit.  Jesus, I give myself up to You, freely relying upon your power and believing in your unfailing love to sinners.  I give my soul over to You to be cleansed, saved, preserved, and at last to be brought to Heaven.

Lord Jesus, nothing pains me so much as my sins, I desire to quit and get rid of them.  Lord, help me to think and live pure.  I stake all my Salvation upon the merits of Your Precious Blood.  Have mercy upon me for the Your Blood's sake. I feel my guilt and sinfulness, I loathe myself, I detest my iniquities, I feel I deserve the wrath of God on account of my sins.  The way of human effort is eternal death.  Lord Jesus, I believe in You as my Sin-Bearer and Sin-Forgiver.  I'm guilty, I'm a sinner, I have no hope, I can nothing of myself that is good, my sins deserve eternal punishment, I'm under the verdict of Guilty, I'm on my way to Hell, O God, please save me from my love of sin and your divine wrath to come.  Wash me in your Blood, save my soul by your Mercy, please do it now. I trust my soul to You forever. Your Cross-work is my only hope and refuge.  Jesus, I look only to your wounds and stripes, receive me through Your atoning blood. Christ Jesus is mine, pardon is mine, Heaven is mine. Lord Jesus, thank you for your bloody death on the Cross for my ungodly soul.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Deadly Deficit

Americans are more worried about our nation's financial deficit, than their own deadly sin deficit with God.  You're in over your head in sin debt with your Maker.  The debt clock for your soul is climbing higher and higher each day, it's off the charts sinner friend.  Only Jesus Himself can take away the deadly deficit of sin which you have piled up over the years.  Sin numbs the mind, deadens the conscience, blinds the souls, and distracts men away from Jesus Christ.

Jesus bore your sins in His own body and suffered the full weight of God's wrath, vengeance and punishment that is due to all your sins.  Jesus gave up all His rights, for sinners who have no rights.  Jesus gave up His right to live and reign like God, and He became a human being; He gave up His right to live and died for your sins. The blood of Christ is the only means of you escaping your sin debt and the fury of an offended God.  You cannot deal with your sin problem any other way, you'll never be able to reach heaven's golden shore by any other route.

What you have done with Jesus Christ?  Received Him or rejected Him?  Trusted Him or neglected Him?  Plunge your sinful soul into Jesus' atoning blood by a simple act of trusting to Him.  Rely on the Bleeding Savior God, the great Advocate for sinners. You have expended a great deal of time, energy and money to gratify your evil desires and habits.  Your Sins will only lead to despair, darkness, death, doom, and damnation.  The way to Hell is downhill, but it isn't smooth: the way of transgressors is hard.  Sinners labor because sin and guilt is a heavy burden.  Sinner weary themselves for vanity and folly.  The lustful man plans and toils for sinful pleasure.  The proud man toils for honor.  The miser wearies himself for another buck or two.  The worldly man labors for a title or position. The greedy man exhausts himself to get another man's wealth.  The yoke of Jesus is easy; the yoke of Satan and sin is hard.

Christ's bleeding love is forever, He will never leave you nor forsake you, He keeps His promises forever. Go now to the Cross, fall down at Jesus' feet, trust to Him, take sudden determined action to avoid hell fire and the wrath to come. Full and free forgiveness of sins is available now at Calvary.  Guilty blood is flowing through your veins, innocent blood flowed through Jesus' veins.  Innocent blood was shed for you by the pure Victim of Calvary.  Jesus was absolutely sinless, He was thoroughly pure inwardly and outwardly, He was God in human form.  My only hope of Heaven is the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God.

God was made flesh, crucified for sinners, buried for three days, risen from the dead, and now whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.  You're going to get what you deserve if you don't watch it.  Plead Jesus' precious name and blood,  and He will take away your transgressions forever.  The Savior came from heaven to earth to die for His enemies.   Your damnable sins can only be forgiven by Jesus.  Come now directly to the blood of Jesus by childlike faith. The Gospel is perfectly plain to the guilty soul.  Christ is All - rest your weary soul on Him.

What is the way for a sinner to come to Christ?  It is simply this - the sinner feeling his need of the Savior, and then he trusts his soul with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Coming to Jesus is a simple reliance upon Him, and what He has done for sinners.  If you aware of your guilt and danger, rely upon the atoning blood of Jesus.  No works or preparations are demanded of you, a childlike penitent faith is the royal road to Jesus. Jesus is the Creator Savior God who bled for sinners. Your soul needs to come in contact with His Precious Blood by simple faith and trust.

You are to heartily believe on Christ:  First, Believe Him, that is, be convinced that what He says is true, and then Believe on Him, that is, depend upon what He has done on the Cross, and on who He is - God manifest in the flesh.  Jesus will make His words good to you.  Buckle Jesus on as your life preserver, and you can never sink into Hell.  Put all your eggs into Jesus' basket; put all your treasures onto His ship.  Confide all your future and fate to Jesus.  I have no righteousness or merit of my own; I have only Christ Himself to trust to, and I want no more; He is my only hope of escaping the Hell I deserve.

Substitution saves sinners - this is the essential point of Gospel truth.  This is the way of Salvation according to the Scriptures.  Christ died in the sinner's place, He was punished with the sinner's punishment and bore all the wrath of God due to our sins.  Be wise - place your desperate case in the hands of Christ, confess your guilt, plead the Blood of Jesus, trust only the Atonement of the Great Substitute for sinners. Christ Jesus came into the world to be the Sin-Bearer for sinners.  God provided a sin-offering for sinners in Jesus of Nazareth.  Jesus is the Great Substitute that suffered in your place.  He loved you, and gave Himself for you.

God's great plan of Salvation is this - Divine justice could not overlook sin, and all sin must be punished, so Jesus Christ came into the world and took all human sin upon Himself, and suffered what is due to us on our behalf. Tell everyone you can this soul-saving message. The moment you trust the Lord Jesus Christ with your soul, your sins are all on Him, you are clear forever, pardoned freely, accepted before God for Jesus' sake, and made nigh by the Blood of Christ. Jesus Christ is the God-man whose sinless atoning cross-work is sufficient to pay for all your sins against God.  Believe now on the sin-pardoning God, Christ Jesus. To believe means to trust Jesus Himself, trust His suffering, trust His Blood Atonement, rely upon Him alone for all your Salvation.  The Gospel boggles the superstitious, self-righteous carnal mind.

Jesus is the Great Savior - He is mighty to save.  Jesus' blood paid for all human sin, He was smitten for the guilty, He was punished for the ungodly, He vindicated God's law, and answered to divine justice for all of us.  All the righteousness you need is Christ's Righteousness.  Away with your works, boastings, strivings, improvements, resolutions, and religious doings, for they are all things of nought, filthy rags and dung in God's sight.  Sinners that believe in Jesus are eternally free from the Law's penalty and curse.  God spared not His Son, but He spares guilty sinners.  God emptied out His wrath upon His Son and made Him to be Sin for us.  God lavishes His love upon the guilty who deserved His anger.

You cannot help save yourself.  All your efforts of self-salvation are futile.  Surrender and submit to Jesus, have done with self, and receive Christ now.  Come and lay your guilty soul down at Jesus' feet and plead for mercy through His blood.  You have broken God's Law and rejected Jesus Christ.  You are guilty as sin and condemned already.  God must punish your sins, His eternal divine justice demands it, but Christ Jesus came into the world to seek and save lost sinners and provide perfect Atonement by which human sin can be freely and justly forgiven.

The matchless plan of Salvation is this - Christ took human sin upon Himself and suffered for it, He bled and died in the sinner's place, and for us to have nothing to do but just to receive what Christ has done, and to trust our soul wholly with Him.  If you reject Christ, you deserve to be damned, and so you must.

Simply let your confidence be fixed alone upon what Jesus suffered for sinners upon the cross of Calvary.  The great object of the gospel of Christ is create sinful men anew in Christ Jesus.  Down with everything else, and up with the Cross of Christ.  Mercy is only provided to sinners at Calvary - The Incarnate God laid down His life for sinners there. The door of Mercy is wide open today. *John 10:9* Your outward religiousness is just a vain show that will only damn you.  Close with Jesus, lay hold on Eternal Life. Eternal Life is a Person, His name is JESUS.  Find eternal life in the Blood of Jesus Christ by calling upon His name. Whosoever believes on Jesus is perfectly and eternally forgiven.  God help you to trust your soul to Jesus Christ today.

Wearied by Religion

Are you just plain tired of trying to live up to human religion?  Man's religion teaches that a sinner becomes a Christian through baptism and is infused with some of Christ's righteousness, and then if this sinner continues to clean up his act, he might get into heaven, if he's good enough. Human religion leaves you guessing and hoping, not knowing and living. In natural religion, you receive a little of Christ's Righteousness through a church's ordinances, but you still have to work your way to perfection in order to rescued from sin and the wrath of God.

In human religions, you have to help Jesus out. You must also stay in good standing with your denomination/church, take the sacraments or Lord's supper, live as good as you can and don't commit any gross sins, and then die taking the last rites or in good standing with your denomination, and then you can go to Heaven, maybe. But you can never know for sure where you are going until AFTER you die; this keeps you in bondage to a denomination; religion wants your money, not for you to really prepared to meet God.  If you don't know where you are going when you die, you are probably going to wind up in Hell.  Religion leaves you lost and guessing, Christ leaves you saved and knowing.

In order to go to Heaven, you must have Christ's Righteousness imputed (transferred) to your soul *freely* by the power and mercy of God (John 1:12).  This is the miracle the Bible calls Imputation. God through the Holy Spirit imputes Righteousness to the sinner who believes in Jesus Christ. Imputed Righteousness is when God takes our filth and our sins and lays them on Jesus Christ at the Cross and then in exchange, we receive Christ's Righteousness as a free gift. We don't become perfect in our own sight, but we are counted as absolutely Perfect in God's sight underneath the blood of Jesus. We are accepted in the Beloved only because of our simple faith in Christ's Finished Work. By faith sinners are legally declared righteous in God's sight. This righteousness is not of the sinner, rather it is Christ's Righteousness that is counted or "imputed" to them forever.

The Most Priceless Truth is that, Christ Jesus saves the ungodly freely by His grace through faith in His Precious Blood.  The Incarnate God died to save unworthy wretches from sin and misery and destruction.  This is the deciding question - Will you trust Jesus Christ alone with your soul?  All sinners must be saved the same way.  But human nature kicks and objects to Christ Himself as being the only Plan of Salvation.  There is no hope for you but Jesus Christ - the living God.   Rely only on the Good Grace of God to save your soul.  Christ died for the ungodly, not good people, only really bad people (sinners) go to Heaven.

Christ Jesus, Christ crucified and risen, He is all your soul needs now and for all Eternity.  Do not look within, look straight away to the Cross.  Christ never came to save good people, He only came to save bad people, that is, sinners.  Christ is the sinner's only Satisfaction.  Christ will only save you without any help from your own doings.  You must simply rest in Christ's Finished Work.  As long as you trust in any of your doings, you cannot be rescued from sin.  Come, believe, simply depend upon what Jesus Christ has done especially for you, and He is yours forever.  JEHOVAH JESUS' priceless Ransom is your only escape from the *love of sin* and the damnation of hell fire.

You'll trust your vehicle with only a reliable Mechanic, you'll only entrust your money with a reputable Banker, you'll only turn your ailing body over to an experienced Surgeon, you'll trust your aching tooth with only a qualified Dentist, you'll only trust your court case with a good Lawyer,  and you would be most wise to only trust your immortal soul with the Crucified and Risen Creator - The Lord Jesus Christ Himself.   Simple reliance upon Christ Jesus is the only way to Heaven.  Give up your soul to Jesus Christ completely for safekeeping.  Humbly come to Jesus Christ for everything now, let Jesus do everything and He will meet all your poor soul's needs.

Jesus helps real sinners simply and only because they are needy and lost.  Your soul is in great need today, in awful need, because you are such a sinner, and your *love for sin* only makes your need all the worse.  Your first business is to trust your soul to Jesus Christ, and only then you will begin to quit loving your sin and self.  You need Righteousness in order to safely meet God, for you have none at all; you need a new heart, a right spirit, you need a total change within, ye must be born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Your vile nature within must be renewed by the power of Christ, you need everything Jesus IS, for you have nothing in you but sin and misery.

JEHOVAH only saves sinners through His Dear Son's Blood Sacrifice for your sins. God freely forgives sinners for Christ's sake.  This is Bible Salvation - *Everything for Nothing* because Jesus paid it all with His own Blood.  Salvation is pardon for free, Christ is free, Heaven is free.  Eternal life is the pure gift of Heaven's charity.  Have done with your own doings, and cast your lost soul on Jesus who has done everything for you, labor no more, but take freely the Righteousness that Christ has worked out for you. The only terms of the Gospel is *Everything for Nothing*.

You must bypass all human religion, and go directly to the Merciful Mediator as a guilty sinner, and find divine mercy in Him alone.  Christ Jesus is the only One who can save you from your bondage, love, and the practice of sin.  Come to the Lamb of God at the Cross and receive *Everything for Nothing*.  Ask Christ for everything, for all your Salvation.  At the Cross, there is nothing for you to pay, but everything for you to freely receive.  Let Jesus' atoning blood do everything for your lost soul. *John 1:12; Acts 16:31*

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stay Humble and Hungry

Stay humble and hungry for Christ Jesus, the Bread of Life.  It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.  Give up your evil habits, renounce your sins, abhor your own righteousness.  Trust in no one and nothing but Jesus and His doings.  Simply depend on His finished work.  Sin is not just open and overt acts. Sin is not merely the outward act, but the thoughts leading up to the act.  Sin begins in the thought life, in the imaginations, in the inward workings of your mind.  The world will tell you, "You can sin if you would like, but enjoy your sins responsibly and safely."

Reliance on self is a wicked sin.  Your reliance must be placed alone on Jesus Christ. A guilty soul must trust simply and wholly to the Atonement of Christ, or else that soul is lost.  Live simply by naked faith on Christ Jesus.  Trust only to Jesus' bloody death, agonies, sufferings, merits, glories, intercession, coming, and reign.  Faith is coming to Christ, that is, simply believing in the power of His Blood Atonement. Close now with the Person and Blood of Christ Jesus. Human nature thinks that if you're good enough, long enough, you may earn the favor of God and eternal life.  Religion says, "Believe in yourself, and then you may get to God safely. Do your best, and then let Jesus do the rest." That is not the Gospel of Grace. You must have the absolute Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ Himself, or you will never please God.  To believe means to give up trusting in yourself, and to wholly trust in the person and blood of Jesus.  Stop striving to earn heaven.  Stop worshipping the god of your own making.

How do you hope to get to Heaven?  Well, religion says, "Trust in yourself, confide in my good works.  I have done this, and I have done that.  Believe in yourself, help yourself, be self-confident, have more self-esteem, do the best you can, and God may let you in." But the Gospel says, "If you are trusting in yourself at all, you can never be sure of Heaven.  Boast not in your own goodness, for you have none.  If you have nothing of your own, Christ will make you rich.  If you can heal yourself, Jesus will have nothing to do with you.  Let Jesus do it all; He will do all for you, or nothing at all.  Jesus will clothe you if you are naked. To confide simply in Jesus Christ is life eternal. A childlike faith in Jesus' blood is the royal road to eternal life.  Never lose your simple trust in the Crucified Redeemer.

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. Rely on the sweet and precious promises of Christ.  Simply cast yourself on the fact that Christ is able to save sinners unto the uttermost, rest right there.  Christ is the Great Savior; His mercy is greater than all your sins.  Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy Cross I cling.  Convicted, guilty, condemned sinner, flee to Christ for help and aid.  Live simply upon the merits and blood of the Incarnate God.  A sense of need and a thirst after Christ is imperative.  You cannot be your own Physician; soul surgery is not possible by you.  Are you a giver or a taker, a worker or a shirker?  Your first business is not to do, but to to believe on Jesus.  Renounce all trust in yourself.  Away with all your works and vain trustings.

The Bible way of Salvation is simply this - Your sins deserve eternal punishment; the thrice-holy God must and shall punish all sin, but Christ Jesus came into the world, bore your sins, and was punished for your sins in your place.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all thine heart, and thou shalt be saved from the love of sin. Go to the Cross, look there, trust there, live there, die there.  Self-trust, self-reliance, self-esteem, self-hope, self-salvation leaves you lost and dead in your sins.  Get Christ first, keep to Him.  Trust only in Jesus' blood, His blood is able to save you.  There is nothing that you can do, leave off your self-righteous doing altogether, there must be a denial of all your doings.

The omnipotent Ruler of the universe came into this world as a virgin-born Jewish baby. Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, came down from Heaven and was crucified to save sinners from the wrath to come.  If you are broken, Jesus can fix your heart. The only way to be saved from sin is to simply believe in Jesus Christ.  The very second you believe on Jesus, the Great Redeemer, you are delivered from the wrath to come, your sins are forgiven, you are accepted and adopted as a child of God, and passed from death to life.  The Precious Blood of the Lamb of God must save you; if you trust to anything else with the Blood, you shall perish. Stay humble and hungry for Christ Jesus, the Bread of Life.  For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to Whom be glory for ever. Amen.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

This is the Gospel (4)

Salvation cannot be by human merit, it must be by divine grace in Christ Jesus.  A sinner could never deserve anything good from God, for the carnal mind is enmity against God.  By nature, we are the enemies of God, and we can never hope to be saved by our own works, for all of them are sinful.  Salvation is not by any man's works, but by Christ's deeds of grace.

You have to keep repeating this scriptural truth of Salvation by Grace and sending it into men's hearts and minds, for human nature constantly forgets that Salvation is absolutely free and by mercy alone.  The natural man always wants to be putting in his two cents of works, he must be doing something.   Salvation for God's enemies must be by a Mediator, by an Atonement from Christ Himself.  There must a be an entire change of heart within, and this change must be worked by a divine power beyond your own.  There must be something done for you, and this miracle of grace is much more than you can accomplish. If you die in your natural state without being born again by the Spirit of God, you will be damned to Hell.  The Holy Spirit must renew you. If you try to make yourself better and better and better, a thousand times, you will never be good enough for Heaven.

Christ Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the whole world.  Come to the Cross and rest upon His Atoning Sacrifice.  Give yourself over to Jesus by a simple act of faith in His blood, and He will save you. You will never overcome and escape your sins except by faith in Jesus' blood. The Precious Blood is the great sin-killer. To the saint, every home is a church, and every day is a holy day.  True faith leads you to an entire reliance upon the person of Jesus, the giving up of everything to Jesus, the reception of Him as your Savior and King, your All in All.

Atheists are weary slaves of sin, dead set on being damned, hate their Creator, despise His truth, and stand in opposition against their Maker.  It is a diabolical crime to hate the lowly, despise the Good, abhor the merciful, spurn the benevolent, scorn the gracious, and hate the God who sent His own Son to die for sinners. Atheism is devilish hostility to the Scriptures and Jesus Christ, Truth Incarnate.  Secular humanism is the atheist's religion. Atheistic human nature hates the goodness of God.  Atheism is a hellish mix of egotism and self-love.  Every atheist opposes himself by loving his sins and rejecting Jesus Christ. The atheist is the victim of wrong information.  Evolution is a solid lie.  Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!

The atheist trusts education not regeneration, evolution not conversion.  Sin is a trifle to the atheist and he says there is no hell to be feared. Just punishment for sin is a myth to the atheist. The theory of evolution is in direct opposition to Scriptural truth.  The Bible is so, evolution is a lie, flat-out.  Creation stagger the atheist, so he believes in evolution.  Faith in Jesus is hard, so the atheist accepts agnosticism.  Evolution is contrary to the teaching of Genesis.

Look to the Cross, see the Victim of divine justice suffering what your sins deserve. Every sin must be punished, and all sin has been punished in the person of the sinless Substitute.  Fix your eye on the sinless Lamb of God offering Atonement for human sin.  Jesus endured your sins' punishment.  Guilty soul, look to Jesus, and you are safe.  Plead the merits of the Incarnate God's blood.  Jesus came to call sinners to repentance, not the self-righteous.  Poor wretched sinner, Jesus is ready to save you, He is willing, doubt Him no more.  All the fitness Jesus requires of you is that you feel your need of Him; this the Holy Spirit must give to you.  Stop looking at yourself, and cast yourself at the feet of Jesus.

Divine mercy flows to sinners through Jesus' blood alone.  The essence of Repentance is a hatred of sins, a turning from sins, and a determination by the grace of God to forsake your sins.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the merit of His agonies, the virtue of His sufferings, and the power of His blood.  Trust in Jesus' name, find refuge in His Cross, rely upon the power of His Spirit, confide only in His Righteousness, and you are saved from the vengeance of the Law and the damnation of Hell.  If you are trusting in your own works in any way, you are lost as sure as you are alive.

It was for sinners that Jesus came into the world.  I stand in Christ's place, and Christ stands in mine.  The guilty, vile and lost are welcome at the Cross today. Christ died for the wicked and sinful, not for the good and excellent.  Christ died for sinners, I am a sinner, so Jesus died for me.  Lord Jesus, I am vile, give me faith, sprinkle your blood on my guilty soul.  I am sinful, have mercy on my guilty soul.  The Holy Spirit must first teach you that you are a sinner, and then lead you to believe that Christ died for sinners like you, especially you.

Sinners are skating around carelessly and thoughtlessly on the thin ice of life. We must persuade them to come off the ice safely onto shore.  Stop playing church and enduring dead religion, and come on to Jesus for real Salvation.  Christ bore my sins and was damned in my place, so I could be rescued from the eternal damnation I deserve for sinning against my Maker.  Jesus is Love and Mercy Incarnate.

Religion is lost man's attempt to earn his way to Heaven his own way without trusting Christ.  The religionist says, "I don't need a Savior, I'm not that bad, I can earn my own way, I can tough it out and good enough and get there on my own merits." Superstitious, religious man constructs a system of morals and ceremonies and tries to earn God's favor his own way.  Religion brings more and more guilt upon a soul, but Christ takes guilt away. Jesus paid a bill you couldn't pay.  You cannot get rid of your sins. There is mercy and all-sufficient redemption for sinners found only in Jesus' blood.  Jesus' veins were opened for utterly ruined and undone sinners.

Your main business is to trust your soul on the scriptural fact that Christ died for sinners.  If you can put put your finger on any good place in your life, you are a lost man. If you can point to any good thing in you that you can trust to, there is no hope for you.  The object of true faith is Christ as the Substitute for sinners.  God in Christ crucified and risen for the ungodly.  The object of genuine faith is Christ Jesus Himself.  God Incarnate in human flesh offered a sinless blood Atonement for human sin.  Jesus bled for sinners, rebels, His enemies.  Turn the eye of faith to Christ Jesus, the Great Substitute for sinners.

Make it the object of your life to win others to Christ, never be satisfied with going to Heaven alone.  Do more and more for Christ, pray more for sinners, labor more for the lost.  The one object of your life should be to glorify Christ, be always glorifying Christ. The service of Christ should be the main object of your life.  The object of your heart's affection is to long to be Christ.  Never trust ceremonies, feelings, works, or orthodoxy, only look to Christ Crucified for the ungodly.

The Holy Ghost regenerates and quickens the soul. The Holy Spirit must implant the divine nature into the soul, He convinces of sin, of righteousness, and of the judgment to come.  The Holy Spirit first shows us the Law, then He shows us Calvary.  The Holy Spirit must first prove to you that you are guilty.  No one can get you to come out of your self-righteousness but the Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit is first the Convincer, then the Converter, and then the Comforter.

Plain and Simple 4

My Salvation is complete; the Robe of Righteousness is finished; the Atonement for my sins is fully made; I am reconciled to God through Christ's Precious Blood; I am accepted in the beloved for Jesus' sake.  By nature, we have no love to God, we are His enemies.  We love sin and we ruin ourselves by sinning against God; but God sent His Son that He might make Reconciliation for us, and put away our sins forever.  Evil human nature always tries to deflect when confronted about taking and receiving Jesus Christ, because human nature loves sin.

How can a sinful man be saved, and yet divine justice be satisfied?  God's grace and wisdom has answered this hard question, and God's own Son is the perfect answer.  God became a Jewish man for us, and for our eternal redemption, He bore the whole weight of God's wrath that we deserved.  The Lord is a God of truth, and fakers and dissemblers can have no relationship with Him.  Being guilty, you must take the place of the guilty, for it your proper position, and it is due to the Judge of all the earth that you take it; if you refuse to do so, you are in contempt of Heaven's court.

Men feel their guilt, so they give to charities, go to church, help fight cancer, and other deeds so they can feel better about themselves, but they are still as guilty as ever in the sight of God, because no human works can ever remove guilt and sin from the human soul.  Do-gooders go to Hell, and no-gooders go to Heaven. You are the guilty party. The penalty for your sins against God is eternal death, and Jesus bore it to the utmost on Calvary's Cross.  Jesus bore the full penalty of my guilt.

What does it mean to be *saved*?  To have all your sins forgiven freely and instantly by Jesus, to be accepted in the beloved, to have your sins pardoned forever, to have your sins fully and finally blotted out of God's record book, the imputation of Christ's Righteousness to your soul, to be delivered from the wrath to come.  Jesus is my Sin-Offering and Substitute; He has been punished in my place.  God punished my sins in the person of His dear Son, on my behalf.  Through Christ's bloody death, my sins have been punished.

At the Cross, sinners are saved, and God's Law is vindicated. The wrath of God was concentrated on the Great Sin-Bearer of Calvary.  He took all the punishment my sins deserved.  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; He came to take away the punishment due to my sins.  Sin brings death and misery, but Jesus came to take death away, removing all the punishment due to our sins, and now whosoever will believe in His Precious Blood, for His sake, will never be punished.

The downfall of most so-called churches today is they will do anything to please the people, anything to get them to come and keep them coming.  Even deceive them if you have to, make it convenient for the people to worship their own god. The priority of most churches today is tickle the ears and entertain lost people.

Are you trying to be your own savior?  Forget trying to help save yourself, turn your eyes to the Cross of Christ, to the full Atonement  He has made for human sin.  Christ paid all the sinner's debt. Jesus discharged and freed me from the wicked confinement of sin's prison house.  God laid all my sins on Christ, with all my guilt and punishment.  Look now to the Son of God who made a full, complete, absolutely acceptable Atonement.  Trust your soul with Jesus, rest on His promises, repose in His Atonement, rely upon His finished work, rejoice in His bleeding Love, look for His coming.  It is a grand thing to rest on the Rock of Ages.  The moment you trust to Jesus, you are safe for time and Eternity.

The part of the Gospel that is the best of all is that a holy God can now have mercy on the guilty.  God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to offer the full and complete Atonement for human sin.  Salvation by a divine Righteousness; Free and full Salvation by the grace of God. Believing is the sinner ceasing to trust in himself, and implicitly relying on the Lord Jesus Christ Himself for all his Salvation.  The only way you will see the face of God with acceptance and favor is through faith in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.  You have no merits to plead before God.  The merits of Christ must be put down (imputed) to your account, and then you shall stand before God accepted in the Beloved, perfect in Christ Jesus.

Has Christ made you accepted in the Beloved?  Only He can do that for you.  The Gospel of Grace suits my case exactly.  Jesus came to save the guilty and the needy, that is the sort of person I am, so I lay hold on His Atonement.  I have a grip on Him, and there I hang, for I have nothing else to which I can trust.  On Christ alone, I hang forever and ever.  I commit myself to this one Ship which God has built to cross the sea of life, death and Eternity, and I believe that the Gospel Ship will surely bring me safely to the golden shore, for Christ Jesus said, "He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."

How can a sinful man be just with God? Jesus said, "I stood in the place of the guilty, and have rendered to God's Law a perfect obedience and to God's divine justice a perfect Atonement."  Jesus faced and answered to divine justice for me.  Christ's obedience and blood is imputed to all sinners who believe in Him alone. God regards those who believe in Jesus as absolutely just through Christ's Righteousness.  This is the heavenly doctrine of Imputation.  Jesus bore the consequences of my sin, so I could be given His Righteousness freely.  He took my sins upon Himself, He took the place of the guilty (that's me), and suffered the deadly penalty which I had incurred with my rebellion.

Mercy is only for the guilty, forgiveness is for the unrighteous, and grace is for the ungodly.  Class yourself among the guilty and ungodly, or God's mercy and forgiveness will never come to you.  The penalty for human sin is a terrible one.  Through the atoning Sacrifice of the Redeemer, we are delivered from the debt of our sins and the eternal death penalty due to our sins.  Jesus clears all who believe in Him for He bore their punishment in His own body on the tree.

All that was necessary to save me from my sins has been endured by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He ransomed me by His bloody death upon the Cross.  Jesus personally bore my sins and suffered the penalty due to the sins I personally committed all my life.  Jesus loved me and laid down His life for me, and now I am bought with a price, with the gold of His Precious Blood.

Jesus said, "I have bore the penalty that was due to your sins.  I have stood in your place, and suffered the wrath which has fully satisfied the claims of divine justice on your behalf; I have paid all your debts, so the Law must let you go free. I was wounded for your transgressions; I was bruised for your iniquities."  The great Sin-Bearer has suffered in the sinner's place, divine justice smote Him, He willingly bore all the sinner's punishment, and now that sin has been punished on Jesus.  God can now be just, and yet be the Justifier of all who believe in His dear Son.

According to the righteous Law of God, every sin must be punished.  Your own conscience tells you that it is impossible that your guilt cannot be put away without its due penalty.  So Jesus came and bore your sins, and the dread penalty that was due to my sins.  The penalty for your sins must fall on Someone, so Jesus took the deadly blow for you.  Faith in the atoning sacrifice will change your heart, so that you will hate the sins you once loved, you will flee the filthy ways that you once delighted in, and abhor the dirty thoughts you once indulged in, and turn to the merciful Savior you once despised.

The blessed fact is that Christ Jesus Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree.  Lay hold on it, feed upon it, live by it.  God in His infinite justice determined that all sin must be punished, so divine Wisdom devised the plan of Substitution, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God in human form, became the Substitute for sinners.  God exacted the ransom price of my sins on Jesus, and now I am forever clear of all liability to the divine Law of God.  Rely upon the merit of Jesus' Blood and Righteousness. I cannot be punished for my sins, for Jesus has bore the punishment of them all. Man transgressed his Creator's commands, and those transgressions must be punished; if he dies in his sins without trusting Jesus Christ, he will lose his soul.

The clarion note of the Gospel trumpet is this - Salvation by grace through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh.  Salvation by faith, Justification by faith in Jesus' blood.  Cry to God for mercy to be saved, cry to Him for grace to glorify Him in your daily life, and ask Him for strength to live better, higher, purer, nobler for Jesus' sake.  By faith, look to Jesus, the Great High Priest offering up Himself as the spotless Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Food for Thought 4

You have lived a selfish life, tainted with some religiousness.  Sin permeates your entire being, saturates your thoughts, corrupts your motives, and makes you offensive in the sight of God.  Sin is a moral disorder that every man alive is plagued with.  Sin numbs and paralyzes the conscience.  Do not throw away your soul by indulging in your sinful propensities and tendencies. You have indulged in your sinful ways and abused God's mercy and longsuffering for years now.

There is no peace between a Christless soul and God, neither can there be. The spirit of disobedience that is in you is selfish, and it lusts to envy to man and enmity to God.  The unsaved worldling is filled with hating, slandering, struggling, competing, bickering, and wounding.  Sin connects you with the devil, so flee from sin.  Do not laugh and mock at sin, do not trifle with sin, all sins are dangerous and deadly.

You must be a servant to somebody, there is no getting through this world without serving someone, and if you are a servant to your sinful self, your bondage is terrible and miserable, and the very worst of degradation.  When men worship a false god, they will always find money and time and energy to sacrifice to that god.  *Isaiah 46:6* Men say that cannot afford to give anything to the cause of Christ, but for their sinful pleasures, they can waste their time, energy and substance. No sacrifice is too expensive for a man's lusts.  He will do anything to live a merry life, a life which consists of blatant disregard and rebellion against God.

The Gospel gives renewal and rest to the sinful soul, purity and pardon, sanctity and safety. Only Christ can subdue your sins.  Seek after real holiness; real holiness dwells with humility.  Holiness means wholeness; wholeness is a thing without a crack, or flaw, or break; complete, entire, uninjured, whole. The character of God is perfectly Holy, in Him nothing is lacking, nothing is redundant. The inner meaning of "Holy" is complete or whole.  The presence of the Holy Spirit fills the believer with the fear of the Lord and self-abhorrence.

Abhor that which is evil; there must be a hatred and loathing of sin, and a turning from sin.  By the operations of the Spirit of grace, we are made weary of sin, we loathe both sin and its imaginary pleasures.  Repent of your sins which the Lord condemns.  Turn from sinful ways which God abhors, we must loathe the vice which God forbids, and seek after the virtue which He commands. The more certain you are about your relationship with Christ and His forgiveness, the more you will hate your sins, which caused the Savior to bleed and die. God is good, loving, tender, and gracious, full of long-suffering and mercy and faithfulness to us poor sinners.

Come to Christ now, self-trust must go first, the love of sin must follow, then worldliness, pride, and self-seeking must be cast aside. The devil works hard to lead one person into licentiousness, another into drunkenness, a third into dishonesty, another into self-righteous religion, and others into worldliness and vanity.  Man is boastful of his own wisdom and intellect, puffed up by his education and worldly possessions, and then humbled by failing health.  Grace will lead you to mourn over a failure in character.  The prayer of faith, forsakes self, looks only to Christ, and makes everything of Christ.  The prayer of faith leans on the arm of God who is the master of every situation.

Beware of a religion of show and pretense. Beware of a religion which you can put on Sunday, and put off on Monday.  It is an awful thing to make a profession of sanctity and still live on in the indulgence of secret vice.  Modern thought leads to disillusionment and damnation.  Envy leads you to think harshly and to indulge in suspicions that are groundless.

Human ability is puffed up inability.  Are you a works-truster or a Christ-truster?  Work-trusters never have any rest and are never prepared to die. Self-righteousness always gives unrest, fear, and dread. Stay conscious of your own incompetence and inability to do anything that is good and right.  He who does things without Christ will end up doing nothing.  The man who tries to preach without the divine aid of the Holy Spirit cannot preach at all.  A person who tries to teach a Sunday School class without prayer cannot teach Jesus to a Sunday School class.

The man who thinks he can serve God apart from His continual divine Help is miserably deluded. Self-sufficiency is inefficiency.  The fulness of self is double emptiness. Any man who God truly uses will be so emptied out by the Holy Spirit, that he will wonder how God could ever use him in the least degree.  He will be ready to hide his head, and long to get out of public notice, because he will feel himself to be utterly unworthy of the favor which God has manifested towards him.  Human ability without the grace of God is puffed up inability.  The natural man is concerned about money, good health, and self-preservation.

The lust of the flesh is the indulgence of carnal appetites.  The lust of the eye is desiring more for yourself and envying those that have more. The pride of life is making a name for yourself, thirsting to be thought respectable and successful, emulation of others, struggling after worldly reputation, title, success, honor, and praise. The pride of life is the pride of possessions, accomplishment, and talent.  Human honor and flattery is the sharpest of all tests.

Only be a truster in God, a believer in Jesus, and a waiter upon the Holy Spirit.  Ask the Holy Spirit to draw you away from sinful companions and pleasures.  Calm resignation and submission comes through physical pain, mental depression, disappointments in family and business, and bereavements.  Submission and sweet delight in God's will, walking circumspectly, tenderly, submissively, and quietly.  Cheerful submission to heavenly discipline.  Never misjudge, insult, or slander others.  Bear ill-treatment, ridicule, slander, and injury without resentment, revenge or retaliation.  Always consider Jesus, keep Him in your thoughts, words, and actions. Regret your past sins, long to overcome sin, sigh for deliverance from inward corruption. desire after purity, trust in Christ, hope in His mercy.

Put your soul into Jesus' care, or you will lose it.  Believe God's words, trust to His Son.  Do nothing of your own to save yourself, but trust Jesus to do it all.  Repentance or wretchedness, it's your choice.  Lord Jesus, give me a new heart within, renew my nature, help me to give up my sins.  Seek from God that your works may done from pure motives, with more simple faith in Christ.  Put those dark doubts away.  Drop all ideas of becoming better through your own strength.  Sinners can only be beggars and receivers.  Rest more on the Holy Spirit's power.

To live to Christ, you must first die to yourself.  Do nothing, be nothing, cease from yourself, begin with Christ at the Cross.  Leave off now to do, to be, to feel, and trust in Jesus who did, and was, and felt for you.  If you rest on Christ and self, you are doomed.  Never mingle your works with Christ's works, human merit with Christ's merits.  Fix your faith on the Atonement of the Lamb of God. Trust Jesus and you are saved, trust self and you are lost.  Beg the Holy Spirit to draw you nigh to Jesus. The Gospel is easy terms - trust Jesus, forsake yourself.

Poor, miserable sinners look to Christ for help.  Look now to Jesus' agony, sweat, tears, cross, thorns, nails, passion, blood, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and coming.  Salvation is what Christ has done, He must do everything for you, and all He asks of you is to simply stand in the place of the unjust. Human nature is too good and too proud to be saved by the free Gospel.  Your guilt is your warrant to come to Christ's Hospital of Mercy.

One of two things, either you must be saved without deserving to be saved, saved by the works of Another, or else you must keep the whole Law, and earn Heaven by your own righteousness, and that is impossible for you are a sinner. God never accepts sinners because of anything they do, but only because of what Jesus has done.  Whosoever you may be, you are welcome now to come to the Cross for full and free forgiveness of your sins. No preparation on your part is required.

Humbly stoop and drink the water of life freely.  God will keep His promise, and perform His words.  The Robe of Righteousness has been completed by Jesus, you cannot add a stitch to it.  Place your confidence in the blood of Jesus Christ. To believe is to trust, as a little child confidently trusts to his mother's arms.  Believing means to trust upon what Christ has done for sinners; Simply depending upon Jesus for everything.

The atheist minds earthly things, lives for himself, seeks his own pleasure, hates all that oppose him, and glories in his shame.  The object of modern atheism is to undermine the Scriptures, ignore Christ's Atonement, forget God, and lose their soul.  The atheist is up in arms against God and His truth, and all that is pure and good.  Atheistic thoughtlessness and carelessness always leads to sinning.  The atheist is in such a degraded condition of mind that he can do evil without check of conscience and no longer blush.  The atheist is so puffed up that his own imagination is his inspiration.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Plain and Simple 3

You are a sinner deserving nothing from God but justice and wrath, but free mercy is available to every sinner, including you, at the Cross.  The Bible will never give human nature a good word.  The Bible exposes our falseness, pride, and unbelief.  Man's ego refuses to be humiliated and be saved by pure grace.  Lord, save me in your own way, your words are good enough for me.  Have done with your own glory.  You need a real change of heart and life.  Sin will bring you from wealth to poverty, from competence to actual want, from virtue to vice, from soundness to rottenness.  Evil is festering within your heart right now. Sin leads from finances to fame to foulness to flames.

Human nature refuses the Charity of Heaven. There are two righteousnesses - your own righteousness and the Righteousness of God, and there will always be a conflict between the two.  If you want to be accepted by God through your own righteousness, your righteousness must be perfect, and that is an impossibility for a sinner like you.  If you have committed but one sin in thought, word, or deed, you have stained your character in the sight of God, and now your hope of attaining a perfect righteousness that will please God is gone.  Only Jesus can provide to you the free forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

God's Law requires perfect obedience, from the first moment the creature understands the Law, as long as ever that creature shall live on earth.  Have you done that?  I trow not.  When a man commits just one sin, he is guilty of disobeying to all the commands of God. *James 2:10* Your tainted and chipped righteousness will not do before God's divine majestic Holiness. Acknowledge to God plainly that you have nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can bring before God.  If you humble yourself and admit that you have no righteousness of your own, you are on the doorstep of Mercy.  Lost men cling to the things of this earth, for things are all they have.

Your sins are terrible; they will damn you if you continue to love them and die in them. You will give account to God for your evil thoughts, wrong desires, foul attitudes, filthy imaginations, unkind gossip, malicious slander, and proud words. You cannot dictate to God how you ought to be saved from your sins.  Sin takes you down the road to ruin. Be wiling to be saved by free grace through the blood of Jesus Christ, for that is God's way.  Be willing to be saved by simple faith in the blood of the Lamb.  Immediately trust to Jesus.  Look to the Great Propitiator.  The Son of God gave His life to redeem and deliver you from sins.

Think seriously.  Leave off sin, walk in holiness.  Do not imagine that self-reformation can atone for your sinful past, or secure a righteousness for the future that will satisfy God.  God shall judge the quick and the dead; you will stand before his bar; all your deeds shall be revealed before an assemble world at the judgment.  Feel that you are a guilty sinner, conscious that you have rebelled against God and violated your conscience. Acknowledge your transgressions, hate and abhor them, you can do nothing to atone for your sins.  Christ Jesus, God in human flesh died for you.  It took an infinite Victim to atone for man's guilt and satisfy divine justice.

Nothing short of the Blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit can renew the human heart.  Human nature tries to atone for sin, help itself to Heaven, and to be accepted before God.  A sinner cannot make atonement for his own sins.  He cannot render to God the Righteousness which divine justice demands of him.  You have gone astray from God, transgressed God's Righteous Law.  God laid on Jesus your iniquity, and punished Him for what you have done wrong.  His substitutionary atoning Sacrifice brings peace between God and the sinner.

Christ bore your sins and the wrath of God that your sins deserved for you.  Man was bound to bring God a perfect obedience to please his Maker, but as a sinner, he could never do this, but Christ did it, and now whosoever believeth in Jesus is perfectly satisfied that God is well pleased with Jesus, and that God is also well pleased with us in Christ.  By faith, I am wrapped in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, with His finished work imputed to us.  I am now blameless and acceptable in God's sight because of what Jesus has done for me.  I am perfectly satisfied with Christ as my justifying Righteousness. Christ Jesus died as my Substitute, and because He bore the punishment due to my sins, and now God righteously withholds His wrath from me.

I am safely hiding behind the blood of Jesus.  My confidence is entirely fixed in the great Reconciliation and Propitiation which Christ made for me.  Think much of His sufferings, by which your guilt is taken away.  I was fallen through the first Adam, and restore by the last Adam (Jesus), so in the infinite wisdom of God, there came into the world the second Adam, and He offered an Atonement for the offenses committed against God's Law, such an Atonement that whosoever believes in Jesus has his sins forever put away.  We fell in the first Adam through no fault of our own, and we rise in the second Adam, through no merit of our own.  If you will simply trust in Jesus, you need not dread the punishment of your sins.  Once your faith is in Jesus' blood alone, there is no more dread of Hell or wrath from God, you are free from condemnation and punishment.

The carnal mind in its natural state cannot know God spiritually.  The creature always forgets its Creator is watching and listening.  You may be out of man's sight, but you are never out of God's sight.  Men worship man and nature, not God their Maker.  Lost men trust in good fortune, chance, almanacs, fate, horoscope, and luck, but not the providence and blessings of God. Human nature is very superstitious.

If you will be kind to God, He will help you to be kind to others. The less a man thinks of himself, the more he will think of Christ.  Trust in Christ's Precious Blood, not your doings.  I have no dependence anywhere else but the finished work of Jesus Christ.  A humble trust in Jesus, dependence on Him for grace and strength.  Trust only to Jesus' bloody Sacrifice to take away all your guilt.  Only trust to what God has said in the Holy Bible, and what Christ did on Calvary's Cross.  The Gospel will never flatter evil human nature.

The Cross is divine love to the guilty, pity for the miserable, mercy for the wicked, compassion for the wretched.  To the guilty preach remission of sins through faith in Jesus' atoning blood.  Sin-sick sinners are always welcome at Christ's Mercy Hospital.  This man Christ Jesus receiveth sinners. Your conscience is that tiny voice is your heart and mind that reminds you when you have done right or wrong.  God gave His Son to bleed for the guilty.  Jesus died for the sins of the whole lost world.  Jesus alone can forgive sins, and He does so through His own blood.  Trusting wholly to Jesus' Blood is the essence of saving faith.  Faith is not merely believing Bible facts, but trusting implicitly and entirely to the crucified and living God and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Personal faith in Christ Jesus Himself is needful.

You need immediate divine help via the Holy Spirit.  Beg the Holy Ghost to help you see and believe on Jesus. Have done with evil self, and look to the Crucified Creator, and find life eternal in Him now.  If  you are guilty and filthy, foul and polluted with sins, come now to the Son of God who died for your sins.  Shut your eyes to all things but the Cross.  God only freely forgives sins for Jesus' sake.  Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life." *John 6:47* H-A-T-H spells "Got It!"

Everything for nothing is out of the question for self-righteous human nature.  Human nature wants to do this, and that, or the other thing; anything but trust Jesus Christ Himself with your soul. There is a natural tendency toward self-salvation in the mind of every lost man.   Lean upon the great Invisible Creator.  Single eye, single hope - Christ is All.  Allow Jesus to help you, He receives the guilty graciously.  I am trusting to Christ now, He is my way, my life, and my end.  The less you value your own righteousness, the more you will value and seek Christ's Righteousness.  As long as a man admires himself, he will never adore Jesus Christ - God Incarnate.  Men in their natural state cannot see truth, because they love falsehood.  The Gospel is too pure for the lover of sin. Human nature wants to rule, but the Holy Spirit gives us humility, meekness, and lowliness.

Never tolerate low thoughts of Jesus.  Think of Him more and more; make your thoughts of Jesus great.  You can never have personal merit, you are only justified by imputed Righteousness.  Wretched human nature proudly rebels against free salvation by Christ alone.  Trust your soul with Jesus, and then adore the living God with living love.  Perfect holiness in the fear of God. Trace all your daily blessings back to the good hand of God. Be sensitive to Holy Spirit, don't grieve the Comforter, welcome His as your Best Friend, yield to His influences.  Instead of wanting to be first, the spiritual man is satisfied to be last for Jesus' sake.  The man who wants to be the king of the castle is not filled with the Spirit of God, but he is willing to be nothing in the kingdom of God.  Holy Spirit, please speak with me, guide me, enlighten me, quicken me, and dwell in me forever.  God please fill my soul with true worship and love to you, adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My God Bled For Me 1


Sin is man's greatest problem. Man is born in sin, and sins against God habitually and intentionally. Sin is on your soul, divine justice pursues you and demands eternal death as the only just judgment. There is nothing worthy in man to help save him. Eternal life is provided by God apart from man. Man cannot provide anything that will satisfy the holiness of God. Salvation is now provided freely to sinners by the grace of God through faith in Jesus' Precious Blood, apart from human works or merits. Life eternal is possessed only as a gift apart from works. God's plan for sinners is this: Life instead of death, Christ instead of me, Trust instead of try, Now instead of later. Only the Blood of God can make your sins disappear, so that God will never see them again.

Justification brings about a radical and instantaneous change of status and nature for the lost sinner. We suppress the truth of God by a lie. We worship created things rather than the Creator. We have sinned and are justifiably guilty before God. No one can be declared righteous as a result of their own endeavors. Therefore, we are entirely in need for Someone (Christ Jesus) to do on our behalf, what we are unable to do for ourselves. The work of Justification in the soul of a sinner is 100% by free grace. Salvation is given to us freely, because on Calvary's Cross the wrath of God against sinners was poured out upon Jesus. Christ bore the punishment that our sins deserved, so we can go free. Believe on Christ; that is, place yourself, your whole weight, your very life on what Christ did for sinners. Recognize yourself to be dead, condemned, guilty, and lost, and trust to Jesus Christ's Precious Blood by simple faith.

You know the story: Man had sinned against God, and God the Just One must punish sin. So God in heavenly pity and compassion devised the perfect plan so that His divine justice could be satisfied and His free mercy could be shown to every guilty sinner. Jesus left Eternity and entered into time, so He could be punished in your place for your sins; this is Substitution. God became a man, so He die, forever paying the price of your sins, and then rising from the dead, so He could offer to you His salvation freely. The innocent, sinless Son of God suffered instead of us.

Jesus was God, but He became a man to bleed, to be spit upon, to be scourged, to be crucified. He was born of a Jewish virgin, laid in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. God was born into the world, the Beginning and the End became a baby, God became flesh, He was despised and rejected of men from His birth to His death. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He gave His back to the smiters, and His cheeks to them that plucked off the hair. He died the death of a common criminal - He bled especially for our rotten sins.

In Gethsemane, He prayed and was covered with a bloody sweat, a sweat caused by the heavy weight your sins and mine. Judas Iscariot betrayed Him with a kiss. He was arrested, bound, and led away. He was taken from His knees in Gethsemane away to Gabbatha's judgment hall. He was patient before Caiaphas, Annas, Herod, and Pilate. There He was tried and condemned, His back was scourged, His head was crowned with thorns, His cheeks were yielded to those that plucked off the hair, the spit of the Roman soldiers covered His face, His wounds were all bleeding, the scourge tore His nerves and sinews.

The Lord of Glory Himself was mocked and scorned; He was the object of ridicule, the jeer of sarcasm, the butt of scorn. He was covered with the cloak of some common soldier. His back was covered with blood and wounds from Pilate's scourge. His death sentence was pronounced by Pilate, and He was hurried and hounded through the streets of Jerusalem without the gate to Calvary's hill. He bore the heavy cross up Golgotha, the soldiers flung Him down on His back, they stretched out His hands and feet to the wood, and drove the cruel nails through His flesh. He was lifted up high in mid-air between heaven and earth. The Cross was dashed into its place, His bones were dislocated. JEHOVAH'S wrath was poured out on Him, wave after wave, He meekly bows His head to it all. God's sword of divine justice is driven into His heart, for your sakes and mine.

Jesus also suffered within, sin and hell filled His heart, soul, and mind. God the Father forsook Him, the thunderbolts and hailstones of wrath and vengeance fell upon Him. The Father hid His face from Him till He cried in agony, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me!" And so, He suffered on, and on, and on for hours, till at the last He cried, "It is finished!" And then He gives up the ghost. God spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all.

By Jesus' sin-atoning death and most precious blood, He redeems sinners by tasting death for every man. Then, they take down His mangled corpse from the Cross. They bury Him in a borrowed, cold, dark tomb. Then on the third day, Sunday morning, the mighty Savior unwinds His grave clothes, an angel comes from Heaven and rolls away the stone, and He rises victoriously from death and the grave.  He showed Himself to His disciples for forty days, He then took them out to the Mount of Olives, blessed them, and ascended into Heaven. He ascended to the throne of God, His work was accomplished and accepted, He sits down at the right hand of God.

The “Good News", put simply into a few words, is just this, “that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”  Jesus was punished for my sins, by His stripes my guilty soul has been healed.  God now loves me with an unfailing love for Jesus' sake. 

Here's how your sins can disappear. God the Father devised the marvelous plan of salvation by the transference of sin from the sinner to Christ, and by the punishment of Christ the Substitute, instead of us. God punished Jesus instead of us. Jesus Christ came into the world to seek and to save lost sinners. God smote Christ instead of us. God took our sins and charged them to Jesus and punished Him instead of punishing us. Jesus took all the blame and penalty for my crimes against God. Christ is the Great Substitute for human sin. If you trust Christ alone, you shall live eternally. Oh, what a blessing is this: this is the way worthy of God - Jesus died instead of us. Jesus suffered the death-penalty on our behalf; our trust in Him makes His sacrifice to be ours. The very moment you trust Christ, you are released from all fear and every dread of death.

God's wrath was poured out on the Lamb of God and passes over us. God's wrath passes upon the Lamb of God instead of us. Christ is sacrificed, His life is taken, for He gave Himself for us, His sinless life and innocent Blood, His very soul was yielded up for us. The Gospel is Substitution. Christ is sacrificed instead of us. Our blind eyes see ourselves lost, we see Christ bleeding instead of us, we trust our soul with Him, our sins disappear, we are accepted in the Beloved. The blood of Christ means, "Someone else died instead of us."

Christ died the Just for the unjust to bring us to God. He was made a Curse for us. The fire of God consumed Him - the fire of Jehovah's wrath spent itself on Him, now we shall not die. Christ has suffered instead of us. The wrath of Almighty God rolled over Him instead of us. Christ was willing to shed His own blood, to pour out His soul unto death, that we might be saved by grace freely. You are justified through Christ from every sin. You are clean and clear in you trust only in Him. He suffered divine wrath on account of our sins, wrath most just and true, for God cannot bear to dwell with sin. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more (Hebrews 8:12).


God became a Jewish man that He might bear man's sin and suffer what was due for human sin, and now whosoever trusts in Jesus Christ, the Substitute for sinners, shall be saved from divine justice and the love of sin. If you rely simply and entirely upon Him, your soul shall live eternally. That is the Gospel. You must enter heaven through this strait gate.

Jesus came from Heaven to suffer and die in our place, He was the Victim of the divine vengeance we deserved, His griefs and sorrows rescued us from destruction. His bloody death is our Ransom from Satan's prison house. Jesus bled to death to rescue the souls of men. The claims of divine justice were met by the atoning death of the Redeemer. Jesus actually suffered to vindicate divine justice by enduring instead of us the punishment due to our sins. God can now punish Christ instead of us, and be just, and, by finding a Substitute, provide a pardon of mercy to guilty sinners. The Judge of all the earth, the Author of the Law, must vindicate His own Law. In order to do this, every transgression must receive its recompense, as the sin, so the penalty.

Sin must be punished. You have enjoyed the sweets of sin, now you must endure the bitter wrath sin brings in the end, or else you must have a Substitute to take the vengeance and wrath for you. God's vengeance pursues your sins. Sin demands judgment and damnation. God's holiness will by no means spare the guilty. Cursed is every soul that has broken the Law of God. Christ suffered in your place. The Son of God went to Calvary's Cross in your place. The nails pierced Him, the Cross lifted Him up, the soldiers bruised Him, death smote Him, in Gethsemane and on Calvary rest your weary eyes, there God teaches us that He must punish sin.

God the Father dreadfully punished Christ at Calvary: Hear the groans that come from His heart, hear His death shrieks and awful cries, God was just at the Cross, He punished Christ in your place. God poured His cup of wrath and emptied it upon Christ instead of us. Christ died for sinners. Jesus stood as the Substitute for guilty rebels. God gave His Son to bleed instead of us. Heaven's darling, Jesus Christ, bleeds that earth's rebels may go free. God has punished the Savior instead of you, by His own blood you are made free from sin's death sentence.

God, the infinitely Just One, has poured out His wrath upon Christ instead of us, we are accepted in the Beloved, because of Jesus' merits, we live because Jesus lives. God cannot punish two people for the same sins. God will not smite Jesus, and smite you too - that would be unjust. Christ suffered instead of you. The Innocent One died for the guilty, the Lord of glory bore the sins of rebellious men. Christ paid your whole penalty, Christ endure the wrath of God in full for you, absolved you from sin, delivered you from the curse of the law, robed you in His righteousness, washed you in His own blood. My only boasting is in His Wounds, Blood, and Cross.

God finds us breaking His Law, but He says to us, "I will forgive you, I will not punish you, I have punished Christ instead of you, you shall be saved if you trust My Son. I will give you a new heart and subdue your evil habits. Christ was punished for your sins, you can never be punished for them. Christ died instead of you, believe on Him, put all your trust on His Blood, and you are saved now and to all Eternity."

Christ was bound by the law, scourged by the law, crucified by the law, buried by the law, now Jesus says to you that trust in Him, "Go your way, the Law cannot touch you, it has smitten Me instead of you. I was your Substitute, you may go free. Look and live, look to Jesus now, He bleeds in the Garden, He dies on the cruel Cross. Trust Him, Trust what He suffered instead of yourself, when you trust Him with your sins and your soul, you are saved by Grace, that is it. God says, "I forgive you for Jesus' sake, I freely pardon you, for Jesus died instead of you. Jesus took your guilt upon Himself and was punished because of your sins. Trust Him, Christ was the sinner's Substitute, He took the sinner's guilt, now God can be just in punishing Christ instead of you, you can now go free through the blood of His Dear Son.

 You will either be cursed of God, because of your sins against His law, or else you must receive Christ - He bore the Curse and Wrath instead of you. God became a man so that He could suffer instead of you what was due from God on account of your sins. God has laid my iniquities on Christ, He was punished instead of me, there is no possibility I can be punished now, for it is unjust to execute the penalty twice for the same offenses. Jesus was forsaken, and now I am forgiven; He was condemned, and now I am accepted. God cannot smite me, He has smitten Christ instead of me. My debts have been paid in full, and can never be demanded of me again. Eternal Divine Justice can no longer charge me with my sins which were, once for all, charged to my Substitute and Surety.

Look up to the Cross now, and trust Christ to save you. JEHOVAH JESUS still saves poor, wretched sinners that deserve hell fire. I beseech you in Christ's stead, flee from the wrath to come, close with the Blood of Jesus now. Give earnest and solemn heed to there eternal facts, you are passing on to Eternity, rejecting Christ, your portion shall the Lake of Fire, with not a drop of water to cool your parched tongue, and you will dwell in the blackness of darkness forever, without a ray of light or hope. Christ receives poor, lost sinners still. Come as a poor, guilty sinner with nothing to trust of your own. Believe in Christ now, trust Him alone. Believe only in His precious name, take shelter beneath the Cross.

 The moment you trust Jesus Christ's atoning blood, you are free from your guilt, adopted into the family of God, accepted in the Beloved forever and ever. Cast your soul on Jesus right now. Come and rest on Him alone, are you are surely saved. Thy sins, which are many, will be all forgiven, the moment you call upon His name. My sins were laid on Christ, they cannot be in two places at one time, consequently, my sins cannot be put back on me after I trust in Jesus. My sins were put on His bleeding back, my sins are gone, there is not one left in the Book of God against me. I am eternally and perfectly clear and absolved in God's sight. If you come and rest in Christ Jesus alone, He has paid all your debts, you are out of debt completely, you are free forever.

See Romans 8:32; John 3:16; II Corinthians 5:21; I John 4:10; I John 3:16; John 1:27; Matthew 20:28; II Corinthians 5:15; Romans 5:8-10; Isaiah 53:10; Romans 6:23; Luke 7:42; I Corinthians 2:12; Ephesians 3:20; Galatians 1:4; 2:20; I Peter 2:24; I Peter 3:18: Ephesians 1:7; Ephesians 2:8-9; Philippians 2:6-8; Hebrews 7:26-27; Hebrews 9:12; John 1:29; John 14:6; II Corinthians 8:9.


Plain and Simple 2

Self-made men go to Hell, new creatures remade by Christ go to Heaven.  The best morality is trust and love to Jesus Christ. Human nature is half beast and half devil.  Snobbery is a sin, so get your nose out of the air.  What goes up, must come down, so just stay humble.  Connections, image, reputation, rank, political correctness, status, education, name brands, status symbols, and looks is what human nature thinks is most important.  Human nature lives for money and stuff. The way to live is to die to self.  The Gospel of Grace humbles the self-righteous sinner.  God chooses and uses nobodies to confound the somebodies. On Jesus' blood hangs all my hope and desire.

Think of the Ten Commandment as ten bowling pins; you can never throw a strike morally.  Men idolize their own opinion and forget God's words.  The atheist idolizes darwin's opinion over God's truth found in the Holy Scriptures.  The atheist trusts to his own vain intellect; he thinks he is smarter than his Maker.  Never value things over the value of your soul.  Lame excuses won't work on your death bed.  You can't even get to first base with God's Law.  Disown your own righteousness; cleave to Christ's Righteousness. Jesus can save you from your dirty, proud habits.  To go to directly for Jesus for Salvation is your wisdom.

The worst idol in the whole world is self.  The self-righteous man boasts that he is as good as other people, if not better, even though he's not a Christian.  He thinks he hasn't done anything really bad wrong.  He thinks there is a great deal of good in himself, and expects that things will go well with him at the last.  His thoughts are, "God, I thank you I am not as other men."  The royal road to Heaven is paved with Grace all the way; God only forgives the guilty, because they have trusted in Christ's Precious Blood.  When Christ is All in All to you, the world and self will be nothing at all.  Find free everlasting life in Jesus' atoning blood.

The Holy Spirit makes men feel the impossibility of Salvation by their own works.  Count all advantages of birth, nationality, religion and self-righteousness as dung; leave it all behind.  Human righteousness is all a lie and delusion.  Flee from self-righteousness with all your might.  A Christian man is always fleeing from himself; it is the main business of his life to escape alike from his sins and self-righteousness.  The idea of working and deserving appears to be ingrained in human nature.  Human nature cannot divest itself of the idea of salvation as payment for works done. Human nature craves carnal reason, superstitious tradition and speculation. Human nature doubts the free gift of grace.  Working and earning salvation by human merit is the religion of lost human nature.  Human nature boasts of its own merit.

Sinful self is devilish, but righteous self is even more evil.  Come to God with no claim, and appeal to His pity.  Plead the pity and mercy of God.  The Gospel is pure, humbling, radical, and spiritual.  Self-righteous, sin-loving human nature is hostile towards the Gospel.  Look away from what is in you, or can ever come from you, and trust to what Christ did on the Cross, and what the Holy Spirit is sent to work in you that you may be saved.  Sanctification takes a lifetime, but Justification needs no more than a moment.  When you believe in Christ, you begin to live within.  When you trust in Christ, your sins are gone, you are saved man the instant you believe on the blood of Jesus Christ.  Whosoever believeth in Him is justified from all his sins.  Trust the matchless grace of God in Christ Jesus.  Genuine faith, Justification, reliance on the merits and blood of Jesus.

Genuine faith looks to the blood of Jesus for the free pardon of sin, and then to the Spirit of Christ to overcome and subdue the power of sin within your heart and life.  Trust to what Christ the Incarnate God did on the Cross - that is all.  Have done with all but Jesus.  Self-righeousness dies only at the Cross.  Surrender your whole being to Jesus' sway, be washed in His Blood, be filled with His Spirit, and used for His glory.  Trust the words of God, accept simple scriptural truth.  This world preys on human addictions and greed for their profit.  I have only Christ to trust to, and I want no more than Him.  I have no righteousness of my own, I trust to His free grace and bleeding love.  I must trust to Christ Himself, for there is no other hope for a sinner.  Holy Spirit, please help me now to trust Jesus' blood, for there is nothing in me that I can trust to.

Self-salvation is a vain hope ingrained in all of human nature, and very hard to remove; the Holy Ghost must do this.  Have done with your trying, and trust the finished work of the Lamb of God.  Have done with yourself, and trust your soul in the hands of Jesus.  Have done with self-salvation and let Jesus save you freely.  If you are weary of your doings, and sick of trusting to your sinful self, then come on to Jesus.  The short path to the Cross is "God be merciful to me a sinner, for Jesus' sake. Trust Christ to help you overcome your sinful ways; you cannot purify yourself.  Simply die into the life of God in Christ Jesus. The atheist is wanton and willful, depraved and dishonest, and will certainly perish if he dies rejecting Christ.  Human nature revolts against the simple, pure Gospel.  Proud human nature revolts, carnal reason rebels, and conjures up a thousand reasons to neglect and reject Christ.  Turn from your sins, for they will only lead to misery and death.  If you have any goodness of your own to trust to, you are lost for sure.

Human nature thinks, "There is a Creator, but let's not mention Him."  The God of the Bible is not wanted by sin-loving men - divine justice, judgment, recompense, holiness, and wrath is not appealing to those that love this world.  There is a Creator and Designer; you have a conscience, and you are without excuse.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Creation always points to a Creator.  Look around you every day and realize the infinitely complex design in all parts of nature.  God left His finger prints all over the Earth for you to see.  God exists and the honest man knows it.  The Creation without, and the conscience within, is the light that every man has.  Your conscience gives you a sense of right and wrong.  You have done something very wrong today, that you must give account of to God your Maker; you neglected His Son all day.

Every lost sinner is a criminal in God's sight.  The Scriptures are special revelation from God.  Moral evil produces misery and guilt.  Sin is impiety and rebellion toward God, man's rebellion toward one another, and a lack of respect towards God.  Ungodliness produces unrighteousness; a lack of respect towards God, leads to a lack of respect for other people.  When you don't treat God right, you don't treat others right.  Be good to God, and then be good to others around you.  The common habit of human nature all over the earth is to deny the Creator and His truth; there is an ongoing international cover up to silence the truth in Jesus.  The world wants to suppress truth - no Ten Commandments, no prayer.  They want to keep the truth out of sight, ignore it, because they love sin.  They want to slowly remove God from every part of life.  They dig their heels in against God.

Worldly lost men love sexual perversion, abortion, condoms, safe-sex, earth day, environmental protection, diet, mother earth, and enlightenment; but they cannot stand the mention of God or Jesus Christ in a public forum.  Your conscience quietly, inwardly and faithfully whispers, "You're guilty."  If you die a Christ rejecter, you will face a God of fury.  The religionist thinks he is impressing God with all of his activity.  They think they are good enough in themselves to stand before a holy God and get past the White Throne Judgment.  Every man without Jesus Christ is a hideous, sinful wretch with no hope in this world. Christ bore your sins and then paid the penalty due to your sins on your behalf.  Human nature refuses Biblical direction; people want to behave any old way they want.  A Judge exists in Heaven, and He will render a righteous judgment and verdict concerning your life.  *Revelation 20:11-15* *Hebrews 9:27*  An eternal reckoning and recompense is coming on all your sins.

The carnal mind wants to get rid of God, it rejects the reality of the terror of God's wrath, it thinks there's no standard of truth, it wants to do whatever it wants, it thinks there's no right and wrong.  The natural man thinks, "Whatever is truth for you is truth.  There is no such thing as a holy Judge on human sin.  I want to live the way I want to live, I will believe whatever I want to believe, I don't want any moral restraints. I will be tolerant of anything and accept anything except God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, and the Holy Spirit." The vile nature of man doesn't want to hear of God, because it loves darkness, and will not come to Jesus.  The evil nature of man doesn't want to hear of the holy nature of God.  The religion of man wants to believe anything it wants to believe.

Man loves to concoct religions, so they can avoid facing and trusting to Jesus Christ.  Atheists decide there is no religion, and that becomes their religion.  Man's nature and beliefs naturally reject God's words and judgment. Men can tolerate anything but God's righteous standard of Holiness - Jesus Christ Himself.  Sin is the contradiction of God's holy character.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Incarnate God 6

God was manifest in the flesh; His name was Jesus of Nazareth.  JESUS was God and man in one person.  He is the Son of the Highest. He came to this Earth and was born a Jewish baby at Bethlehem.  He was nursed and cared for by a woman, and grew up as other children do.  When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law. This wondrous stoop of Deity to lowly humanity by Immanuel, God with us, has brought free Salvation to Adam's fallen race.

Jesus became a man in fullness of stature and wisdom, living here for 33 years, always going about doing good.  He was subject to temptations, infirmities, pain, weariness, hunger, thirst, torture, bleeding, and dying, just like all of us. God in human flesh at the last, died the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.  He came to live and die for His enemies.  Religious and worldly men found God here on Earth in human form, and their thoughts and ways towards Him were full of enmity, malice, envy, and murder. They hated Jesus without a cause.

Christ Jesus the Lord died in the place of guilty and sinful man, that He might bear man's sin and sin's punishment, that God might be just, and yet the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus' Precious Blood. JEHOVAH in human flesh was punished for my sins.  Without the gate, the Substitute bled, to atone for all my sins. On Earth, God in human form, bore the burden and endured the wrath that my sins deserved.  Jesus laid down His life for rebels. Jesus the Incarnate King of Heaven had God's soul-saving Blood flowing through His veins.  Jesus died for sinners on Calvary's Cross and was buried in a borrowed tomb for three days.

But the grave could not contain Jesus, early in the morning on the third day, He arose from the dead, no more to die.  The best news this world ever heard came from a graveyard.  Christ is risen indeed!  Behold He is alive forevermore.  And then after 40 days, Christ ascended from Mount Olivet into heaven in the presence of His disciples, a cloud receiving Him out of their sight.  Right now at this moment, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God in human flesh.  The same man who died upon the Cross is now enthroned in the highest heaven, as Lord of all, and every angel delights to praise Him and do Him homage.

O sinner, hear the glad tidings, Jesus bore your sins in His own body on the tree, and suffered your sins' penalty, so that you could be ransomed and rescued by simply trusting to His Atoning Blood.  By coming down from Heaven to this Earth and taking upon Himself human flesh, Jesus bridged the awful gulf between the holy Creator and sinful man. By suffering in that human flesh and through His infinite, divine nature, He imparted an eternal payment for human sin, so He could remove the curse which would have destroyed and damned us, and brought us everlasting life and Salvation freely.

The most reasonable thing for you to do is to trust yourself upon Jesus' bloody atoning Sacrifice for sins. Trust only the wounded Savior - truly He was God manifest in the flesh, He was not just a part of God, but Jesus Christ was God in perfection.  God Himself was manifest in the flesh, because He loved us so.  God the Invisible was incarnated, God the Creator dwelt in flesh, God the infinite and boundless Being became a Jewish man.  This miracle of Incarnation and Atonement is the greatest wonder in all of history.

If you desire to see God, you must first see Him in Jesus Christ.  From the manger to the Cross, from the Cross to the tomb, from the tomb to the eternal throne of God.  Behold the Lamb of God, for God is manifest in Him.  Human sin can only be removed from the soul by the Atonement of God's Blood shed by Immanuel. You cannot be right anywhere unless you are right about the person of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate God.  Believe this simple truth that God became a man and suffered and died in the sinner's place, and now God promises that whosoever believeth in His Son shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life.

Tell everyone you can about Jesus, tell them of the Incarnate God who died for sinners.  Tell them about His Substitution for sinners, speak out the Gospel plainly and freely.  As God and as man, Jesus had two natures, He ever liveth, yet He was made to die.  God came into this world in human form that He could be capable of death.  The pure, eternal spirit of God could never die; it is not possible that the Great *I AM* could be subject to death, but as a man and in human form, JESUS could bleed and die, and He did die especially for you. He died, the Atonement is finished, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, but the bloody death of the sinless Son of God brings the sinner free and plenteous redemption.

There is sufficient merit and power in Jesus' blood to take away all our guilt and cleanse our transgressions. Unto Jesus that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.  Simply look to Calvary's Lamb and fear not.  The Incarnate God, Jesus of Nazareth, offered up Himself as an atoning bloody Sacrifice for human sin, so you could be freely ransomed from divine justice.