* The only person I've ever seen God use was a nobody.
* Sin wrecks and ruins, grinds and blinds, cripples and kills, and then sends your soul on to Hell at the end.
* Sin separated Adam and Eve from God. Sin made a liar and a hider out of them.
* Only One Person can handle your sin, His name is Jesus Christ. There's no need beating around the bush about it. The psychiatrist, pills, programs, priests, and preachers can never help your sinful soul.
* The King James Bible is the kiss of God on my poor soul.
* Turn your tongue over to the LORD.
* Religion is the most popular way to go to Hell; the way to Hell is paved with religion. Your religion will never save you, but Jesus will.
* Ah listen, dear friends, the cure for sin is free. The Gospel is the only cure for your sins. Sin never dies out by itself.
* Real wisdom is keeping your mouth shut when you ought to. *Matthew 27:14* *Mark 14:60*
* Religion is the most popular way to go to Hell; the way to Hell is paved with religion. Your religion will never save you, but Jesus will.
* Ah listen, dear friends, the cure for sin is free. The Gospel is the only cure for your sins. Sin never dies out by itself.
* Real wisdom is keeping your mouth shut when you ought to. *Matthew 27:14* *Mark 14:60*
* Keep in constant, living company with Jesus.
* Anything that will destroy you before your time is Sin.
* If you tie a ribbon around a rattlesnake's neck, he'll still strike you. You can't dress Sin up.
* Pray when you feel like it, pray when you don't feel like it, and pray till you do feel like it.
* When secret sin is ruling in your life, you will be lonely and miserable.
* There's no such thing as a part-time Christian.
* Marlboro country is the cemetery.
* The only way to be safe is to stick with the Bible.
* Fame, position, and popularity never satisfies any man.
* If you really want to see Jesus, you'll find Him.
* The only way to be safe is to stick with the Bible.
* Fame, position, and popularity never satisfies any man.
* If you really want to see Jesus, you'll find Him.
* You can't try a mule out with an empty wagon. Burdens are blessings.
* There's one that will settle every problem we've got, and that's to step over in the will of God.
* If you're an atheist, the devil is your spiritual daddy, and you will obey him.
* The devil and atheists will always raise a question about what God has said. Atheism and evolution is the devil's word against God's word, who are you going to believe?
* Sin will make you lonely. When your wife's gone, kids gone, money's gone, home gone, job gone, and health gone, Sin will leave every part of your life empty. Go to Jesus, He will take away your sin and loneliness.
* You'll never get Christ in a man's heart, if you don't get the Gospel into his ears.
* You always try to hide when you are loving your sin.
* Sin is the transgression of the law (I John 3:4). Sin is when you do what God has said not to do. Sin is when you set up an idol in your heart and don't give God first place in your affections.
* An atheistic thought is a thought that doesn't recognize the existence and presence of God Almighty.
* God sees how we think and feel and plan and what we say in our hearts.
* Salvation is not by doing, but believing, not by works, but by a simple trust in Jesus. The best mode of living is living upon Christ every day. Live for Jesus in some practical work, give yourself up to Him, give Him your substance too, for the honor of Jesus' name spread the Gospel.
* Plead guilty at once - there is no need of a trial. Hear God's righteous sentence of condemnation against you. You can only be saved because of Calvary. You can't fight your evil nature.
* Human nature rejects Christ's sacrifice for sins and despises His love. Men love to wear religious garb, speak religious lingo, pretend to honor God and strut around, desire to be self-justified, religion feeds human pride and arrogancy, and men wish to win a righteousness of their own. Men refuse to acknowledge their guilt, and they hate Jesus Christ in their hearts because they love darkness. They are always trying to invent a reason or excuse to oppose Christ and His word.
* To hate the Gospel is to hate Christ Himself . Men reject Christ and choose their own sinful pleasures. They keep on delaying to repent. If you hate the Gospel, you hate Christ, and if you hate Christ, you hate God. Men wish to get rid of Christ out of the Gospel, and get rid of God out of Creation. You must come to God through Christ, and you must come to Christ through the Gospel. You are at enmity with God, you persevere in your rebellion against God because you want your way. Self-righteous men turn not at God's rebuke, and go on still in their iniquity, desperately seeking their own destruction.
* You are aware in your own conscience that you are not in a safe position without Christ. You are constantly looking for excuses, pretended resolutions at some future time, saying that change is out of your power, you hate God's words and ways. You know that God is angry with you, and you in return are angry with God. You say in your heart, "There is no God!" God is not in all your thoughts. You have continually broken God's laws, violated your conscience, trampled Christ's blood, and despise His Gospel. It is a fact that you are enmity with God, you have sinned against God, God is angry with you, not just today, but every day, every hour and moment. One day the anger of God will burst out, and utterly destroy and devour you. Flee for mercy to Jesus Christ.
* Natural religion is dry doctrine without gracious feeling, belief without repentance, practice without heart love, confidence without self-diffidence, activity without spirituality. Salvation is all about sincerely seeking God's face, repentance from sin, holy living, closet prayer, love to God and men. Salvation is all of grace, and nothing of self. The law contains the condemnation of every evil thought, temper, and imagination. No one has completely escaped sin. The all-seeing eye of God is watching all you think, say, and do.
* We try to lock the door to the stable after the horse is already long gone.
* We are not saved by what we are, and we're not damned for who we were, but saved through Jesus Christ and through Jesus Christ alone. Human nature says, "I've raised my children the best I could, kept my bills paid, tried to be an honest man, and did my neighbors right. If I don't go to heaven, it will be very bad with most people."
* You were born wrong with God and indifferent toward God. Jesus said you need a New Birth (John 3:7). By nature, you have a tendency toward sin, and despise purity and righteousness. Why? Because you're an ungodly sinner. Ye must be born again. You need a new pure divine nature implanted within your soul by the power of God, or you will continually love to eat out of this world's dumpster.
* The atheist stays puzzled because of his love for sin.
* You always reap more than you sow. Sin never leaves you any better than you found it. Your ships are going to come in soon.
* The King James Bible is the Sun, and all the other Bible revisions are flickering candles trying to add light to the Sun.
* The atheist is a pitiful smart aleck that just won't admit he is a sinner. You will soon die physically, and if you die without Jesus Christ, you will die spiritually forever and ever in the Lake of Fire.
* If you want life, you must have it from Christ Himself; if you want more life you must go to the same place. You must be born again, you must believe in Jesus. True faith in Jesus works by love and purifies the soul: that is the Lord’s way, accept it, and forsake your own thoughts. You must first be saved by the grace of God, and then good works will surely come. Don't get the cart before the horse. Sinner, there was never such a Savior as Christ is. He is the very Savior for you; He is both willing and able to save, and knows how to do it. He has promised to save all that trust Him. You must obtain God’s love and mercy and holiness by receiving it through the Mediator, Jesus Christ. Not your works, but Christ's; not your merits, but Christ's blood; not your efforts, but Christ's finished work.
* The grace of God must lead you rely only upon Christ, to recline upon Christ, and that wholly, rightly, and squarely. It takes a long time to bring some sinners to this; they want to be propped up with a little bit of self-righteousness, they cannot be induced to lie right square upon Christ; they want to tilt a little, have a little shoring up with their own doings, and a little dependence on themselves: but this will never do.