* The only person I tell to go to Hell is the Devil.
* I used to tell people to go to Hell, but now I tell them to go to Heaven.
* God gave Heaven's best (John 3:16) for earth's worst.
* The root gives the fruit, and the root is God's Book.
* Jesus gives His sheep eternal life, not temporary life.
* If you are saved by grace, you will not be a disgrace.
* You must be kin to Jesus before you die.
* Sin is suicidal.
* Religion is starched and ironed, but it needs to be washed.
* The closer you get to the Cross, the less people will stand with you.
* Don't ever go to religion for help, go straight to Jesus.
* Most people today are looking for a title, not a job.
* America is an insane asylum run by the inmates.
* You can't preach cream and live skim milk.
* You'll never be a good man until you trust and love the God-Man (I Timothy 3:16).
* Your first birth ruins you, the Second Birth cures you. At the first birth, you are born into the devil's family, at the Second Birth, you are born into God's family. The first birth gets us in trouble, the Second Birth gets us into Salvation and a Conflict.
* It would have been a heap better if you were not born once, if you are not born twice (John 3:7).
* I really want to take that plain air ride (Rapture), not an airplane ride.
* Simon Peter never asked Jesus, "Lovest Thou me?"
* The problem with this generation is that they have no respect for God.
* You can't live wrong and die right.
* People use to go to church house to get the shock treatment, but now they go to the psychiatrist.
* Jesus got the stinger of Sin, and all we get is the buzz. Jesus bore the stinger of Sin in His own body on the tree.
* If you want to save America, get Americans saved.
* If you run with the dogs, you're going to have fleas.
* I've never saw a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer.
* You are either brain-washed or brain-dirty. Jesus is the Great Brain-Washer, and only the Word of God can cleanse the dirty mind of man.
* You going to need a better birthday if you are going to make it to that Better Country.
* You only need one degree to understand the Bible, and that is a B.A. - Born Again.
* Are you on death row, or on Life Row?
* Everlasting life never plays out.
* Read the Bible lovingly, carefully, tenderly with the eye of faith. Pray privately, you need Jesus, remember to pray. Speak to somebody about Jesus everyday.