Here's the best kept secret in the whole wide world: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and whosoever believeth in *HIM* that everlasting life. If you want to go Heaven when you die, simply *Trust* the Lord Jesus Christ (His blood and righteousness) alone. If want to go to Hell when you die, just trust something else: anything else or anyone else, but Christ Jesus Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another. You will get wages for your works, the wages of sin is DEATH, eternal death in the Lake of Fire (Prov 14:12; Romans 6:23). Salvation is never earned by good works, or by doing your best, or being sincere in your religion (Romans 4:5). You either accept the payment that your Creator (Jesus Christ) made for your sins, or your reject HIM and try to make a payment yourself by ‘prayer and alms giving,’ observing Lent, or the feast of Ramadan, or by spinning a prayer wheel, or hanging up prayer flags, or by ‘doing good to others,’ or by making a pilgrimage to Lourdes or Rome or Mecca, or by bathing in the Ganges, or getting immersed in a baptismal pool, or by abstaining from pork or wine, or taking the Mass, or … you name it.
All of your self-made righteousnesses (Isa 64:6) will surely lead you to one place: the Lake of Fire, and when you get there, you will find that since you have sinned against an Eternal Being, and your payment for your sins will go on until JEHOVAH dies. Your 50 to 90 years of ‘good works’ down here on earth will just be a down payment on a unspeakable debt that has eternal installments: there will be no way for you to “pay” for your sins in Eternity. Trust your immortal soul with Jesus Christ Himself.
You were born wrong, you think wrong, you talk wrong, you live wrong, and if you don’t watch it, you’re going to die wrong (Eph 2:1-3; John 3:18-20; John 8:24). Here is the absolute truth concerning YOU and all of your friends, relatives, associates, and enemies. Here is what the only real scientific textbook on human nature (The Holy Bible) has to say about sinful ‘mankind.’ Your imagination is wrong from your birth because you were born wrong (Gen 8:21; John 3:3,5). If God doesn’t intervene in your life somewhere, you are headed for eternal destruction in the Lake of Fire. By nature you cannot even communicate with God (I Cor 2:14; Isa 55:8-9). God doesn’t know you personally (Gal 4:9), and unless a miracle happens (The New Birth), God is not even going to know you when you show up at the White Throne Judgment (Matt 7:21-23; Rev 20:11-15). You cannot meet God in your natural, sinful condition, you must be born again (John 3:7) in order to face your Creator safely when you die.
No self-righteous, religious sinner, engaged in working his way to Heaven is going to appreciate the Gospel that declares that Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh) is the only way to the true and living God. The Gospel of the Grace of God says, if you don’t believe on Jesus Christ alone for your eternal salvation, you will wind up in Hell forever and ever (John 3:18,36; 5:24; 8:24,27; 10:26). Men in religious circles think their religions are just as good as anyone else’s religion. They think “man is the measure of all things” and “men call God by different names but he is still the same God,” and we are all “working to get to the same place” and trying to “make the world a better hog pen to live in and go to Hell from.” These religious self-righteous, unregenerate sinners reject Romans 4:5; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 13:38-40; and Titus 3:5 and trust their soul with a “faith” or a “religion” (i.e., Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Satanism, Islam, Protestant, humanists, atheists, agnostics, Confucians, Jews, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, etc.) Be wise – You better bet your soul on what THE BIBLE says instead of what Darwin or some religion says. How you place you bet is your business. I’ll take my chances with what the Bible SAYS. How about you? You take your chances, and I’ll take mine. If you die in your sins without Jesus Christ, you will be an unspeakable loser, because you will lose your own soul (Mark 8:36-37). Wanna to go Heaven when you die? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Wanna go to Hell when you die? Trust something else: anything else, anyone else, but Christ Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another.
Jesus is *THE* Son of God; He is God manifest in the flesh (John 9:35; 12:45; 14:9, I Tim 3:16; John 1:18; 4:26; 8:58; 10:30). Sinners can only obtain everlasting life by trusting in Christ Jesus (John 3:16,36; 5:24; 11:25; 14:6). If there is a God, and He wanted to communicate with “man,” how would God do it without words? (Job 23:12). Men communicate with words, so God moved men to write books, these books contained words, and these books are now contained in the Holy Bible for you to read and understand God. You have to use words to communicate with sinners. When God created everything in the universe, He did it with words (See Gen 1:3-27). A sinner who trusts a religion to save his soul instead of a crucified, buried, risen, and living Savior is a FOOL. Sinners are always sewing their fig leaves together just like in Genesis 3; every sinner alive without Jesus Christ is trying to hide his sins behind one of these things: his self-righteousness, his intellectualism, his willful ignorance, or his man-made religion.
The condition of the lost world is like a man facing head-on into the sun with it shining right in his face and then failing to see it (John 9:39-41). He even has to be TOLD that it is there. This is the true condition of ‘unregenerate man’ here in the 21st century. You can face a ‘man’ right into the Light, and he willfully closes his eyes and says, “I don’t see it.” You tell him to open his eyes. He opens his eyes, while turning his back on the Light, and says, “I still don’t see it.” You turn him back around so he faces the Light again, and he covers his eyes with both hands and says, “I still don’t see it!” Lost sinners live and die in darkness, and their religion most of the time is the major reason for their eternal damnation. Remember – Light rejected becomes lightning.
John 3:16 offers any sinner everlasting life through the Blood of Christ, regardless of how depraved he is. Jesus shed God’s Blood for degenerate, disobedient, rebellious, self-righteous, depraved, miserable, wretched sinners. But men continually try to masquerade themselves as wonderful, good, kindly people who have come from animals. They think they are still in God’s image and nothing went wrong in Genesis 3, but PLENTY went wrong with them. Adam lost God’s image in Genesis 3, and his spirit died. If die without knowing Christ personally, one day you will be begging for Christ to let you into Heaven, beating at the Pearly Gate covered with your all sin. But you will hear Jesus say, “God forbid, you guilty sinner; Heaven’s not your lot! I waited longed to know thee, but now I know thee not.” Getting sprinkled, confirmed, confessing your sins, keeping the Golden Rule or Ten Commandments, tithing, giving alms, observing Ramadan, praying five times a day, praying to Mary with your rosary, giving up liquor or cigarettes, stop eating pork will never make you a son of God.
You can never receive the real Christ through any superstitious, mythological, hair-brained, fairy-tale religion. You can never be a son of God without receiving the Real and Living Son of God – The Lord Jesus Christ Himself. You can never claim God as your Father through a religion. What you need is a true relationship with the living Christ in Heaven. If Jesus is not in your Heart when you die, you will never get into Heaven at all. The Brotherhood of Man only exists where all the ‘lost men’ in the ‘brotherhood’ have the same FATHERS – their two fathers are Adam and Satan. Their physical father was Adam after he fell in Genesis 3, and their spiritual father was the Devil (John 8:40-46), because they are called the “children of disobedience” as well as “the children of wrath” (Eph 2:1-4). John 1:12 is the razor’s edge of God’s word. It states than no man is God’s child until he receives a living PERSON: not a wafer, sacrament, robe, scapular, ring, kiss, a “faith,” religion, philosophy, self-help, belief, ritual, ceremony, Prajna, Samadhi, Nirvana, etc… Eternal life and salvation are PERSONAL issues eternally connected with one PERSON – the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no eternal life for your soul without this PERSON (Rom 6:23).
You either believe on Jesus Christ or you don’t; you come to a T in the road of your life, you must turn one way or the other, either to Christ or to your sinful self; you are either condemned right now, or you are not. If you have never trusted Christ to take away your sins, you are already condemned, one violation of God’s moral law condemns you forever, you have already been tried and found guilty in the sight of God; you are now waiting on ‘Death Row,’ just waiting your turn to go into the Lake of Fire and die eternally. Wanna to go Heaven when you die? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Wanna go to Hell when you die? Trust something else: anything else, anyone else, but Christ Himself. One road to Hell is just as good as another.
It is not the EVIL deeds that sinners do that damn them, but those sins do prevent a sinner from ‘coming to the Light’ – Jesus Christ. Lost sinners willingly abide in their sinful DARKNESS. It is what you don’t do (believe not) that prompts God to let the Devil have your soul. What lost sinners WILL NOT DO is come and trust another Sinless fellow MAN (John 5:40) FOR LIGHT (John 3:18-20) and LIFE (John 5:40; 14:6). There is only one question that unsaved man has to ask himself in order to know everything about Hell or Heaven there is to know. Here it is – What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ? (Matt 27:22) Sinners are continually trying to worm their way out of and work their way AROUND the only SINLESS MAN who can bring them back to their Creator (I Tim 2:5). You will either accept CHRIST or reject Him (John 3:36; 5:24; 10:25; Mark 16:16; Matt 11:27). Lost men refuse to admit that EVIL exists and nullify their evil sinful nature that will destroy their soul forever, and will not accept the TRUTH from God (John 8:40-46; 5:40-45; Rev 22:6). Ever since Eve fell in the Garden of Eden, the root problem has always been the rejection of the TRUTH from God. Lost men say, “All truth is relative,” so they can reject any truth found in the Bible they don’t like. The SIN that condemns every sinner to Hell is NOT believing on Jesus Christ. You must believe that the death and blood of Christ is able to save sinners completely. Man is desperately religious, so he adopts or invents a ‘religion’ to fill the vacuum in his heart, mind, and soul. His religion or education becomes his alibi and excuse for not receiving and trusting Christ Jesus, God’s Savior.
Just face it – If Jesus Christ was not God Himself showing up on the planet He created, then Jesus Christ was one of the biggest, lying, immoral sinners who ever led lost men into Hell Fire. The cute little liberal idea that Jesus was a ‘great teacher’ or a ‘good teacher’ or a ‘good man’ or someone else whose ‘example’ should be followed, but was not God Incarnate, is displaying the thinking process of a demented religionist. Don’t ever follow any lowdown, lying, hypocritical rascal who said about Himself what Jesus said in Matthew 11:27-30; John 12:45; 14:6,9; 8:58; 10:30; Mark 16:16 and so on. Those statements are not the words of a great ‘teacher’ if He was not God; they are the utterances of an egomaniacal deadbeat, if that ‘good teacher’ was not Almighty God in the flesh. Good, sane men don’t go around calling themselves God. But you see, Jesus was God and He was Good. The Crucified Creator died for your sins on Calvary’s Cross, and if you don’t trust Him to wash away your sins with God’s Blood, you will wind up in the Lake of Fire. Christ Jesus is THE ONLY WAY of escape from the Hell Fire you deserve.
All self-righteous people would rather go to hell than have ‘their sinful deeds reproved.’ They have a sneaky suspicion that their deeds are EVIL, or they wouldn’t mind stepping into ‘the Light,’ to find out if their deeds were rotten and sinful in the sight of God. Are you going to come to the Light (Jesus Christ) where your sinful deeds can be examined, or are you going to stay in the DARKNESS OF SIN? You are against the Bible, because the Bible is against you. The Light is Jesus Christ. When you come to Christ, all of your deeds are exposed, at once, and you must accept God’s judgment on your evil deeds as SIN. There can be no alibiing, no lying, no excuses, no ducks, no dodges. You must receive REPROOF and REPENT, and then, and only then, you will receive the New Birth from God the Holy Ghost by a supernatural ACT that no natural man can WILL or WORK FOR (John 1:13). God hates sinners enough to let His WRATH abide on them all during their natural lives (John 3:36). God doesn’t love any sinner apart from faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary (I John 4:9,11; Rom 5:6-10; II Cor 5:19,21; 8:9). You don’t tell people that you love to depart from you into everlasting fire, and you certainly don’t refer to sinners as “ye cursed’ when all you really ‘hate’ is their SIN. God’s love doesn’t abide on any sinner who has turned down and rejected His Son. God’s Love CAME and WENT in one place – Calvary’s Cross (Gal 6:14).
All that unregenerate sinners want to debate and chatter about is racism, religion, or sexism, so they can avoid dealing with Jesus Christ and His relation to THEIR OWN dirty, rotten, sinful lives (John 3:18-19). The main ISSUE on this earth has never been anything or anybody but JESUS CHRIST. Eternal life is a FREE GIFT from God through Jesus Christ alone (Rev 22:17; Rom 6:23; Rom 5:16,18; Titus 3:5; Rom 4:5; Eph 2:8-9). You pay for nothing, you earn nothing, you deserve nothing. If your religion makes you think you do, or should, or can, your religion is as worthless as a parachute on a submarine. You need to stop dodging and ducking and refusing to face your sin problem. The real issue is that you don’t want to talk about and give up your dirty, rotten, private life. Self-righteous do-gooders are concerned about everything but their OWN SINS and their OWN SOUL. You need to take special care of your immortal soul. Self-righteous human beings hate the Truth (John 14:6; 18:7) and will not come to the LIGHT (John 1:5-9; 3:19-21). Do you want to be saved from going to Hell? Then, the MAIN ISSUE is over a MAN (John 16:9; 19:5; I Tim 2:5; Heb 10:12), not a religion, or a faith, or race, or ‘peace process,’ or war, or ‘keeping the peace,’ or the ‘economy,’ or doing good or bad deeds, or praying or not praying. It is about Matt 27:22. In order to obtain the free forgiveness of sins, so you do ‘not come into condemnation’ you are required to do only one thing. You are required to put all your faith in Another SINLESS MAN’s BLOOD who died and rose again for you; NOT in yourself, your faith, your religion, or your works at all (Romans 3:22-26; Acts 16:31; John 3:36; 20:31; II Cor 5:18-21; I John 5:10-13).