Dr. Peter S. Ruckman |
* There's not one joy the world gives you that it will not take away.
* The mountains of worldly honor are covered with a perpetual snow.
* Let God be true, but every man a liar.
* A guilt complex is good for you; the most healthy thing in the world for you is for you to know you're a sinner.
* All the new Bibles low rate Jesus Christ.
* The peaks of worldly honor are always covered with a perpetual snow.
* All the new Bibles low rate Jesus Christ.
* The peaks of worldly honor are always covered with a perpetual snow.
* Men fear everything but sin.
* A good courage is fear that has said its prayers.
* The main thing that God has against any lost man is that man doesn't Jesus Christ to run him. A man will choose himself, or the Pope, or Muhammed, a man will let anybody run him but Jesus Christ.
* The main thing that God has against any lost man is that man doesn't Jesus Christ to run him. A man will choose himself, or the Pope, or Muhammed, a man will let anybody run him but Jesus Christ.
* The best news this world ever got, it got from a graveyard. "He is not here; but is risen." *Luke 24:6*
* If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to every man liberally.
* The amount of publicity any man gets from the world is directly in proportion to the extent to which he can be controlled.
* If you love Jesus Christ, you will pick and read a Bible that exalts Jesus Christ.
* If you love Jesus Christ, you will pick and read a Bible that exalts Jesus Christ.
* He that feareth God shall come forth of them all.
* If a man doesn't rule his home, he'll wreck it.
* You have to look out for men when then get extra religious, super-pious and super-holy; when they get like that, it makes you nervous. They are always trying to cover something up. Super-religious people were responsible for crucifying Jesus Christ.
* If a man doesn't rule his home, he'll wreck it.
* You have to look out for men when then get extra religious, super-pious and super-holy; when they get like that, it makes you nervous. They are always trying to cover something up. Super-religious people were responsible for crucifying Jesus Christ.
* Be a straight shooter with God.
* Light rejected becomes lightning.
* Do you have some job to do that is more important than winning souls to Christ and helping them grow in grace? I wonder what kind of job that could be. Is there any job more important than getting a soul rooted and grounded in the word of God? Is the Lord's work important enough for you?
* It takes skill to look for a job for a whole year and not find one; that's what I call skilled labor.
* Do you have some job to do that is more important than winning souls to Christ and helping them grow in grace? I wonder what kind of job that could be. Is there any job more important than getting a soul rooted and grounded in the word of God? Is the Lord's work important enough for you?
* It takes skill to look for a job for a whole year and not find one; that's what I call skilled labor.
* You better line up with God, or you will lose your shirt.
* If you wait till the 11th hour to get saved, you'll probably die at 10:45.
* Stop air pollution, shut your mouth.
* The King James Bible (AV 1611) is God's kiss on the lost soul of man.
* Those people who will not be controlled by God will be controlled by tyrants.
* The news media will get you killed.
* Don’t think, just listen to the news media.
* The best time to get saved is right now.
* Problems are sent to make you think; Difficulties come to make you pray; Criticism is sent to make you examine yourself; Disappointments are God's appointments; Sorrows are to make you sympathize for others; Pain comes to make Heaven more real to you; Fear is sent to keep you from sinning.
* Friends come and go, but one good enemy will last you a lifetime.
* The main job of a preacher is to remind people over and over that this life is not all there is to it, and to make you think about Eternity, when you don't want to think about Eternity.
* If you want to know why God has something against you, it's real simple, it's because you want to run your life. You don't want Jesus Christ to run your life; it just that's simple, that's all there is too it. The problem is you want to do, what you want to do, when you want to do it. The reason you reject Christ is because if you receive Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will bring Christ into you, and you won't be able to do what you want to do then. Human nature doesn't like having checks put on it.
* The best time to get saved is right now.
* Problems are sent to make you think; Difficulties come to make you pray; Criticism is sent to make you examine yourself; Disappointments are God's appointments; Sorrows are to make you sympathize for others; Pain comes to make Heaven more real to you; Fear is sent to keep you from sinning.
* Friends come and go, but one good enemy will last you a lifetime.
* The main job of a preacher is to remind people over and over that this life is not all there is to it, and to make you think about Eternity, when you don't want to think about Eternity.
* If you want to know why God has something against you, it's real simple, it's because you want to run your life. You don't want Jesus Christ to run your life; it just that's simple, that's all there is too it. The problem is you want to do, what you want to do, when you want to do it. The reason you reject Christ is because if you receive Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will bring Christ into you, and you won't be able to do what you want to do then. Human nature doesn't like having checks put on it.
* Razors pain you, rivers are damp, acids stain you, drugs cause cramps, guns are noisy, nooses are a pain in the neck, gas smells awful, you might as well live.
* If you are upset about your sins, thank God, because most people today are not.
* If you are upset about your sins, thank God, because most people today are not.
* Buy low, sell high.
* Sometime, sooner or later, the ship comes in. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
* Sometime, sooner or later, the ship comes in. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
* If it says one size fits all, it doesn’t fit anybody.
* He that winneth souls is wise.
* The two gods of the heathen are peace and prosperity.
* The general rule of human nature is me first, you last.
* No man’s property, family, or life are safe when the legislature is in session.
* Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
* The principle difference between a dog and man is: If you pick up a starving dog and take care of him, he won’t bite you.
* A man is rich according to the number of things he can do without.
* In the world an ounce of image is worth of a ton of performance.
* Science and philosophy light their candles all about, but along comes the Bible and blows them all out.
* Once you start taking yourself too seriously, then you've had it.
* Never exaggerate your troubles. It is dangerous thing to withdraw and isolate yourself. Stop thinking so much about yourself, don't get stuck in the mully-grubs, face your problems with a spirit of thanksgiving. Count your many blessings. Don't kick at God's providence and chastening. Stop your griping. Remain active in God's service; you need to be always trying to lead someone to Jesus Christ. Cut the TV off, take the phone off the hook, exercise, go for a walk, spend time with God - ask Him for help. Eat a good meal, take a nap, relax, get some rest.
* Next to old-fashioned salvation, about the best thing for getting through life is a genuine sense of humor.
* You can't find fault with God's Son.
* You can't find fault with God's Son.
* If you keep faithfully fishing for men, you'll lead someone to Jesus Christ.
* Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I.
* A Christian is a hollow funnel in which God's dumps His grace, and God expects us to dispense His grace to others.
* Only one life and twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.
* Life is short, death is sure, sin the curse, Christ the cure.
* Nothing is settled till it is settled with God.
* War is God’s judgment on sin here, and Hell is God’s judgment on sin hereafter.
* If want to go to Heaven, trust what Christ did for you on the Cross; if you want to go to Hell, just trust something else. There's all kinds of ways to go to Hell: religion is a good way; join a church, that's a good way; or you can get baptized and can go to Hell wet. There's all kinds of ways to go to Hell, but there's only one way to go to Heaven, and that's to trust Jesus Christ's shed blood - never trust yourself.