Where are your sins RIGHT NOW? They are either on your soul, or they are on Christ Jesus. Your sins cannot be in two places at one time. All your sin needs a sinless Scapegoat. To depend entirely upon the sinner’s Savior is the sinner’s only salvation. Only the Holy Ghost Himself can bring you humbly to the Savior's feet. You have to believe something, and all atheists either believe themselves (self-worship) or Darwin (monkey-worship) and they are on a long dark journey to the Lake of Fire. The atheist is dangerous and clueless and a bondslave to his cherished sins.
Divine justice seeks you every day through your conscience, and it will soon arrest you at death. "God is angry with the wicked every day", "the way of transgressors is hard", “he that believeth not is condemned already", and “he that believeth not shall be damned." Human nature either sets God at a distance or denies Him altogether. In the beginning God (Jesus Christ) created the heaven and the earth. Forsake the works of your hands and the thoughts of your mind. Listen to the Savior's welcome voice, answer His gentle knock, trust His faithful words, believe on His precious name. To despise your Merciful Maker and Preserver is the vilest crime a man can ever commit.
Remember this - The deepest longings and cravings of your being can only be answered at the feet of the bleeding Savior down at the Cross. Christ Jesus came to seek and save the unworthy and ungodly. He is not the Savior of the self-righteous: He is the sinners’ Savior—"The Friend of sinners” is His name. Unworthy one, lay hold on *Him* now! The price of your sins will soon cost you your soul. Turn your weary, worn, and sad eyes to the Crucified One; lay all of your soul's deadly sin-burden on *Him*. How about you? Do you know the Crucified Creator God? Be wise - forsake your sins and thoughts and trust Christ and go to Heaven; or else keep your sins and wind up in Hell.
God is SO good. The way of Christ's free Salvation is simply to come with your sins and rest them all on the Crucified God; Salvation is to rely upon or trust in Christ's atoning blood alone. Come on to Jesus now and rest - There is forgiveness of sins only at the Cross. God is so good to poor guilty sinners. Full trust in His infinitely Precious Blood brings full and free pardon instantly to your guilty soul. Safety is of the Lord. The very moment you rely upon the Crucified Savior God, you are assuredly born again and safe forevermore.
O give thanks unto the Lord; for HE IS good; for His mercy endureth for ever. O taste and see that the Lord IS good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. I will praise Thy name, O Lord; for it is good, and Thy lovingkindness IS good.
The Lord IS good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him. It is good for me to draw near to God. The Lord IS good; His mercy is everlasting. But do thou for me, O GOD the Lord, for Thy name's sake: because Thy mercy is good, deliver Thou me. Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my God: Thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. The Lord IS good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him.