Monday, September 5, 2011

Simple Faith (4)

If you have a simple faith in Christ Jesus' precious blood, your soul is safe from the wrath of God. Simple faith in Jesus Christ's finished work will save you, save you just as you are.  Reconciliation to God may be freely obtained by simple reliance in the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus is the one Mediator between God and sinful men, put your case into His hands now. If you would go to Heaven, it is all of grace, through the merits and blood of Christ; it is all of childlike faith in Christ Himself. My sole reliance is upon Christ's Perfect Righteousness and His one Great Atoning Sacrifice for all sinners.

A wretch is a completely sinful and miserable creature that is in need of mercy from his Creator. A wretch is a vile, despicable, person - a miserable and unhappy person sunk in distress either from want, anxiety, or grief - a worthless, hatefully wicked and deceitful human being, that is the description of a wretch. Wretchedness is always seeking some vanity or thing in this world to idolize or worship. The ill company you are accustomed to keeping must be forsaken. Your old buddies will drag you into hell if you let them.  Your sin has become ingrained in your nature - abominable habits, guilt and the power of sin. Slaves of sin and Satan, look to Jesus for freedom from your love of sin.

Faith IS trust, confidence, and reliance upon the living Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Put your whole confidence in what Jesus did for you. Rely upon Jesus for time and Eternity. Trust only to the merit of His great atoning Sacrifice for the ungodly. Jesus will save you with His everlasting salvation. Have nothing to do with Self-Righteousness. Jesus completely saves penitent, contrite sinners. Trust Christ, that is, rely upon Him. Jesus made recompense to the divine justice of God for your sins, trust your soul upon His sacrifice, rest on Him, and that simple faith saves your lost soul. Real faith leads to sincere and genuine obedience to the word of God. Forsake your sins, by the Holy Spirit's help. Really believe in Jesus. Lord, please change me within, help me to stop sinning against You. Our pardon of sin lies in Christ Jesus alone, the Son of God, and there only. The beggar is one whose entire dependence is upon charity. You must be a spiritual beggar to go to Heaven. Trust Christ as your Substitute and Savior. Your first business is to Repent of your sin and self-righteousness and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Stop being a willing servant of sin and Satan. The news of cancer or any other life-ending sickness has a way of blasting the sin of self-reliance and the stupor of worldliness. You are a spiritual welfare case forever. Be wise - become humbly dependent on Christ. A dead man will not swallow medicine. The complete and free forgiveness of sins is only available at the Cross.

Human nature is very fond of itself. Human pride is very insidious, stealthy and deceitful, and attempts to duck and deny its need for Jesus Christ's Blood Atonement. When you think you have the ability to please God with your self-righteousness, good works, and to attain heaven by something you may do, you are lost and delusional. You can't help yourself at all, because you're a sinner. You're not qualified to handle your own salvation. You're sunk if your salvation depends on you. There's nothing in you that could ever merit the favor of God.

Receive Christ's Person and what He did for you, not what you are, and what you may do for Him. This is the heart of the Gospel - The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Consider your vile thought life, your arrogance, hatred, lust, and gossip. You are a really bad sinner. You in your natural state are not acceptable to God. You must have the Perfect Goodness of Christ Himself imputed (credited, charged) to your filthy account. This is the Grand Exchange, your sins go on Jesus Christ, and His Righteousness goes on your soul - freely by simple faith in His Precious Blood shed on the Cross. By God's love and blood alone, your sins are gone forever. Jesus is 100% on your side, if you trust Him, on one basis alone, who Christ IS and what He did for you. In Christ we find sure refuge from God's divine justice. We are like fugitives fleeing vengeance, we run into Christ for safe haven. Receive Christ Jesus, take Him. Rely on Christ completely.

Salvation from your sins must be All of Christ. Rely on Christ, believe the Gospel, cleave to the Cross. You cannot do enough good things to gain God's favor, for a sinner is no good at all within. Human nature wants to get some credit for saving itself. But Jesus must get all the credit and glory, or you must perish. Real faith delights in Christ's Righteousness alone. Give your heart to the repose of simple faith in Christ. Christ was punished in your place; you trust in Him, and now you can never be punished, because He was punished for you. Your sins are laid upon Christ, and therefore they can never be laid upon you. Jesus was accursed, so you cannot be accursed. God's Son suffered so bitterly for sins that were not His own.

You will suffer bitterly for your sins without Christ as your personal Savior. Your love of sin will damn you. Unless Christ is your Substitute, you will be eternally punished. Incline your ear to God - stop listening to the many voices of this world. Carnal common sense will tell you, "Work it out on your own, figure it out yourself, believe in Jesus, do your best, and you might get to heaven." But Simple faith in a Precious Christ is the only way you can be freed from the love of sin. The act of simple faith exercised upon Christ's Atonement brings your soul perfect and complete salvation from the love and damnation of sin. Receive Christ into your heart now by simple faith, and show Him gratitude with your tender love and hearty obedience to His will. Believe in Christ, and you'll have a new nature that hates sin, new desires that want to please the Lord, new tastes that will help your soul, new enjoyments that will cause you to glorify Christ. The Holy Ghost will help you hate the things you once loved, and love the things you once hated.

Christianity is the belief that Christ Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) came into the world to save sinners from the wrath of God due to their sins. Sinful humanity needs saving, that includes you. There is only one God, and He is the Creator of the entire universe. Jesus Christ, the Word, spoke the worlds into existence (See John 1:3). God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden. They were free to eat from any tree in Eden but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Eve was tempted by Satan to rebel against God's command and she ate from the forbidden tree. Then Adam ate from it too, and they both died within because of their sin against the Creator. They disobeyed God and this resulted in them being driven from the garden of Eden, and they eventually suffered physical death. Then God chose Abraham and the Jewish race to write His words down in a book (the word of truth - James 1:18), and to bring forth His Son (the Truth - John 1:14; 14:6) in human flesh to bleed and die for ungodly sinners, especially you.

According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was born of a Jewish virgin named Mary. Jesus lived a sinless life, obeyed all the Law perfectly, and then He willingly offered up Himself as a Spotless Blood Sacrifice for all sinners. Jesus was THE Substitutionary Atonement for all human sin, including yours. The word "Atonement" is used to describe an act that pays for, or erases one's sins and transgressions against God's Holy Law. Jesus died for your sins according to the Scriptures, and He was buried, and then three days later, Jesus defeated death by being resurrected from the dead to open Heaven to those who will simply trust only in His Blood and Righteousness. You must trust only Jesus' Finished Work for the forgiveness of your sins against Him. Jesus bodily ascended into Heaven and is now exalted on at the right of God's Great White Throne. From the Throne of God, Jesus now rules and reigns with God the Father.

You must first be saved from your self-righteousness and your love of sin. You cannot help save yourself. It is self-righteousness that damns a man. He thinks his righteousness is purer than Jesus Christ's righteousness. If you think any part of your goodness can help get you to Heaven, you're not saved from self and sin. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Do you know any sinner that Jesus Christ died for? You must receive Jesus Christ Himself (John 1:12). Receive Christ into your heart (Romans 10:9-10). Repent, turn from your sinful ways, and believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ. Life is short, Heaven and Hell are forever. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away (James 4:14). Most people want just enough religion to make them moral and comfortable in their sin. All the good things in your life comes from the God that you forget and hate. The Gospel will cost you your life. You may have just enough religion as a lost church member to send you to Hell. If God ever gave you Repentance, you should be growing in Repentance every day you live here on earth.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into the world (John 16:7-11), and the Spirit of God now reproves the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. You must Repent of your love of self and sin. You must be born again into the kingdom of God by the power of the Spirit of God; because by nature, you are now in the kingdom of sin and Satan. If you keep on rejecting Christ and die in your sins, you will have to suffer an eternal death in the Lake of Fire with the devil and His angels. God is your Creator, He owns you, but you're a rebel and love your sin. You have broken all of God's laws and rejected the love and blood of His dear Son. The wrath of God presently abides on your lost Christ-neglecting soul (John 3:36). You must stop your deadly doing, and once and for all, trust only in Christ's doings. You deserve Hell because of your willful rebellion against your Maker. But there's Good News - you can escape the damnation of Hell, a very Precious Savior died in your place to save you from the punishment your sins deserve. Humbly flee to the Cross for Shelter - trust in Christ Jesus and in Him alone. Only Jesus Christ can save you from the love and bondage of sin. Christ is All you need - look to Him. To God alone be the Glory.